The Film Daily (1931)

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THC <2^ DAILV Monday, June 29, 193 WILL H. HAYS ASSAILS CHURCH COUNCIL REPORT i ( ontinucd from Poet 1) , nt .. a aews story to the press does not contain this "disavowal of responsibility." Releasing of the press statement based solely on the Council's conclusions, without distributing to the newspapers at the same time the facts developed by its own investigators and upon which the conclusions based, also is assailed by Hays, who further challenges specifically the validity of some of the Co«ncil's conclusions, \lthough difference of opinion with regard to motion pictures is inevitable from the very fact that the screen is the popular medium of en tertainment, film producers cannot live by irresponsible, self-seeking criticism and advice alone, declares Hays. The principal charge in the "Report" concerns the payment of honoraria to officials of religious organizations. In reply to this, Hays 'Whatever payments were made for services rendered by individuals associated with your organization, in order to guide producers in the treatment of themes with religious significance, whatever honoraria were paid in the form of expenses to lecturers enlisted in the movement of raising the standards of demand for better pictures, were made on the basis of ixtra-salary compensation, the principle of which is accepted in your Department's own report. "Such payments were clearly set forth in the records placed at the disposal of your investigators. Our books were opened to them and our correspondence files were always at their entire command. The conclusionof your Department as to the propriety of the acceptance of such compensation is declared in the following words: ' 'We have found no evidence that the services rendered to the industry in the case involving the Federal Council were not conscientiously rendered.' "In view of the fact, however, that your Department of Research and Education feels impelled to cite the payment of such honoraria as of chief significance, what is to be said about those who betray their religious constituencies by demanding and receiving compensation for lee SUNSHIN€ IN THE DAY'S NEWS Reports from all parts of the country show fewer theaters closing this summer. New Haven, Conn. — Victory, owned by Andrew G. Ely is being remodeled and will be reopened soon under Ely's management. Albany, N. Y. — Christopher H. Buckley, owner of the Leland, has cut his prices from 35 cents at night and 25 cents in the afternoon to 25 and 20 cents, respectively. Ripley, O. — The Ripley, completely remodeled, was reopened June 27. Detroit — The Regent, former key house, has been reopened by Mrs. Ida Klatt, proprietor, following the death of her husband. Manager is C. E. Edwards, also manager of Rosedale. The house, lately operated as a vaudefilmer by W. J. Stebbins, has turned to picture policy. New Haven, Conn. — Fox-College, formerly the Hyperion, which was remodeled and opened last winter, is to be closed for the summer months. Nyack, N. Y. — Trial under the indictments returned by the Rockland County Grand Jury against former Mayor Oscar Kosel and former village trustee Harry Williams for alleged bribery in connection with the granting of an official permit for Sunday shows here, has been fixed for July 6. The cases will come before Judge Sherwood in County Court in New City. Detroit — The Courtesy, neighborhood house, has been taken over by a new corporation, Courtesy Theater Co., headed by I. Jack London, veteran Detroit operator. Newburgh, N. Y. — Academy, Publix's "A" house, has closed for the summer, due to unsatisfactory patronage. Operation of the independent New State, which is giving stage as well as screen shows, particularly affected Academy. Small Stockholders Sue St. Louis Amusement Co. (Continued from Page 1) 30 to show cause why a receivership should not be appointed. Also named as defendants are H. M. Warner, Abel Cary Thomas. Albert Warner, Charles Skouras, Sam Carlisle and Samuel B. Jeffries. Shea is manager of the Montgomery, not affiliated with the St. Louis Amusement Co. Similar suit has been brought by William J. Blake, stockholder, against Skouras Bros. Enterprises, operators of the Ambassador, Missouri and Grand Central and owners of controlling stock in St. Louis Amusement Co. Blake asks the court to appoint a receiver and direct him to bring suit against Warners, owners of the Skouras voting stock. Hearing is set for July 2 before Judge Hartmann. Cook Assistant at Mayfair William E. Cook, formerly at the 86th St., is now assistant to manager Larry Grieb at the RKO Mayfair. Rothacker Moving Library From Chicago to New York D. R. Rothacker has started moving his negative film "morgue" from Chicago to his New York offices at 729 Seventh Ave. Librarians have begun indexing the film, which will be offered for sale both as individual shots and for short subject material U Sells to International Marine Universal has sold several pictures to International Mercantile Marine for showing on their various steamships. The present schedule is: Britannic, sailing July 3, "Seed"; Adriatic, July 11, "Hide Out"; Homeric, July 3, "Iron Man"; Olympic, July 16, "Up for Murder"; Majestic, July 8, "Mother's Millions." Pollard Starts "Alice" Series Bud Pollard will start shooting the first of the "Alice in Wonderland" series tomorrow at the Metropolitan studios. ture tours on the subject of 'exposing the movies?' What is to be said about the professional 'pamphleteer' who deliberately mis-states facts and figures with regard to motion pictures? What is to be said about those whose zeal to reform the movies begins only when they discover that the industry will not comply with their demands for financial contributions? "If such results have demanded a constant educational effort, if to encourage such efforts and movements the industry has helped pay printing . postage and mailing, allowed reasonable honoraria covering traveling or other necessary expenses in the delivery of lectures, and paid for authoritative study and advice on the various problems before it, no apology is required to your Department of Research and Education which has not a single practical proposal to its credit for the betterment of motion pictures." Hays also cites the case of Rev. George Reid Andrews, who in his former capacity as chairman of the Federal Council Committee on Religious Drama and executive secretary of the Church and Drama Ass'n, demanded 10 per cent of the gross receipts from the picture, "King of Kings," and who launched an attack on the film industry when his request was not granted. The task of self-regulation in the film industry is nowhere near accomplished, Hays says. Every new development in the art, every new social or dramatic trend, brings new problems to the screen, and only by sincere constructive cooperation from church and other bodies can the task be made lighter. CHURCH COUNCIL SCORES CENSORSHIP ACTIVITIES (Continued from Page D paid to censorship by "religious and social agencies," the survey speculates as to whether or not "cooperation with the Hays organization is warranted by the results." Preparation of this report, which takes exception to various Hays organization policies, led to the resig-J nation of Carl Milliken, Hays at-1 tache, from the council. Achievements of the Hays office! are listed as including higher produc-j tion standards, development of an extensive program of co-operation with] women's groups in the use of preJ view lists and in the arrangement >f special programs, aid in settling dis-l putes through arbitration and accom-l plishments towards aiding unemploy-i ment through the Central Casting Bureau. It is admitted, also, that the screen! is a "great agency both of instruction and entertainment" and as such "must become the purveyor of all that is best and richest in our culture and the ally of the uplifting and refining forces of community life." The report also states that "a lack of confidence in its program for improving standards prevents full cooperation with the Hays organization by the churches and religious agencies. This lack of confidence is traced to the fact that the public has been encouraged to expect more from Mr. Hays that he has had power to accomplish." A general survey of the film industry is presented in the repor which also touches upon block book ing. Payment of honoraria to rt ligious organization officials by tb« Hays organization is deplored. John Wild Closes Foreign Deals John Wild, who recently bought "Monsters of the Deep" from W. Alexander of Natural Productions, Inc., for England, has made a deal whereby he adds the remainder of the British Empire and the European continent to his distribution territory for this picture. Wild also has sold the U. S. rights to "The Sleeping Cardinal," Sherlock Holmes' story made by Twickenham Film Studios of London. AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT "Joe E. Brown has stated openly that he considers 'Broadminded' his funniest picture." — Warner Bros. Theaters.