The Film Daily (1931)

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THE -SStl DAILY Thursday, July 16, 193 Vol LVI No. 14 Thutsilay, July 16, 1931 Price 5 Gonts JOHN W. ALICOATE : Editor and Publislior Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Fi'n Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, JLiitor ax A T>'jblis>er; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered a? second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7,4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable addreis: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolflsohn Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris '■ — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Franchise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Con. Fm. Ind. ..7^ 7fi TVi — V^ Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 1354 13H 13Ji — Vi East. Kodak ....141J4 137 139J4 — 2J4 Fox Fra. "A" .. 15-4 145^ 15^^ — Vt, Gen. Th.Eq.(New) 3% ^V^ 3J4 — Vf. Loew's, Inc. ... 42;4 41'/4 42}i — Vi do pfd 87;t4 87'4 87}4 + Vi Paramount 24^ 22^ 23>4 — IH Pathe Exch XVt. VA i'A — Vt do "A" 6J4 5M e'/i RKO "A" 137/8 135i i3Vi — n Warner Bros. ..7 dVi bVz — Vi NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" . 2}4 2}4 2Vi — Vt, Gen. Th. Eq. pfd. 7 6^ 7 Technicolor 6 6 6 — 1 Trans-Lux iV^ 5M 5^— J^ NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 35^ 34 35 Keith A-0 6s 46. 69J4 68 69^ Loew 6s 41ww .. 98Ji 98^ 98^^ — Vi Paramount 6s 47 . 90|S4 90 90 Par. By. S^s 51.103 102 102 — J4 Par. 5^s 50 81 80 80 — 1 Pathe 7s 37 92i^ 92 92i/^ + /2 Warner's 6s 39 . . 41 40 40 — ^ It's a Girl for Lanfields West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAI!.] Hollywood • — Sidney Lanfield, director, and Shirley Mason, actress, are the parents of a seven-pound daughter born yesterday. y it if New York Long Island City j*« i.t 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. ♦"♦ t.t BRyaijt 9-4712 STillwell 4-7940 ft J.* it if J*: lEastmoLan Films | 1 1. £♦ Brulatour, Inc. « if" it Hollywood jV Chicago ♦V 1727 Indiana Ave. 6700 Santa Monica »•♦ J'j CALuraet 3692 Blvd. ;•♦ :": HOLlywood 4121 « It's Now Colonel Lichtman Al Liclitman is now a full-fledged Kentucky colonel. The vice-president and general manager of distribution at United Artist yesterday received his appointment to this rank on the personal staff of Governor Flem D. Sampson of the Blue Crass State. Texas Exhibitor Ass'n Committee Working With Copyright Bureau Dallas — Following a special meeting held here by the board of directors of the Theater Owners' Protective Ass'n of Texas for the purpose of discussing the pending investigations by the Copyright Protection Bureau into unauthorized exhibitions in the Dallas territory, the exhibitor organization has appointed a committee to work with the representatives of the Bureau in arriving at the facts in each case. H. i.. Groves, the representative in charge of the investigations, addressed the meeting here and explained the distributors' position in the investigations. After pointing out that honest exhibitors were equally affected by unfair competition from dishonest exhibitors, missouts because of prints improperly withheld, and violation of their protection by bicycled exhibitions, the theater owners adopted resolutions condemnmg these practices. Groves also cautioned exhibitors against verbal agreements which conflict with the written contract. Motion Picture Aimanac Out "The Motion Picture Almanac for 1931," put out by the Quigley Publishing Co., made its official debut yesterday. It contains about 475 pages of film industry statistics and concerning productions and the people engaged in film work. New Television Station's Debut Columbia Broadcasting System's newly completed sight and sound studios, making the sixth television station in New York, will be formally opened next Tuesday, with Mayor Walker officiating. Back to Coast for 50-Ft. Retake