The Film Daily (1931)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Fourteen Years Old VOL. LV NO. 8C NEW yCCtf, MCNDAY, Al III 13, 1931 0 CENTS U's Biggest Writing Staff Preparing New Lineup FILM SECURITIES STOCK GOING TOTUBLIC 15 Warner F. N. Features Released in Spring Drive The Menace — that lurks without —By JACK ALICOATE— It was not so many Two-Timing moons ago that An Industry ERPI, an organization \v i t h rather powerful ancestors and equally powerful connections, became real chummy and friendly-like with the motron picture industry. So much so, that it leased, sold or otherwise bargained with the aforesaid industry for plentyplus of equipment at boo-koo jack, thereby, we presume, making for itself a most satisfactory profit. In addition it gave a splendid performance of tieing up an industry as tight as a Scotchman's dime bank and for a period that may prove an eternity. The juice has now been squeezed from the picture orange. And then what? * * * We now find this Industrious ERPI-WE combine Electrics practically closing the window as far as this industry is concerned and reorganizing its forces and shock troops for a powerful offensive on the non-theatrical front. Installations in Hotels, Clubs, Churches, Schools, Colleges, Institutions, etc., is the objective. The number of sound repro~ ducing outfits that could be Teased, financed and placed in operation in this group by ERPI and its allies within a short space of time might well run above 50,000. And then what? * * * With 50,000 nonThe Jolly theatrical outfits Double-CrOSS in the field, th«> pic t u r e industry would be outnumbered more thai, three to one. Would this hurt the legitimate picture business? Answer it yourself, for we haven't the heart. Being somewhat of an amateur sportsman, we don't particularly blame ERPI for being a smart outfit. What gets our auburn angora is that this industry was such a collective sucker as to fall for this howdo-you-do, knowing exactly what would happen. Sam E. Morris Sees Signs Of Upturn in Trade Release of 15 Warner and First National features for spring showing was announced Saturday by Sam E. Morris, vice-president and general manager of Warner Bros. Distribution of these pictures, said Morris, was timed with the arrival of an upward trend in business which is now making itself felt. The Warner re {Continued on Pane 3) EDUCATIONAL GET DOPE ON MERGER DEAL Letters have been sent to all Educational branch managers outlining the new Tiffany-Educational arrangement, The Film Daily learns. The letters, signed by an executive of Educational, are in the form of an announcement of the deal and contains instructions for the handling of the increased product. Two Kansas Towns Favor Movie Shows on Sunday Great Bend, Kan.— Repeal of an old ordinance prohibiting Sunday movies has been voted by citizens here. The shows were closed three weeks ago on complaint of a local minister. Harmonious Minds Kansas City — On his way East from his tragic experience in Hollywood with his "American Tragedy," Theodore Dreiser characterized the Film City as "just a small town with notions." He sez also that films "are making the American mind smaller than it is, if that is possible." All this may help to explain the success of his novel. 11 SALESMEN ARE ADDED TO RKO FIELD STAFF Bonner Springs, Kan. — Voters have approved an ordinance calling for movies and other amusements on the Sabbath. Eleven salesmen have been added to the RKO field force by Jerry Safron and Cleve Adams, general sales managers, making a total of 17 since April 1. In the eastern territory, supervised by Safron, the following men have been engaged: John Schaeffer, Philadelphia; H. Starrett, Cleveland; Paul Shaver and Myron Stahl, (Continued on Page 3) Spencer Bennet Starts Series of Two-Reelers West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Spencer Bennet, producer and director, has started the first of a series of two-reelers at Metropolitan Sound Studios. This will be a series of celebrated crime cases taken from records of the internationally famous criminologist, Nick Harris. The first production will be "Facing the Gallows." George R. Rogan is making the adaptation. 23 U Writers Readying Scripts For Studio Reopening April 20 Triple Showing Boston — Richard Barthelmess in "The Finger Points" is to have simultaneous showing in three local houses, the Uptown, Washington St. Olympia and Fenway, starting Friday. West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — In preparation for the reopening of the Universal studio on April 20, Carl Laemmle, Jr., has no less than 23 writers, the biggest staff in the company's history, at work on scripts under the direction of E. Richard Schayer, scenario editor. (Continued on Page 3) Distribution of Controlling Loew Stock Mav Satisfy Gov't A move that may bring about the Government's approval of the method being used to divest Fox Film of its Loew : .ock holdings is seen in the plan of Film Securities Corp.. newly formed corporation to which Fox ha< just sold its Loew stock, to make public offering in the near future of 00,000 uf nt : ei eon notes. It had been stated, when Film Securities was formed, that this $20.000,000 note issue was taken by the bankers, with no intimation that the securities would be passed on to the public. The same group that handled the (Continued on Page 3) FLOYD GIBBONUO STAR IN WAXMANSHORTS SERIES Floyd Gibbons, world-famous war correspondent and radio personality, has been signed to star in the series of shorts to be produced by A. P. Waxman and Michael Mindlin in association with Van Beuren Corp. for RKO Pathe release. The subjects, titled "Floyd Gibbons' Supreme Thrills," will show Gibbons interviewing war-time and all-time celebrities, obtaining first-hand the human (Continued on Page 3) 10 Artists Awarded .Contracts by M-G-M A new long term contract has been awarded by M-G-M to Willard Mack, actor, director, playwright and dialogue writer. Others signed by M-G-M during the past week are: Harold Austin, director; Edith Fitz(Continued on Page 2) Inducements Allowed Toronto — Judge Coatsworth in Toronto Court absolved Harry Lester, local theater owner, from guilt in distributing articles as an inducement to theater-going in violation of the Theater Act.