The Film Daily (1931)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Dai ly N ewspaper Of Mo ti o n Pi ctures Now Foi rteen Years Old l/CL. LV NC.144 NC» >< II. I I II \>. II SI I >. I > || HIM\ Six Fox New York Houses Reported Going to RKO 100,000JJON-THEATRICAL EXHIBS IN U. S. Para. Shorts Production in N. Y. Set to December Rumors of Studio Closing Scouted by Announced Program Definitely setting at rest reports that the Paramount New York studio is scheduled to close, the plant's short subject schedule will be in work there until its completion late ir November or early in December, i is understood. Beyond this point plans have not as yet been formulated. Sidney R. Kent is now taking a more active interest in the company'? production plans and during making of 1931-32 product, will closely super (Continued on Page 7) No Signs of Federal Admission Tax Following investigation of reports published by some trade papers that a Federal admission tax would probably be passed at the next session of Congress, Allied announces that it has been able to discover nothing more concrete than general expressions in favor of a special sales tax by Congressman Will Wood of Indiana. Industrial Conditions Main Factor In Theater Grosses, Says De Mille "DIME" ADMISSION POLICY Charlotte— The 10-cent show evil is encroaching on North and South Carolina. Houses in this city and Shelby, this state, and in Greenville. Anderson and Spartanburg, S. C. have adopted this policy. Szekler Resumes Old Post As U Manager in Europe Berlin (By Cable) — Al Szekler, who a few months ago was appointed general manager of Universal with headquarters in New York, has resumed his former post of managing director for U on the continent. His intimate knowledge of the European (Continued on Pane 7) Ufa Enjoying Monopoly On German Industrials Present level of theater grosses is principally attributable to the current general business depression, said Cecil B. De Mille yesterday in an interview. "Good pictures will do business," lie declared, "despite this situation.'' Need of the old silent picture technique, with dialogue used as an auxiliary, was stressed by the producerdirector. He sees wide film feasible only in presenting certain sequences of mass action. Color, as so far developed. De Mille believes, is not for entire pictures, although he feels that color sequences will enhance some stories. He was a pioneer in the u>ing of color in features, having used it in part of "The Ten Commandments." De Mille sails June 24 on the He tie France. He will visit Russia. London, Paris, Berlin, Holland and finally Constantinople, studying European production methods. His plans for returning to the United States are indefinite. When he does return, however, he will resume producing as an independent. At present he has no releasing affiliations. Allied May Ban Advertising Newsreel If Major Companies Stick to Edict Big Increase is Reported in Shows for Special Audiences Non-theatrical exhibitors in tl S. now total approximately 100,000, representing a potential audience of millions, according to Edward F. Stevenson, president i>i Visugraphic Pictures, Inc. These cxhib cater largely to special audiences in industrial, educational, religious, advertising, business and other fields. RCA and Western Electric have been making big strides toward perfecting portable and practical 10 mm. sound equipment, which is ex] (Continued on Pane 7) Washington — Allied leaders throughout the COUntTJ are being asked to send in their views on the suggestion that, in view of the Paramount and Warner edict against Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY sponsored screen advertising, Allied ters. might properly take the same posi tion with regard to its newsreel taining advertising. Earl) replies suggest caution until it is ascertained whether the producer said "posi lively," according to Allied headquar Berlin— Ufa has established a special studio for production of industrial films, on which it is enjoying a practical monopoly and output of these advertising pictures for big industries has been greatly increased in the last few months. About 1,500 theaters, or nearly all the wired houses in Germany, are now playing Ufa ad films. RKO Reported Taking Over Six Fox Houses in New York M. P. T. 0. OUT OF ALLIED TOLD Milwaukee — A resolution declaring itself barred from the Allied and released from all obligation! passed by the M.P.T.O of W sin at its convention here I' (Continued on Pai Ralph Williams Named Pathe Omaha Manager Omaha Ralph B. W Mian been appointed RKO Patl manager l ager Depii formerl) with l 18 Ad Slides on One Bill, Crowd Out Dual Features Sale of six Greater New York to RKO was reported yesterday. Theaters invoked m tin 'sturv were given as the Audubon, Park Plaza and < rotona in New York, and the Republ Ridgewood in Brooklyn, Efforts last ni^ht to reach [ R K< ) exe< utivi foi unavailii Waterbury. Conn —The State. Wamci house managed by |ulu Smith nmi; sponsored shorts, but has | added attraction in the form of ing slides At one show • * statistically inclined pafi J " slides boosting. r»rr*th.n, from nto automobile Incidental* H the urn double fcai