The Film Daily (1931)

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TWELVE RELEASES , X' WM. T. TUDEN.II, greatest of all tennis champions LEO DIEGEL with Dorothy lord3n, Cliff Edwards, Jorvi Mack Rrown in "A Lesson in \3oWV* 1931-32 will be a sports year KThis series covers sports most enjoyed by the American public, featuring champions and supporting casts of well known players, Leo Diegel.WilliamT.Tilden, II, jack Dempsey, and others covering golf, tennis, swimming and diving, tRack, broncho-busting and wrestling. Get your share of record-breaking sport receipts with the stars the public loveV One red each. \ HSHERMAHS MAI The first release already a sensation «n test showings in important keyvpoints. "A short no audience should miss — onex^f the most \ovel and entertaining shorts yet shown !"says M.^ Herald. A real sensation for your\screen is the series J depicting the mighty thrills of deep seaBshinp: One reel each. SIX RELEASES A / Sc^ne from "Splai h ", fancy diving by champs. The greatest combination of news resources ever conceived ! The worldwide news gathering and disseminating resources of the world's most powerful news agencies — NEWSPAPERS Ik RADIO rL AND combined to produce the new, modern supernewsreel in which is incorporated "The Globe Trotter". The greatest forward step o( the in theatre enterprise. TWICE EACH WEEK