Because of a flaw in the synchronization of Samuel Goldwyn's "The Unholy Garden," Fay Wray must make a trip from New York to Hollywood for a retake involving not more than 50 feet of film. Mrs. Leonard Asst. at Astor Mrs. Louise Leonard, formerly treasurer, has succeeded Al Howard as assistant manager at the Astor. Howard is now at the Loew's 42nd St. Theater. SOUND MOVIOLA and Expert Assistance available per day or week DU-ART FILM LABORATORIES, Inc. 245 W. 55th St., N. Y. C. W. E. Recording System For Monogram Pictures A five-year contract with Balsley & Phillips, Western Electric recording licensees on the coast, has been signed by W. Ray Johnston, president ot Monogram Pictures, thereby providing Vv. E. recording service on all Monogram productions. Some Light Plant Brooklyn Edison Co., in preparation for the filming of an educational-industrial picture of its Hudson Street plant, has installed a brace of Hall & Connolly special 180 ampere high intensity searchlights, equipped with 100,000 cajndle power burners. When used in connection with U. S. Navy standard 36 inch diameter parabolic reflectors, these lamps will give 325,000,000 beam candle power. Louis Rosenbaum Hurt in Crash Florence, Ala. — Louis Rosenbaum, president Muscle Shoals Theater Corp., was seriously injured in an automobile crash near here. He suffered a fractured leg, broken ribs and minor bruises. He is in the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital here. Three Robberies Net $2,550 Fort Wayne, Ind. — A young bandit held up four persons in the office of the RKO Emboyd and escaped with about $2,000 from the safe. Indianapolis — Five colored men, wearing masks, slugged two employes of the Walker and got away with $300. Kansas City — Three men, who said they had come back to look for a lost pocketbook, prevailed upon Denny Costello of the Admiral to reopen the house after the last show, and then held him up for $250. THE INDUSTRyS DATE BOOK Mayfair Theatre B'ldg, N. Y. WILUAM MORRIS m Call-Board RALPH MORGAN Term Contract Fox Film Corp. HOLLYWOOD July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. 17-18: Educational Tiffany Sono / regional meeting, Hotel Congrei Chicago. 20-21 : Annual summer meeting North and South Carolina Tt ater Owners' Ass'n, at t Hotel Oceanic, Wriehtivi Beach, Wilmington, N. C. Educational-TiffanySono A regional meeting. Brown Pali Hotel, Denver. 3-22 : British film festival, sponsor by British International Pictur< Malvern, England. 7 : First Annual Golf Tournamo New England Film Indust Pine Brook VaUey Club, Westc Mass. 7-8: Annual Outing of Minneapo Film Board of Trade, Detr Lakes, Minn. 9-10: Semi-annual Convention, Alii Theaters Ass'n of Hinneso North and South Dakota, M nea polls. 1 : Hispano American Motion Picti Congress, Madrid, Spain. 4 : Annual meeting of Academy M. P. Arts ft Sciences, Hoi wood. 4 : Annual Awards Dinner of Ai demy of M. P. Arts & Scienc Hollywood. I. J. Hoffman Staying With W Denying reports circulated in sor quarters to the effect that I. J. Ho man, zone manager for Warn Bros, theaters in New York, wou resign at the expiration of his co tract in the fall, Eddie Alperson the Warner offices yesterday deck ed the rumors were pure "bunk." Stevensons Buy Reno House Reno, Nev. — Pat and Cecil Stf enson have bought the Roxie h( from Cam Mottino and Louis F sasco. THE LARGEST STOCK SHOT LIBRARY IN THE INDUSTRY Over 5,000,000 feet of indexed negatives and positives containing scenes of every conceivable description INSTANTLY AVAILABLE General Film Library, Inc.. MORRIS J. KANDEL, Pres. I 729 7th Ave. New York Cityi BRYANT 9-4417-8 Cable: KANDELFILM Madson Overlooking Ocean of Illinois Av«nu« ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. A New Fireproof Hotel Rates (with meals) as low as $40 Weekly Per Person SPECIAL DAILY RATES European Plan Rates Upon Request BATHING DIRECT FROM HOTEL FETTER C.HOLLINCER. /ncf Cugtff C feHer. Mnp. Dir.