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Friday, June 5, 1931
(.Continued from Page 1J
abandoned by Paramount, he declared.
An interesting experiment, Schulberg said, would be to shoot a picture in medium and long shots, devoting only two days to close-ups.
Minnie Courses Matching Movie Scale Reductions
Following lead of picture houses, miniature golf courses throughout the country are scaling their prices lower. a checkup made by The Film Daily I discloses. Courses which charged customers 50 cents a round last summer are now asking 35 cents, and the former 35-cent courses are now generally Retting 25 cents.
A bill which would have required courses in Xew York to obtain licenses and would have restricted their operations has been voted by Mayor Walker.
Gilkes Signed for Expedition Al Gilkes, cameraman, will have charge of all camera work in connection with an around-the-world scientific expedition planned by Commodore Vanderbilt. The trip begins July 1. Apparatus has been purchased for making undersea scene-.
Daughter for Charlie Raymond Charlie Raymond, former manager of the Midland in Kansas City and now with Loew in the east, is the father of a girl, christened Carol.
Joins Gang Film Opposition Red Bank. X. J.— A resolution -imilar to the one adopted by the Lions Club, urging theater managers discontinue gangster films, has been adopted by the Chamber of Commerce.
Gene Dennis Holds Over Gene Dennis, psychic artiste, now in her fourth week at the Beacon, is being held over for another two weeks. She will then go to the Brooklyn Strand for an indefinite run.
Philip Berler to Europe Boston— Philip Berler, purchasing agent for the E. M. Loew Theaters, has left for a trip to Europe.
IKKKV SAFRON, eastern salc« manager for Radio Pictures, is on his way to Jacksonville. Fin.
STANLEY CHAPMAN, in charge of the ! department of Technicolor at the I '* in New York on a business trip.
E II GOLDSTEIN of the RKO Path« home office is hack from a two weeks' survey of activities at the Culver City studios.
RALPH CI. ARK, Australian general manager for Warner Bros., arrives in New V >rk on Tuesday.
D. J. MOUNTAN has returned from the
• • • IN AN industry marked by constant change
due to the very nature of show business it is heartening
to observe one organizashe that forever follows the even tenor of
its way referring to Educational Films where in
the home office you can walk in from week to week year
to year, in fact and see the same lads and lassies sitting
at the same desks except, of course, when they move up a
desk on a promotion for in this company they believe in
handing the plums to the folks who've done the work
not to some outsider which helps a lot in preserving and
building morale of which Educational has plenty
as anyone can observe by strolling around the joint and
noting the pleasant, cheerful atmosphere on the part of
all hands and you come out with a Warm Glow
with a definite feeling of friendliness toward this outfit
which is reflected in everything you write about 'em
• • • SO LET the bouquets fall where they may in thi biz
where everybody is passing 'em out regardless but for
our part we choose to pin some nosegays judiciously on lapels of gents who have earned 'em starting with E. W, I [amnions, the Educational prexy, who had the sense to formulate a
Policy, and stick to it F.vcrlastingly and General Manager
A. S. Kirkpatrick, one of the shrewdest judges of men in the biz with a background of training as a construction engineer which enables him to analyze and weigh Values
and get what he requires without fuss or flurry a Cool
Mind working intelligently from a well planned Chart and
Gordon White, advertising and publicity chief a former
newspaper man who knows that it's the continuous Constructive
Effort that counts and not the periodic and spasmodic
Pyrotechnic Display and there's also Stanley Hatch, general sales manager and E. H. Allen, studio manager
and a raft of others typified by such a gent as Bob Doidge
all expressing what Bob expresses to a superlative degree
a sincere loyalty to the organization a firm, quiet confidence in the men at the helm and folks, you can't beat
an outfit like thnt such a personnel cannot be BOUGHT
it's got to be BUILT a fundamental truth that
the business shrewdness of E. W. Hammons and the engineering
training of A. S. Kirkpatrick doped out over a decade ago
the most prominent new member of the Educational home office group is Burt Kelly, who came from an important buying post at Publix to serve as assistant to Prexy Hammons
• • ©AND AS this bunch enters on a new era of development
with the augmented Sono Art and Tiffany divisions being
molded into the structure just sit back and watch 'em
GROW the company is well named Educational
but to us personally it's more it's Inspirational
• • • JOE BRANDT'S son, Jerry, graduates from Columbia grammer school today and is Joe proud? he's
throwing a party to the boy at the Park Royal hotel . ..Jerr\
is aiming at a law degree via University of Pennsylvania
and with the old man prospering with Columbia, and the youngster prospering with Blind Justice they'll have to stick
a Father and Son statue in the Hall of Fame
* * * *
• • • BROADWAY— Skyrocket Street— just a flash before
the fizzle which reminds us that if Tex Guinan gets
thrown out of a few more countries, they'll soon be calling her Ex Guinan or Exit or Ex It or Just GuINanOUT
(Continued from Page 1) voluntarily slice their own wages. The plan is operative June 8.
"I expect that many of the locals will extend their rebate system to rover independent theaters as well as the six circuits specified in the proI," said President Canavan of the I. A. T. S. E. and M. P. O. yesterday. Local 306, Xew York City, has already done this.
Union Now Picketing
All Lee Ochs Theaters
(Continued from Page 1)
order signed this week, however, while restraining the union in certain respects, permits it to picket the other Ochs houses as well.
Local 306 reports that it has been victorious recently in six court cas
Film Board Secretaries Shifted Des Moines — Peggy Foley is the new secretary of the Des Moines Film Board of Trade effective Jun< She was formerly located in Omaha. Margaret Streeks, who has been retary here lor several month-, being transferred to another ofl
Wallace James Joins RKO Milwaukee — Wallace James has resigned as manager of Fox's Oriental to join RKO in Xew York. He succeeded by Joseph Kinsky, formerly manager of Fox's Plaza, who in turn is succeeded by Paul Hayden.
Bandits Get Three Days' Receipts boygan, Wis. — The Shebi was entered by burglars who cracked the safe and escaped with $1.30(1. receipts for three days.
Lionel Keene on Tourist Committee Atlanta — Lionel H. Keene. southern division manager of Loew ["heaters, has accepted the general chairmanship of the $5(1.11(10 expans campaign of the Atlanta Convention and Tourist Bureau.
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Many Happy Returns
Best wishes and congratulations are extended by TH1 FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays:
June 5
Garrett Fort Bill Boyd Fred Mackaye Bess Clemens