The Film Daily (1931)

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THE hursday, June 18. lyol ■c&£ DAILY 11 HOLLYWOOD FLASHES By RALPH IV1LK r ESLIE HOWARD has been signed to appear opposite Ann -larding in "Devotion," her first feaure on RKO Pathe's new program. * * * Harold Hendee. director of Research for \adio Pictures in the East, is now in Hollywood co-ordinating his activities with those >f the Coast Research Department. * * * J?i Hi Renick, fo.mer serial actress who rent iited to dramatic roles in the early mo pictures, -.rill return to Paramount for ■ st time since 1921 to enact a screen role Silence." * * * John Holland has been signed liy George <. Batcheller. president of Chesterfield Motion I port Alice Day ii\ "The Lady Nowhere. " Richard Thorpe is direct * * * egory LaCava -.rill direct "Peach o'Rcno." next I! hccler-H'oolsey -.chicle, for Radio Pictures. * * * Jchn St. Polis is a recent addition to the f Radio's "Kisses Bv Command." * * * "Lades of the Big House," by Ernest Booth, life-term convict-author of Folsom prison has been purchased by Paramount. * * * Sally Eilers lias been assigned the title role in Fox's "Si h Sisters." * * ♦ 'Twenty Grand" has been chosen h\ Unias the releasina title of the stage The L'p and Up." * * * M-G-M has purchased the motion picture rights of "If I Were You." a new novel by P. G. Wodehouse. Guy Bolton will collaborate with Wodehouse in the screen adaptation. The book will be published in August. * * * Paul King has crashed the scenario citadels at Paramount. He is a Hungarian writer and iok. "Greenhorn," deals with the experience of an immigrant in this country. He has been in the United States for three years and edited Hungarian dailies before coming to Hollywood. By the way, King ithe smallest writer, in stature, in Holly.'. * * * By the -.cay. "Tomorro-.o and Tomorrow" lias not inspired by easting directors. * ' * * Charles Vidor, who sold an original, Angeles, Ltd." to Fox, and co-authored ward." with Endre Bohem, has joined the Fox writing staff. "Skyward' has sold to First National. * * * Erich von Stroheim has completed his featured role in Radio Pictures' "The Sphinx Has Spoken," being directed by Victor Schertzinger. Others in the cast include Adolphe Menjou. Lily Damita. Laurence Olivier, Hugh Herbert and Frederick Kerr. * * * Wallace Smith is doing double duty for Radio Pictures. Aside from assisting Director Victor Schertzinger in rehearsing the com pany for "The Sphinx Has Spoken," for which he wrote the screen version and dialogue. Smith is working on the picture vcr Because he obligingly worked in a film tost so that a new camera effect could be tried out. Kent Taylor, film extra, came to the attention of Paramount execs and was awarded a long te<m contract as a featured player. WALLACE WEST PARAMOUNT sion and dialogue for "The Pickup." which Gorge Archainbaud is to direct. * * * As a memento of his recent trip to tion in northern California, Mel Brown, who is directing "Fanny Foley Herself" Eoi Radio, lias a rattler with twelve buttons which he killed. * * * John Farrow, prominent author-scenarist, has completely recovered from an attack of the "flu" and has resumed work at the RKO Pathe studios, where he is under contract. * * * Work on the script of "Flying Eagles," Fust National's selection as the next starring vehicle for Douglas Fairbanks. Jr.. his been finished by John Monk Saundi * * * Lionel Barrymore has been signed by Fox for "The Yellow Ticket," starring Elissa Landi. David Manners plays the romantic lead opposite Miss Landi. * * * Marion Going, former stage directm first film work was "I Take This Woman." i: assigned to the direction of "TwentyFour Hours, ' with Clive Brook, Kay Fran as, l.ilyan Tashman and Regis Toomcy. * * * Purnell Pratt will appear in Fox's "The Midnight Cruise." * * * Richard Arlen will play one of the leading roles in Paramount's "The Man With Red Hair." * * * Edward Crandall, Broadway juvenile, has been given a Fox contract. * * * Paramount is reported contemplating < talker version of "The Sheik" with > ■ Metaxa and Claudette Colbert in the leads. T Walter Ruben will direct Richard Dix in "Secret Service" for Radio Pictures. * * « Frances Dee has been assigned by Paramount to the cast of "Rich Man's Folly," George Bancroft's first starring production under his new Paramount contract. John Cromwell will direct. Juliette Compton has been cast in the other principal feminine role. The Marquis Henry de la Falaise will lay his directorial baton aside for three months during which he will take a much-needed resi in France. The Marquis has been directiiu French versions at Radio Pictures, amoin them being "The Royal Bed," "The Woman Between" and "Transgression," recently re leased. Hal Roach and his hunting companion, C. B. Brunson each bagged two bears during their jaunt into the Moose River district up in Jasper Xational Park. Having completed his original script for "Peach o' Reno," merry talc of rapid-fire di vorce to feature Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey, Radio Pictures' star-. Tim Whelan is going to New York. Tim has sold "Best Wishes to Florcnz Zicgfcld. Edward Goodman, former New York stage director and now with Paramount, says screen writers have no kick coming about their stories being altered to fit screen requirements. Stage playwrights must go through the same thing, the adage about plays not being written, but rewritten, still holding good. lolm Hallida) has been added to the of R | lunm Pal O'B n will i * l • > IK lead in this talkii d Sloane from an Cunningham. Hallida with \\ at m ■ Bi boughl t>> • Keeping A • Step Ahead • Of Those Male Flattery Of Imitation An Added easure. COMING THE FILM DAILY DIRECTORS' ANNUAL and PRODUCTION GUIDE {I2tb Annii.i. OUT IN JULY