The Film Daily (1931)

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Sunday, June 21, 1931 ETHE Of IIINIOM U\. LY No US Soldi*. June 2 1. 1S31 Prici 25 Cuts JOHN W ALICOATE Editor in PiklBkir I'uMishcd daily except Saturdays and holidays at ] (way, New York, N. Y.. inht (1931) !>>■ W.d's Films and FUm I. W. Alicoate, President, Editor tod Publisher; DunaM M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur \V. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette. Managing Editor. En tered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) States outside of Greater New $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 month*, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber II remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 II roadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7,4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, forma — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W Krc.lman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardoor St.. \V. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. llarle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL*!* NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (OUOT/ITIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Kodak 129J4 127 127^ — 1 Fm. "A".... 18!^ 17^ 18J4 Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 4« 4 4 % — M, I.ocw's, Inc 39^ 38'/, 38tf — >/, do pfd. (6'A) .... 85 85 85 — % M-G-M pfd 24^ 24>$ 24!* — n mount 22*4 21-tf 22J/ + 'A Pathe Exch VA VA VA — 'A do "A" 3K 3 3X + Yi RKO "A" 1214 12'A 12'/,— 'A Warner Bros 7'A 7'A 7 'A NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thca. "A"... 3 2^ 3 Th. Eq. pfd.. 8tf 8!4 8'/ — H micolor 5'A S'A S'A — 'A Trans-Lux 5H 5*s 5H — Ji NEW YORK BOND MARKET Th. Eq. 6s40. if>Yi 33 33—4 6s 41 x-war. 97 97 97 Paramount 6s 47.. 90*4 89^ 90'A By. 5{^s51 . . .101 J4 101 J^ 101J4 Par. 5^s50 80 80 80 + 14 Pathe 7s37 86 8S 86 +1 Warner's 6s39 ... 43^ 42 42 — ZH Movies Win Strike Over High Amusement Tax Warsaw, Poland — Having won their strike for a 25 per cent reduction in the amusement tax this summer, local moving picture houses are reopening after being dark for months. Ji?s»S5Xw*v»« •♦♦•♦♦••••♦♦'♦♦■»♦•♦♦•»♦•♦♦•♦«•»♦'♦♦•♦♦•••'«♦•♦♦•♦«•»♦,{ :: 8 :: :: :: New York 1540 Broadway BRyant 9-4712 Long Island City ♦*♦ 154 Crescent St. ♦"♦ STillwell 4-7940 ;"* S :.: I Eastman Films |* :i J. E. Brulatour, Inc. « :.: ** ♦> :•: ♦> it ♦♦ ii B Chicago Hollywood 14 ♦> 1727 Indiana Ave. 6700 Santa Monica K •> CALumet 3692 Blvd. H HO Lly wood 4121 H Joint Production Gains Among Foreign Studios (Continued from Page 1) the best chance in breaking through the barriers of all countries. Indicative of the co-operative activities i the program of Aktiebolaget Svensk Filmindustri, biggest and most important Scandinavian producing organization, which also operates a e'reuit of about 100 theaters and conducts an extensive exchange business for European and American pictures. This company has just made "Trotte Teodor" with Swedish and French versions in conjunction with Joseph Haik of Paris, with a second and a third joint venture scheduled to follow. Svenski Filmindustri also will co-operate with two other producing companies, one French and one German, on a musical picture. Co-operative production arrangements also have been entered into already between the Cines Pittaluga studio of Rome and a German company, and by French-German, British-German, British-French and other inter-country combinations. Meanwhile all but two or three American companies have suspended foreign versions and are watching developments before taking any further steps on multi-linguals. New Jersey M.P.T.O. Sticking With Allied (Continued from Page 1) dents, F. Thornton Kelley and I. M. Hirshbland; treasurer, Frank Warren; assistant treasurers, Louis Gerofsky and W. D. Hunt; secretary, I. Bollinger; assistant secretary, Jacob linger. "Smart Money" Breaking Winter Garden Records (Continued from Page 1) an uproar over the picture and especially over Robinson's performance as a gambler. By 9 o'clock Friday