The Film Daily (1931)

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—JXfr* DAILY Sunday, April 19, 1931 ■ :the IW MWSHJtt Of IIIMIOM Vol. IV No. 91 Sunday, April 19, 1931 Price 25 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. and copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Aliooate, President Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, t5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone CIrcl 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable ad dress: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywooi Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernes W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn Lichtbildhuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris —P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Fran caise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Fin ancia NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) High Low Close 754 ?Vi 7J4 — i6'A w/% uy2 . 5&y2 156 156^4 — 24'^ 23J4 24 9 S'A 9 48'/ 47/ 48 — 37H 36 -36 — 2 Wi VA — 4'A 4'A 4'A — 21*s 20/ 20*6 — 11 1056 105/ — Z3J4 23/ 23/ — CURB MARKET Net Chg. 54 / 1/ / ¥>. 54 / 1/ Con. Fm. Ind. . . . Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak 1 Fox Fm. "A" Gen. Th. Eq. (new) Loew's, Inc Paramount Pathe Exch do "A" RKO "A" Warner Bros do pfd NEW YORK Fox Thea. "A" 4 3/ 4 Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. 19/ 19/ 1954 — / Technicolor 10/ 10 10 — / Trans-Lux 854 8/ 8/— / NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 56 55 56 Keith A-O 6s46 . 75/ 75 75 — / Loew 6s 41 x-war.. 97/ 97 97 — / Paramount 6s 47.. 94 94 94 — / Par. By. 5/s51 ...102/ 102/ 102/ Par. 5/s50 83/ 83 83 — / Pathe 7s37 82/ 8256 8254— ys Warner's 6s39 52 51/ 5154 — 56 Richardson Leaving Censor Board Philadelphia — Harry Starr Richardson, member of the state censorship board for about eight years, is understood leaving that body. Gov. Pinchot will not reappoint him. If New York K 1540 Broadway | I Eastman Films I BRyant 9-4712 Long Island City ♦'{ 154 Crescent St. JJ STillwell 4-7940 ft BY DICKINSON CIRCUIT Kansas City — The following shifts in personnel, representing promotions, have been made in Dickinson Circuit theaters: John Irwin succeeds Clayton Bacon as manager of the Strand and Emp re, Chillicothe; Tommy Gavin succeeds Roy Campbell as manager for the Dickinson and Electric. Independence; P. A. Delhaunty succeeds M. A. Dameron in Macon; C. C. Sprague succeeds F. Silver in Marceline; Fred Lawn succeeds C. C. Payne in Fayette; Weig Weigand succeeds Charles Marshall as manager of the Victory, Rogers, Ark.; Gordon McMannon promoted from assistant to manager in Beloit, Kan.; Mac McMullin has been promoted from assistant to manager in Trenton, Mo., and Delhaunty, former manager, has been transferred to Macon; Bill Gable succeeds C. J. Casky as manager of the Booth and Beldorf. Independence, Kan. Another Town Entered By Dickinson Circuit Kansas City — Another town, mak;ng the 26th to date, has been entered bv the Glenn W. Dickinson circuit with the acquisition of the 500=eat Penn in Smith Center. This srives Dickinson 42 theaters. The house will be improved at a cost of $15,000. Herbert Crooker Writes Another Herbert Crooker, who is assistant director of advertising and publicity for Warner Bros, during business hours, and a writer of mystery thrillers in his spare time, has turned out :> new detective romance, "The Crime in Washington Mews." which will be on sale in the bookstores next week, bearing the imprint of The Macaulay Co. 8 J. E. Brulatour, Inc. i: 8 it ».* ♦.$ ♦.♦ £ Chicago Hollywood li J,: 1727 Indiana Ave. 6700 Santa Monica t-J y CALumet 3692 Blvd. « |.| HOLlywood4121 g iVMHM.H**>*,**.Ht«H.t«.H»H«**ii«»H«#wt«ttt'<! "Born to Love" for Mayfair Constance Bennett's new picture, "Born to Love," which will be showins: at the State-Lake in Chicago during the RKO convention, will be the next attraction at the Mayfair on Broadwav. followine; the extended run of "Cimarron." Reooenine' Aberdeen House Aberdeen, Wash. — After being closed since last October, the Fox Weir is beine reopened. The house was remodeled and renovated. Cecil Gwinn, who manages the Weir as well as the D. & R. in Hoquiam. says the latter house will add musical comedy two nights a week. Hoffberg Acquires German Musical American rights to a new German musical, "Tingle Tangel," produced by Erich Engels Film, have been acquired bv Hoffberg, Cornfeld Co., Inc. Don Conley with Columbia Denver — Don Conlej-, formerly associated with Warner, M-G-M and Columbia exchanges in Seattle, is now selling Columbia products in the Colorado territory. 