The Film Daily (1931)

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=;gBg^ DAILV Thursday, Sept. 10, 193 A LITTLE from "LOTS ►// Bv RALPH U'ILK HOLLYWOOD TJREDERICK LONSDALE'S original story for Robert Montgomery's new M-G-M picture is titled "Courage." The English playwright is on his way to London where he expects to finish his second original story before returning to Hollywood in two months. * * * Tod Browning's first directorial assignment since his return from Europe is "Freaks," a m,ystery story with a circus background. Willis Goldbeck is working with him on the script. * « 4> Charles "Buddy" Rogers and Peggy Shannon will be teamed again by Paramount in "Working Girls," which Dorothy Arzner will direct. Dorothy Hall, Broadway actress, also will be in it. Stuart Erwin has the comedy lead. * * » Ray Harris has joined the Paramount writing staff. * * * Tim McCoy is ready to start his second for Columbia. It is tentatively titled "Gambler's Guns" and appeared recently in a popular magazine. Ray Taylor will direct. Doris Hill will have the principal feminine role. * * 4> Hamilton MacFadden, who directed "Riders of the Purple Sage," has been assigned by Fox to direct "Devil's Lottery." Alexander Kirkland and William Pawley will be in the cast. * « * Paul Lukas' new Paramount picture, "The Beloved Bachelor," will have the following players in the cast: Dorothy Jordan, Vivienne Osborne, Charlie Ruggles, Marjorie Gateson, John Breadon, Harold Minjir, Leni Stengel, Alma Chester, Betty Van Allen and Guy Oliver. Lloyd Corrigan is directing from a play by Edward Peple. * * sH Greta Nissen, the blond vamp of "Transatlantic," will be featured in Fox's "Cheating," in which Linda Watkins, Claire Maynard and Allan Dinehart have been cast. * * * The veteran Tom Ricketts has been signed for a part in Warner Baxter's next Fox picture, "Surrender," and M. Maazel has been Dowling for Governor Providence — Eddie Dowling stands a chance of receiving the Democratic nomination for Governor of Rhode Island, according to local political wiseacres. Dowling, who last appeared in "Honeymoon Lane," is a Rhode Island boy and for years has been intimately associated with both state and national Democratic lead added to the cast of the Janet Gaynor-Charles Farrel picture, "Delicious." * * * Our Passing Show: Wilson Mizner, Robert Terry Shannon and Robert Hopkins lunching in Culver City; Nick Barrows and Howard Bretherton conferring at RKOPathe; Frank Gay receiviyig congratulations on his debut as an in dependent producer; Harrison Wiley motoring on Hollywood boulevard. Ruth Chatterton will have the following players in the cast of her next Paramount production, "Once a Lady"; Ivor Novello, Jill Esmond, Geofifrey Kerr, Regis Toomey, Doris Lloyd, Herbert Bunston, Gwendolen Logan, Claude King, Stella Moore. Edith Kingdon, Ethel Griffies and Suzanne Ransom. Miss Moore is a niece of Mrs. Patrick Campbell. ♦ * * Anderson Lawler, New York leading man, has been signed by Paramount for a prominent role in "Girls About Town," a sophisticated night-life comedy by Zoe Akins. Kay Francis, Joel McCrea and Lilyan Tashman are prominently cast in it. Short Shots from Eastern Studios By HARRY N. BLAIR 'pHELMA WHITE, who is starring in "The Girl Friends" series with Fanny Watson, is a thorough trouper as proven by the fact that she agreed to be hit by no less than four custard pies during the filming of "Of All People," recently completed by Alf Gouldlng. During the past week, Vitaphone was able to keep up its production schedule of three short subjects a week by completing, "Platinum Blondes," a two reeler Big Star Comedy with Walter O'Keefe and a cast of 90; "Havana Cocktail," a one reel Melody Master band short with Castro's Cuban Orchestra and another "Believe It or Not" with Robert Ripley. That Vitaphone is not stinting where talent is concerned is proven by the cast which supports Thelma White and Fanny Watson in "Her Wedding Night-Mare," one of a series of six comedies which this team is making. Edward C. Morton, stage star, makes his Vitaphone debut bv playing the heavy in the series while Neely Edwards portrays the sweetheart of Thelma White. Charles Glickauf Dead Omaha— Charles Glickauf, M-G-M