morning long lines were in front of the theater, and Harry Charnas, general manager of Warner Broadway houses, reported a sell-out right from the first morning show. General release of "Smart Money" is set for July 11. Charnas Denies Rumor Harry Charnas on Friday denied a report that the Warner Theater on Broadway is to be remodeled into stores. Andrew J. Briskin Heads New Jersey Studio Unit (Continued from Page 1) Magrath: studio superintendent. Joseph Haslett. The company's new studio at Grantwood, N. J., opens Aug. 1. It embraces a large stage 95 x 57 and 25 feet in height, and a small stage 74 x 36. Two scoring and recording rooms, in which both disc and film apparatus has been installed, are also included in the layout. Other equipment includes a swimming tank and diving bells measuring 21x36 ft. Two cartoon and animating departments are being established and an innovation is a television stage. An experimental laboratory is also planned. Lighting is provided by a new system known as the Neon low voltage full-spectrum reading white cold light system. Lighting equipment other than this system is furnished by Charles Ross. Bell & Howell cameras, latest model, will be used. Sale of Indie Product Running Ahead of Quotas (Continued from Page 1 ) months elapsed since the formation of Monogram, sales are nearing 50 per cent of the set quota, with individual salesmen already averaging 40 per cent, said Johnston, who cited the 40^4 per cent already turned in by Sam Flax of Liberty Film Exchange, Washington, D. C, and the 37J/2 per cent already attained by Floyd St. John of the Cooperative Co., San Francisco. Monogram's third feature, "Partners of the Trail" was finished this week, and "Mother and Son," to be directed by J. P. McCarthy, will go into production Monday. Wm. Saal Joins Tiffany In An Executive Capacity (Continued from Page 1) until last year handled the buying and booking for all Publix houses. On Jan. 1 he was made director of theaters in the Saenger, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Idaho territories. In announcing Saal's resignation, Publix stated there will be no change of personnel in the south and southwest division. No announcement was made concerning the replacement of Saal. Fay's Philly Closes Philadelphia — Fay's theater, owned by the M. E. Comerford interests, has closed. Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 2 1 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY, N. Y. C. BRyant 0-3640 Spring Arcade Bldg. Los Angeles, CaL Michigan 8761 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK June 22 : Meeting of Writers' Special Committee, Academy of M. P. Arts ft Sciences, Hollywood, to discuss report on writer-producer relations. June 27 Outing of Columbia Pictures Social Club, Karatsonyi's, Glen Cove, L. I. July IS: Educational-Tiffany regional sales convention. New York. July 20-21: Annual summer meeting of North and South Carolina Theater Owners' Ass'n. at the Hotel Oceanic, Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, N. C. Comerford Takes Rap At Twin Feature Bills (Continued from Page 1) properly balance its program, declared Comerford, who said that the diversity that a bill needs can only be secured through a variety of shorts supplementing a single feature. Twin feature programs are likely to over-saturate an audience with entertainment, he declared, and economically, the practice is ruinous. PUBLIC PROJECTION ROOM Latest R.C.A. Photophone Equipment $1 0Cper ree' unt'i ^ p. m. I /jNights, Sundays, Holidays by appointment Under the personal supervision of Hymie Silverman MOTORIZED TALKING PICTURE SERVICE, Inc. 729 7th Ave. BRyant 9-5721 COME TO BRUSHY MOUNTAIN LODGE [EASTSTROUDSBUR0PA.I Excellent Hotel Accommodations. Food fit for a King. Jewish Dietary laws observed. All cajnp sports — Golf, Horseback Riding, Tennis, Swimming, Handball. Unique Divertissements. Broadway Productions. Two Hours from N. Y. For information address Camp or Dr. Ph. Suffin 2315 Grand Avenue New York Phone: RAymond 9-3759 Special rate to Film Folk IN THE HEART OF THE POCONO MTS.1