20 MASS. INSTITUTIONS E Twenty state institutions in Massachusetts will be immediately equipped with sound projectors and motion picture programs will be run twice weekl}' as soon as installations are completed. The first apparatus was installed Thursday at the Pondville State Hospital, Wrentham, Mass., and a program of one feature and ;everal short subjects projected the same evening. The equipments will all be supplied by RCA from its ijlant at Jamaica Plain, Boston. Church Would Regulate British Sunday Movies London (By Cable) — Provided the receipts are given to charity, and the authorities empowered to regulate the character of the films, Sunday motion pictures are endorsed by the Modern Churchmen's Union, headed by Dean W. R. Inge. Wisconsin Houses Change Hands Milwaukee — Recent changes in theater operation in Wisconsin include the Majestic in New Holstein, the new operator of which is E. Gruner. W. H. Steiner and Fred Boeselage were the old owners. The Boscobel in Boscobel has been taken over by H. C. Tebbetts from C. J. Nugent and R. J. Rink, while at Loyal the Viking is now being conducted by F. M. Christenson, E. W. Etta being the old operator. C. Holt has disposed of his Legion in Elmwood to J. Ginsbach. Savoy to Handle Italian Film in N. E. Savoy Pictures Corp., subsidiary of Broadway Talking Pictures Corp., has taken over the Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Pennsylvania distribution of "Napoli Che Canta" ("When Naples Sings"), the Cines Pittaluga Italian production recently shown on Broadway by J. V. Cremonim. The picture opens this week at the Fine Arts, Boston, for a week's run, and, on April 24 at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, for a two-day engagement. Theuerkauf Selling for W. B.-F. N. Seattle — Les Theuerkauf is now covering Eastern Washington territory for Warner-First National. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE DCCr Today: Lambs Gambol. Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Apr. 20-22 : Warner Bros. Eastern sales convention, Traymore, Atlantic City. RKO Pathe sales convention, Drake Hotel, Chicago. Apr. 22-24: Paramount western sales convention. Palace Hotel, San Francisco. Apr. 23-24 : State Convention of Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis. Apr. 25: Laemmle Anniversary Dinner Dance of Universal Club, Hotel Edison, New York. April 26: N.V.A. Pageant of Stars (National Variety Artists benefit), Metropolitan Opera House, New York. April 27-May 1 : Fox Film sales convention. Home office, New York. Apr. 29-May 1 : Warner Bros. Western sales convention. Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco. May 18-22: International Exhibitors' Congress, Rome. May 25-29 : Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Hotel Roosevelt, Hollywood, Cal. May 26-27: Annual convention of the M.P. T.O. of Kansas, Western Missouri, and St. Joseph, Mo. Fox Cameramen on World Tour Joseph Valentine and Charles Van Enger, Fox cameramen, are now in New York on the first leg of an around-the-world journey for Movietone. They are scheduled to sai Monday on the "Berengaria." Jimmy Campbell to St. Louis Memphis — Arthur Jimmy Campbell, publicity director for the Orpheum, has left to take a similar position with RKO in St. Louis. Ben Wilson, formerly of Chicago, succeeds Campbell here. COMING & GOING BEBE DANIELS arrives in New York Tuesday from the Coast. While here the; Warner star will take part in a radio broadcast. MARILYN MILLER leaves Wednesday fo Hollywood to resume work at the First Na> tional studios. NAT LIEBESKIND, sales mangaer Cuba for Warner-First National, arrived in New York Thursday on his way to thl annual convention. WILL H. HAYS is due back from t coast next week. WILLIAM HAINES leaves the coast Monday for New York and sails April 2 on the He de Fiance for a vacation abroad. Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specie Ustsin MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY, N. Y. C. BRyant 9-3040 Spring Arcade Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. Mutual 5356