The Film Daily (1931)

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THE mm DAILY Sunday, May 10, 193 :TH£ ret ii»\j\m Of IIIMIOM Vol. IV No. 109 Sunday, May 10, 1931 Price 25 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. VV. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Do Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. En tered as second class matter, May 21, ma, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage iree) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all com munications to THE FILM DAILY 16S( Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable ad dress: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., VV. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn Lichtbildbuehne, Friednchstrasse, 225. Paris —P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Iran caise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat S'A SVz SVi — A Con. Fm. Ind 6>4 6^ 6J4 + J4 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 15 'A 14*4 15+54 East. Kodak 161& 155 160 + bVi Fox Fm. "A" .... 18-/8 17 A 18M + H Fox Film rts 1-256 1-256 1-256 . Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 4A 4 4J4 + H Loew's, Inc 4554 43J4 45 + 1/s do pfd. (6/2) 91% 91% 91% — 1 / Paramount 29 26% 2854 + 154 Pathe Exch 1% 154 154 — A RKO "A" 1854 I? 17% + U Warner Bros 8J4 7% 8H + % do pfd 22 22 22 +3 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A".... 3'A 3 3A — As Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. 7% 654 754 + ¥\ Trans-Lux 8% 8% 834 + % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 45 44 44—34 Keith A-0 6s 46.. 75»4 75>4 7554 Loew 6s 41 x-war. 95% 9554 95% 4 54 Paramount 6s 47 . 90 90 90 4-154 Par. 554s50 8354 83 83 Pathe 7s37 81 81 81 Warner's 6s39 ... 4334 42 42 !4 — 34 $1,250 Fines for Holding Over Buffalo — Decrees totaling $1,250 were signed by Judge Adler of the U. S. District Court, Western district, in returning a verdict against Joseph Rutezk on charges of holding over for additional days one Fox and four Universal pictures. U Studios Increase Activity With Eight Pictures in Work West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Following a seven weeks' production recess, activity at the Universal studios is again nearing peak with eight pictures, four features and four shorts, at present in work. Features before the cameras this month include "East of Borneo," with Rose Hobart, Charles Bickford and Lupita Tovar, directed by George Melford; "The Whole Town's Talking," with Robert Armstrong, Jean Arthur and Lola Lane, directed by Vin Moore; "Heaven on Earth," with Lew Ayres, Sidney Fox and Harry Beresford, directed by Russell Mack, and "Strictly Dishonorable," directed by John M. Stahl. "Waterloo Bridge," with Rose Hobart and Kent Douglass, directed by James Whale, also goes in work upon completion of "East of Borneo." Also in preparation are "Murders in the Rue Morgue," which Arthur Ungar will supervise, and "Boulevard," with Walter Huston and Genevieve Tobin. Shorts in production are "An Apple a Day," with Lloyd Hamilton; "Models and Wives," with Charlie Murray and George Sidney; "The Misfit," with Don L. 'Steve' Brodie, and the Knute Rockne football series. 2 Birmingham Houses Disposed of by Publix Birmingham, Ala. — Publix Strand and Galax were taken over yesterday by the Birmingham Theatrical Amusement Co., of which Frank Merritt is president, operator of 5 downtown houses and several neighborhood theaters. The sale leaves Publix with only one house here, the Alabama. Photophone Foreign Head Here To Confer on Policy F. P. Culbert, managing director of RCA Photophone, Ltd., and European manager of RCA Photophone,. Inc., has arrived in New York from London to confer with A. E. Reoch, executive vice-president and Van Ness Philip, foreign manager, with regard to future policies of the corporation's activities in Europe. SAM E. MORRIS has left the coast for New York, stopping off in Chicago. B. F. LYONS, Canadian manager for Warner Bros, has returned to New York after a trip to Montreal and Toronto. MR. and MRS. WALTER CAMP (Ruth Elder) are sailing today (Saturday) on Ihe California for Los Angeles. EDWARD SELZER of Warner Bros, is back from abroad, where he had charge of the camera work on gathering new material for Robert L. Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" subjects. CHARLES ROSENZWEIG, FRANK O'HERON, CLEVE ADAMS, JEROME SAFRON and PHIL HODES have returned from the coast following the Radio Pictures convention. RAUL ROULIEN. Brazilian actor signed by Fox Films for Spanish versions, leaves for Hollywood in a few days. ROY MACK, Vitaphone director, accompanied by his wife, sails Tuesday on the Berengaria to make a survey of the short subject field in Europe. New Chief in England Will Be Named by W. B. A new managing director for Warner Bros, interests in Great Britain will be named in the near future as the permanent successor of Arthur Clavering, whose duties are now being handled by H. A. Bandy. The appointment will take place following the return of Sam E. Morrisfrom the coast. Bandy is expected back in New York next month. Karl Macdonald is handling his work here during his absence. Absence of Pat Casey Delays R-K-O-Fox Deal Negotiations for the purchase by R-K-O of nine Fox houses in the metropolitan district, excluding the Roxy, for the sum of $7,500,000, are temporarily held up due to the absence from the city of Pat Casey, whom the Film Daily learns is representing R-K-O in the deal. It is also learned that a counter offer is about to be made by Publix. Casey is expected to be in the city early next week, when further steps toward the consummation of the sale will be made. New York 1540 Broadway BRyant 9-4712 Lon Island City 154 Crescent St. STill.'ell 4-7940 Eastman Films J. E. Brulatour, Ire. Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumet 3692 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOL'ywood 4121 • ,+ et% . s 4.\ #.♦ ♦,♦ ♦,♦ *r\ ♦ » ♦ « * ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ »♦»♦.♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦ ZS tinnontHto'MVXt'oVi'oVt'o'titt'ttVi'oVn'nW Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Yearsof ExperienceQualifies Us as Specie hstsin MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates I NCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY, N. Y. C. BRyant 9-3040 Spring Arcade Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. Michigan 8761 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today : Universal eastern sales convention, St. Moritz Hotel, New York. May 11-14: Annual convention of the National Fire Protection Ass'n at Toronto, Canada. May 12-13: Annual convention of the Rocky Mountain M. P. T. O. A., Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Universal midwest sales convention, Stevens Hotel, Chicago. May IS: Fox Film annual stockholders' meeting, New York. May 16: Dinner Dance and Party to *\ Michael L. Simmons, president A.M.P.A. at Motion Picture Club. 7:30 P.M. May 18: Fifth annual golf tournament and outing sponsored by the Kansas City Film Board of Trade. May 18-20: Universal western sales con., vention, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. May 18-22: Conference of International Federation of Cinematograph Exhibitors, Rome, Italy. May 25-29: Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Hotel Roosevelt, Hollywood, Cal. May 26-27: Annual convention of the M.P. T.O. of Kansas, Western Missouri, and St. Joseph, Mo. May 26-31 : International conference on educational films under patronage of the Federal Minister of Education, Vienna. June 15: Annual Convention of Southeast Theater Owners, Atlanta. June 14-18: Annual convention of Advertising Federation of America, Hotel Pennsylvania, New York. "Party Husband" at Garden May 14 "Party Husband," starring Dor-1 othy Mackaill, succeeds George Ar-1 liss in "The Millionaire" at the Win-I ter Garden on May 14. New Low Rates in HOLLYWOOD $ 4 ROOM WITH BATH $ 5 Right in the heart of Hollywood— with interesting places to go— people to see I and things to do. Write fir Booklet. Vacation Bureau noosevcLT ATOUWfrtOIUVl M M | ^* |_^ WINCl THIATU. ROBERT J. McCABE, Manager v HOLLYWOOD. CALIFORNIA.