The Film Daily (1931)

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DAILY Tuesday, June 30, 1931 :the m miwiu c* himiom Yil LVNt. 153 TiiUij. lilt 30. 1JJ1 Phci 5 Cuts I0IN 1 AUCOATE Uitir »■ PiMteter Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyrixht (I9J1) by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy. Associate Editor; Don Carle (Jillette, Managing Editor. En tared as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York J10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7,4736, 74737, 7 4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn Lichtbildlmehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Pans — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net Oik. VA High Low Close ('cm. Km. In.l 7Vi 1V> 7'A ■ I'm. Ind. pfd. U'A U'A U'A + lak 154 151^ 151^ — "A".... 22/, 2\<A 21H — Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 5 4H *H . . Inc 4854 46)* 46J4 — Paramount 28'4 27 27 — ■ li 1M •** Ui ., \" SH 4% 5J4 — KKO "A" 16f* 15^ 15tf — Warner Bros &X SH &tt — do pf.l 20 19 19 -f NEW YORK Colombia Pets. Ytc. Fox Thea. "A" tien. Th. Eq, pfd.. Technicolor Trans-Lux NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 40J4 39 39—1 Keith A-0 6s 4(>... 64$4 64'A 64'A — VA Lock 6i 41 x-war. 97'A 97 97'A + 'A V S'AsSO 82 81f£ 81^ Warner's 6s39 ... 43 42H 42H — H CURB MARKET 12H U'A 12H — 3« 3'A 3'A ■■ 9U 9H 9H .. 754 7'A 7'A — 6 6 6 "First Aid" Release in July •'First Aid," Sono Art-World Wide production of the Michael L. Simmons story glorifying the ambulance Mirgeon, has been set for release next month. Grant Withers heads the cast. Wanger 's Former Duties Distributed by Paramount Under the new setup in the Paramount production organization, the former duties of Walter Wanger, who has just retired from the company, will be distributed among various executives, it is understood. No replacement will be made on the company's operating board to fill th"e Wanger vacancy, and Jesse L. Lasky is likely to maintan contact with the studios which was a function of Wanger. D. A. Doran, Jr., of the scenario department will handle relationwith new acting, writing and directorial talent. Richard A. Rowland, now known as chief of the story department, will also assume new and increasingly important duties, it is understood. William Saal Denies Goe and Steele Leaving William Saal, who joined Tiffany yesterday in an important executive capacity, denied reports that Carl J. Goe, sales manager, and Charles Steele, comptroller, are leaving the company. 90% Action, 10% Dialogue, Para. Comedy Formula {Continued from Page 1) pany is increasing its 1931-32 schedule of slapstick two-reelers from 12 to 20. Karl Dane, George K. Arthur, Al St. John and Ford Sterling are among the names already signed for these shorts. Kent says there is a definite trend of favor for the oldfashioned Keystone type of comedy. Lou Weinberg Appointed Short Subject Sales Mgr. Lou Weinberg, Columbia home office sales executive, has been appointed short feature sales manager for the company. In addition to these duties, Weinberg will represent Columbia in negotiations made with Loew in New York and also will be Columbia's east coast representative on matters pertaining to the Fox Circuit. Ameranglo Corp. Sues Liberty Productions Ameranglo Corp. has been granted an attachment on properties of Liberty Productions Co. in connection with a contract for the foreign distribution of "She Wolf." The Arthur Lee concern has also filed suit for $10,000 estimated on commissions handling of the picture abroad would have brought the firm. The plaintiff, through its attorneys, Fitelson, Lehrman & Mayers, claims that Liberty negotiated a releasing deal with Universal before cancellation of its Ameranglo contract had become final. :.: :: :: 1 :: :; :: • # :: :.: :.: :: :: :: :.: :.: I I ! ** •# ♦♦ ♦» ♦♦ ♦# ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦*.•*>*>♦.♦♦.♦♦,>♦,,♦♦.♦♦.**,*♦.*♦>♦/ >♦*♦♦*♦♦•♦#*♦**♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦%♦*•♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦« New York 1540 Broadway BRyant 9-4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STillwell 4-7940 Eastman Films J. E. Brulatour, Inc. :.: :.: :: :.: :.: :.: :.: •.•♦.♦♦.*•.♦♦.♦♦.••.♦♦.••.•♦.♦♦.*•.♦•.♦♦.♦♦>♦.