The Film Daily (1931)

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Wednesday, June 17, 1931 Short Shots from New York Studios ^^ By HARRY AT. BZ..4//? ^^ RICHARD BLAYDON, who has officiated as assistant director on any of the recent pictures made at 'aramount's New York studio, inluding "The Royal Family," "Serets of a Secretary" and "Girl labit," has been selected by D. W. Griffith to assist on the feature picure which he is planning to start ere in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norworth, who ave been starred in 12 Vitaphone omedies released under the general itle of "The Naggers," have been igned for an additional series of six ictures to be released on the coming sason's program. Their latest picire, "The Nagger's Housewarming," i now being edited. When the back fence encasing the aramount lot was painted with the ime of a lumber company for a reent short, reports reached Broad■av that the studio had sold out. That assistant directors must be eady to be called upon in every mergency is illustrated by the case f Frank Cavett, assisting George bbott on "Secrets of a Secretary?' 'ho made a 15 ft. fall when the ac»• hired to do so lost his nerve t the last moment. William and Joe Mandel have been gned by Warner Bros, as stars of ne of the numbers to be included in le coming series of Vitaphone shorts ) be known as Big Star Comedies. A "Tone Poem," for piano and ymphony orchestra, the first serins work of John W. Green, popuir composer of "Body and Soul" nd "Out of Nowhere," will shortly e presented over the air for the rst time by Nathaniel Shilkret and is orchestra and a piano soloist. COMING & GOING CURTIS F. NAGEL, co producer with [OWARD C. BROWN, and < LAUDE LEMMING, narrator of the "Romantic 3urne>->" series released by Educational, ive returned from a nth trip to 'orthern A*iica aivl Southern Germany, here they shot four reels for their s, MEYER FISCHER of the Fischer Film xchan^e, Cleveland, is in New York lining ) new product for Ohio and Kentucky. JOHN MURRAY ANDERSON is ' rune 19 on the ' ! mdon. JOE BRANDT is en route to ihcr. Al. WILLIAM RICCIARDI, signed by l'ni .. ,a| !,, pla . role of the >eakeasy proprietor in "Stricty Di-1 today for the i I). J. MOUNTAN leaves N':w Yorl r the Coasl to make ■ six features for t'niv l WILLIAM F. CANAVANi president of C I. A T. S. E. and M. P. O.. returns New York today after attending the Amcr eration of Musicians' convention at hattanooga and visiting St Loy M4IT • • • WE ASKED Giuseppe, our goofy Gondolier, wotin'ell he keeps staring at all the time it kinder gets on your nerves to see a mugg staring and staring at something he sez "It's all righta, boss, I maka bet wid myself dat barber shop she close soon dis week, no customer poosha in for a shave last week, no customer pretty soon dat Wop barber hang a 'For Sale' sign on da barber pole." can ya beat it? the dumb spaghetti thinks the Roxy cathedral in the background is a barber shop the stripes on that gondola anchor post fooled him * • * * • • • OCR PAL. Chester Bahn, empey crit of the Syracuse "Herald." notes an epidemic in recent pix of old stars in bath-tub scenes just prophetic, Chet all washed up Ethel Barry more is planning to appear in a revival of "The School for Scandal" to give it a modern setting, it should have a tab newspaper atmosphere * * * * • • • JEAN LE ROY and Eugene Lauste have been advised by the American Projectionist Society that honorary membership has been conferred on them better late than never Mike Glutz, our roving correspondent, writes "Out here in the cactus belt an exhib bought a cluck house a month ago called the Victory it had been a hoodoo for a string of owners he renamed the house The Battle we just ran into him and asked him why he renamed it thus he sez because the Victory ain't won YET" * * * * • • • JERRY CARGILL, who books many acts into the Fox and Publix houses, comes from Chicago the only objection he has to New York is that it has too many shootings Charlie Muller, one of the Three Musketeers at the RCA projection room, has been promoted to near-engineer at the ole horse barn on 24th Street, now known as a studio • • • TODAY'S FABLE (from "Art Throbs," the Harvey Jaediker house organ) Once upon a time a big business exec conducted the outfit ALONE ads, publicity, house organ material were duck soup for him this bird knew all there was to know about type, layout and psychology and when the company expanded and moved into larger quarters he not only laid the cornerstone, but the bricks as well and when he died, and they laid him away they buried the business with him he had got the staff into the habit of thinking that nobody could Do Anything but him so that they came to BELIEVE it a One Man biz is Great while he Lasts * * * * • • • ALWAYS DESIROUS of being helpful, wc add to Mister Winchell's suggestions for Heywood Broun's co-op revue for unemployed actors the title miuli t be "The Pay' Tiling" but in case the show folds before it hits B way, they better play safe, and call it "As You Hike It but some rival columnist in his review will probably refer to it as "It Screams To Me" there should revue where the actors applaud the audience hell, tht audience is entitled to Something and at thi if the last act, Heywood should recite thai "knit; Down the Curtain, I'm Cancelling Tonight" * *' * * • • • ADD SIMILES as optimistic as a gold digger prospecting in a Scotch poor house as welcome as wives at a whoopee party « « « » » » Greenville, S. C— Sam Craver has opened the old Majestic. lately known as the Stat id-run house on a 10-cent admission p It i designated, temporarily, a New theater. Cleveland, Tenn.— R. D. Page, veteran exhibitor of thi-, city, is building a new theater in Cleveland to be opened some time in late summer. Lohrville, la.— W. A. Marlev has M>ld the Lo Mar to James \ fer of Minneapolis. The new plans to make extensive improvements. Greenwood, Miss,— The Lyric is expected to be completed and ready to open around July 1, according to R. W. Tyson, owner and operator. Work on the interior is now being finished. Slovan, Pa. — Slovan i again without pictures since the closing of the local movie house. Ralph ' theater operator, states he is planning to enter the exhibition field at Xew Kensington, Pa. Rochester, Pa. — Labor trouble has again held up work on completion of the new Oriental, which has been under construction here for several years. Interior finishing and installation of equipment will be d< for Mime weeks i is under Opening of the new 1,600seat theater will be held sometime in A M. Winograd states. Olympia, Wash. — Harold J. Murphy has been named new company manager for Fox We here, and I amcs M. Carey has succeeded him as manager of the Warner theater in Aberdeen. Cleveland — Loew's \lhanr< presenting "The Cirl from the l erbahn," this week. This is thi German talkie to be presented in an> Euclid Ave. houi Many Happy Returns Best wishes and con grstulations ire aj> tended hy THE FILM DAILY to the following men. bers of the industry, who irr celrhrat ing their birthdays: June 17 Evelyn Kn tpp G. H. Mulld Hi Vlv