The Film Daily (1931)

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THE ;SBfr* DAILY Tuesday, April 14, 1931 Vol. LV No. 87 Tuesday, April 14, 1931 Price 5 Cents 10HN W. ALICOATE : Editor and Publisher Spanish Dialogue Versions Being Abandoned by RKO Published daily except Saturdays and holidays it 16S0 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Aliooate, President Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, t.5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone CIrcI 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable ad dress: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywoot Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernes W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris —P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Fran caise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Fin ancia NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 17 17 17 East. Kodak \62y2 158^ 162 + 2yA Fox Fm. "A" 2(,y2 25H 26^ + Vz Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 10'A 9M 10 + lA Loew's, Inc S4}4 53 54J4 + 1 'A Paramount 43?£ 43 43% + Y$ Pathe Exch 2A 2% 2% do "A" m 554 SU + Va RKO "A" 23% 22K 23J4 + 1 Warner Bros 12% 11% 12J4 + Va do pfd 25 25 25 + Yz NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. ... 20!4 20^ 20^ + Vz Fox Thea. "A" ... 4^ 4J4 4$4 — 'A Cen. Th. Eq. pfd... 24 23% 24 Nat. Scr. Ser 22 22 22 + y2 Technicolor 1054 10J4 10'A + V» Trans-Lux 9A 8% 8% — 'A NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 58J-S 55 55—5 Loew 6s 41 x-war. 97 !4 97 97 — 'A Par. S'AsSO 85% 85 85 — % Pathe 7s37 86 85% 86 — Vz Warner's 6s39 56 54J4 56 + 1 Fox Stock Ex-Rites April 20 Fox Film stock will be ex-rites April 20, the New York Stock Exchange has ruled. Rights, which may be traded in on and after that date, must be settled April 30 and will expire May 13. The rites are in connection with the new $30,000,000 Fox issue of five-year 6 per cent convertible gold debentures. RKO has abandoned Spanish dialogue versions of their features and in their stead will release to all LatinAmerican countries American dialogue films with Spanish titles. Whenever it will work to advantage, titles will be changed to meet with the pecularities of speech of different countries and communities, according to Louis Baum, RKO foreign department representative, who has just returned from a trip to Havana and the West Indies. "The deserved amount of money due American films in Latin-America will not be realized until the films are prepared with titles made especially for the people to whom it is playing. American stars who either now speak Spanish or who will learn the language, will not solve the problem. The people of Cuba and South America are jealous of their dialect and one manner of pronounciation will not suffice for more than one community," said Baum. "Native Spanish stars are not wanted. American stars are in demand and as long as titles explain what is transpiring in the film, the natives don't object to listening to a language not understandable to them." TAX ON GROSS INTAKE ♦ •#•♦••♦♦,♦♦♦♦,♦♦.♦♦,♦♦,♦♦,♦♦,*♦,♦♦.♦♦,♦•.♦♦•♦♦♦,♦**♦♦♦>♦♦♦*♦• K New York K 1 540 Broadway $ BRyant 9-4712 I 1 Long Island City }*{ 154 Crescent St. }*t STillwell 4-7940 ft i lEastnian. Films! I J. E. Brulatour, Inc. $ 1 t.J Chicago X 1727 Indiana Ave. l.t CALumet 3692 I 3 a Hollywood « 6700 Santa Monica ii Blvd. K HOLlywood 4121 « *:•♦.*♦.* •>♦.»*.» *>*> ».*♦.♦ ♦> • > ♦.*♦.* * * ♦.♦♦> •.* ♦>#>♦♦♦♦♦♦# «T*I 21 Legislatures Adjourn With No Anti-Film Action Twenty-one state legislatures have adjourned sine die without passing bills unfavorable to the film industry. States whose law-makers are still in session are: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Texas, Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, South Carolina, Florida, Miss., Rhode Island, Georgia, Maryland, Nebraska, Colorado, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Tennessee. Gift Presented to Bessie Mack A handsome wrist watch was presented to Bessie Mack, director of publicity of the Capitol, at the dinner tendered by the Jewish Theatrical Guild to Mayor James J. Walker Sunday night at the Hotel Commodore. George Jessel made the presentation in behalf