♦•>••♦*•♦♦♦♦♦> Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave CALumet 3692 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLlywood4121 Hughes-Franklin to Build In Two More Texas Towns (Continued from Pane 1) there: C. V. Jones, Ff-F auditor; H. B. Robb ad E. H. Rowley, division managers. Work is to start at once. C. H. (Buck-) Weaver has announced that he will open an opposition house in Del Rio next month. The Sweetwater project is to start later. Hays Salary Cut Rumor Nothing was known at the Hays office yesterday concerning a Coast report to the effect that producers have asked Will H. Hays to take a cut in his salary. A general economy policy has been instituted within the organization. Consolidation of the film board setup will result in a considerable saving in overhead. J. J. Cooney Heads Chicago Studio Project (Continued from Pane 1) here and is working on plans to establish a motion picture studio on the outskirts of Chicago. The concern has taken an option on 15 acres of land in Palos Hills, a suburb, and announces its intention to start building some time this summer. J. J. Cooney is president of the concern; L. W. Alexander, associated with motion pictures in various capacities for 17 years, is vice-president and general manager; Henri Elman, formerly connected with local offices of several producing companies, is treasurer, and B. J. Cooney secretary. $114,000 Damages Asked In Alleged Conspiracy (Continued from Page 1) cause she had refused to take up a contract held by the Liberty Corp. with a former owner of the theater. The Atlanta Film Board arbitrated against her, she says, with the result that other distributors refused to furnish her film. Fred Allen to Produce Pathe's Six Westerns West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Fred Allen has been signed by Charles R. Rogers to produce the six westerns on RKO Pathe's schedule for next season. Allen has had previous experience in this line with Rogers and Harry Joe Brown in the making of Ken Maynard pictures. Walt Disney Improving West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Walt Disney is improving following an operation for a throat ailment. Gallagher Leaving Columbia J. H. Gallagher, advertising manager of Columbia, is leaving the company on July 1. PUBLIC PROJECTION ROOM Latest R.C.A. Photophone Equipment f 1 0Cper ree' unt'' ^ ^' ^* I /jNights, Sundays, I •"^'Holidays by appointment Under the personal supervision of Hymie Silverman MOTORIZED TALKING PICTURE SERVICE, Inc. 729 7th Ave. BRyant 9-5721 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK July 6-10: Conference on talking motion pictures in visual education, under auspices of U. S. Commissioner of Education, Washington D. C. July 8: Testimonial Dinner to William Saal, South Garden of Hotel Attor Roof, New York, 7 P. M. July 15: Educational-Tiffany regional sal« convention. New York. July 20-21: Annual summer meeting ol North and South Carolina Theater Owners' Ass'n, at the Hotel Oceanic, Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 3-22: British film festival, sponsored by British International Pictures. Malvern, England. Sept. 9-10: Semi-annual Convention, Allied Theaters Ass'n of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Minneapolis. Oct. 1 : Hispano American Motion Picture Congress, Madrid, Spain. Nov. 4: Annual meeting of Academy of M. P. Arts & Sciences, Holly. One Operator in Booth Agreed Upon in Miami i Miami — As the result of an arbif tration between the operators' union and the Miami Theater Owners Ass'n, comprised of the Wolfson-| Meyer Theater Enterprises, Inc., Capitol, Biltmore, State, Tower, Tivoli, Biscayne Plaza and Coconut Grove theaters, a policy of one man in a booth will be in effect here for the next year. Publix was not included in the arbitration. Wage scale agreed upon is %\.Ziy2 an hour, or about $48 a week for neighborhood houses and $55 downtown. Mina Crolius Gleason Dies West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Mrs. Mina Crolius Gleason, veteran stage actress, mother of James Gleason. died Saturday in the Osteopathic Hospital at the age of 73. Gilda Gray 111 Gilda Gray is reported ill at the Worwick Hotel. The Finest Projection Room (Western Electric Systeml $1.25 per reel 4 private cutting rooms DU-ART FILM LAB 245 West 55th Street Columbus 5-4907 talkmjf sound raner cmcincc f Lylec i o n a I screen service I J CHICAGO MIW raw UK Aimui