The Film Daily (1931)

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Actual stills from "A Fowl Affair" available at Educational Exchanges for your newspaper publicity < n f Once again Educational proves the extra profit exploitation value of its short features with a comedy so unique that it commands smashing publicity practically without effort. Just show your local newspaper editor the stills. That's II. They're getting La displays everywhere. No editor has yet turned them down. t » , presents For Better Entertainment For Bigger Exploitation 'A FOWL AFFAI A rare novelty, with a cast of chickens, ducks and turkeys GAVETV COMEDIES An AL CHRISTIE PRODUCTION Directed by NEAL BURNS and BARNEY McGILl 11 BH. v.VjW y NO • EDUCATIONAL FILM E E. W. HAMMONS XCHANC , P&sidei NGES, Inc. ent (QcltOOClXicrn&J! (J IctuAJU-s THE SPICE OFTHE PROGRAM' Member, Motion Picture Producer. »nd r»i^