of the committee in charge of the affair, in appreciation of Miss Mack's efforts in arranging the function. Madison, Wis. — A bill calling for a 4 per cent tax on the gross receipts of theaters, to provide funds for the common school fund, has been introduced in the state assembly. A license fee of $5 would be paid to the secretary of state annually. Violation of the law carries a penalty of from $100 to $300 or sentence in the county jail of not more than six months, or until the fine is paid. Second offenders would lose their license for a year. There is a likelihood that the introduction of this measure may serve to bring the M.P.T.O. of Wisconsin and the Allied Theater Owners of Wisconsin together in a joint effort to defeat the legislation. A meeting of the boards of the two units is to take place either this week or next, at which time their differences may be threshed out. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE ECCtt Hays Office Opposes Detroit Legal Bureau Detroit — Plans for a legal bureau to aid distributors in enforcing contracts and securing credit information are being projected here by H. T. Siivcrberg, attorney representing a company which is understood already to have established an office in Buffalo. A meeting of exchangemen yesterday afternoon at the Film Board of Trade was called when the secretary received a wire instructing that the board have nothing to do with the plan. Asked concerning a report that proposal has been made that lawyers replace film board secretaries throughout the country, C. C. Pettijohn yesterday said: "Not as long as I have anything to do with film boards." Hollywood Lensers Here Chas. Van Enger, Jos. Valentine and Howard Dietz, West Coast cameramen, are now in New York shooting exteriors. Are you sure you are INSURED ? Let us look over your POLICIES — It may prevent a heavy loss ! INSURANCE of every description Motion Picture Insurance a Specialty JOHN J. KEMP Established since 1910 551 Fifth Avenue New York City Phones: Murray Hill 7838-9, Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May 15-17 : Paramount eastern sales convention. Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City. 19: Lambs Gambol, Metropolitan Opera House, New York. 20-22: Warner Bros. Eastern sales convention, Traymore, Atlantic City. RKO Pathe sales convention, Drake Hotel, Chicago. 22-24 : Paramount western sales convention, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. 23-24: State Convention of Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis. 25: Laemmle Anniversary Dinner Dance of Universal Club, Hotel Edison, New York. 29-May 1 : Warner Bros. Western sales convention, Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. 18-22: International Exhibitors' Congress, Rome. 25-29 : Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Hotel Roosevelt. Hollywood, Cal. 26-27: Annual convention of the M.P. T.O. of Kansas, Western Missouri, and St. Joseph, Mo. M.P.T.O. of Kan.-Mo. Meet in St. Joe May 26 Kansas City — At a special directors' meeting of the M.P.T.O. of Kansas and Western Missouri it was decided to hold the 13th annual convention in St. Joseph on May 26 and 27. Three new directors were elected to replace former exhibitors. The new members of the board are: C. A. Schultz of Kansas City, replacing C. R. Wilson; E. B. Danielson of Russell, Kan., replacing Ernest E. Sprague of Goodland, Kan.; A. C. Bowman of Nevada, Mo., replacing Frank G. Weiry of Richmond, Mo. COMING & GOING 1 AL LICHTMAN arrives in New York from the Coast on Friday. HAL ROACH is in town for a two weeks' stay. T. S. DELAHANTY of RKO Pathe Export Corp. sails tomorrow on the Leviathan. LOUIS BAUM of RKO has returned from the West Indies. FRANK FAY is due in New York Thursday from the coast. SOL LESSER, recently appointed as an executive associate to Car! Laemmle, arrives in New York today from Hollywood. BRUCE GALLUP, director of advertising and publicity for United Artists, and LYNN FARNOL, publicity director for Samuel Goldwyn. arrive today from Hollywood. CHARLES FARRELL ami VIRGINIA VALLI leave today for Hollywood after a brief honeymoon abroad. uipmen talking trailer hesoun ^ , trailer ai«intt^*ty!e«v ijtrefft ierviee / .? ,' CHICAGO NEW TDRK .; 10* «l*iSWl