exploitation manager for the central district, died here yesterday. Glickauf had been with M-G-M for 15 years. "Waterloo Bridge" for Cameo Run Universal's "Waterloo Bridge," now at the Mayfair, switches to the Cameo on Saturday for an indefinite run. "Caught Plastered," Radio picture, opens at the Mayfair tomorrow. Asks Injunction Against Union Detroit — Henry Sadlowski, lessee of the Crane, has filed petition for injunction to restrain Local 199 and Roger M. Kennedy, manager of the union, from molesting him or hindering his business. E. M. Loew to Build in Saugus Saugus, Mass. — The board of selectmen, at a recent meeting, granted a license to E. M. Loew, Inc., to operate in Cliftondale. A $75,000 house is planned. Eph Rosen Resigns St. Louis — ^Eph Rosen, RKO salesman, has resigned. Cleve Adams, western general sales manager will announce Rosen's successor next week. Fox Relinquishing Chi. House Chicago — The Monroe, Loop house closed recently, will not be retained by Fox Theaters, which holds the lease. Building is owned by the Edison Co. and rented for $27,000 a year. Ted Malone to Pathe Salt Lake City— Ted Malone, formerly associated with United Atists in Dallas, is now connected with RKO Pathe and is scheduled to make the Idaho territory. Frank Kingsley, Vitaphone' handsome casting director, was a office boy at the studio 13 years agi when the old Vitagraph compan tyas in operation. Frank took Hoi ace Greeley's advice, went West t Hollyivood, landing a job in th casting office of Warner's We.^ Coast studio. He later returne East with a thorough knowledge o pictures and players. Borse Named City Manager Oshkosh, Wis. — Bob Borse, formerly manager of the State, Minneapolis, and Lyceum, Duluth, has been appointed city manager for Fox-Midwesco in Oshkosh. Temple, Birmingham, Reopens Birmingham — The Temple has been reopened after several years by a new corporation, Temple Theater, Inc. John Caiman is manager. Benny Rubin for London Benny Rubin, who came east from Hollywood with Eddie Cantor, will go to London for a two-week engagement at the Palladium, according to report. Lou Baum Resigns from RKO Lou Baum, assistant to "Bo" Dowling, RKO foreign manager, has resigned to enter the independent production field. Sam Maurice to Brooklyn Bridgeport, Conn. — Sam Maurice has resigned as director of publicity for the Fox-Poli houses in Bridgeport to become managing director of the Fox in Brooklyn. Terry Turner, publicity head for Fox houses in New Haven, will also handle Bridgeport. John Hamilton, who has bee signed by Sam Sax, to play the in portant role of police inspector i the 12 S. S. Van Dine two reeleri appeared in four Broadway theater this past week at the same tim« He is playing in "Unexpected Hus band" at the 48th Street and h also appeared in three Vitaphon shorts. At the Warner, he playe in the Helen Morgan two-reelei "The Gigolo Racket," at the Stran with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norworf: in "The Naggers Housewarming, and at the Hollywood with Jao Haley in "Success." Betty Garde, who made an indi vidual hit in such recent Paramoun pictures as "Girl Habit" and "Se crets of a Secretary," has been sign ed as principal feminine suppoi't t Lenore Ulric in the latter's nex Broadway starring vehicle, "Th Social Register," now in rehearsa; The script for "The Naggers Wedding Anniversary," first of thi new series of six Vitaphone come dies featuring Mr. and Mrs. Jac^ Norworth, is being prepared by A Dorian Otvos and Herman Rubj The picture is scheduled to go int production next week. Claudette Colbert, between "takes on "Blind Cargo," at Paramouni Ne%v York studio, listened to th strains of "Claudette," a waltz de( icated to her by the composer ^ Vit cent de Rubertis, in its initial broai' cast over station KNX, from Lc Angeles. Big things are expected of IreR Cook, playing in various Paramoun short subjects here. "Cookie," e? she is known to the entire studio, J one of the few pretty girls who ca actually be funny. Wrinkle Remover Baltimore's new wrinkle, in the form of a de luxe service whereby patrons of the Century and Valencia can have their cars taken to a nearby garage and brought back to the theater after the show for the small cost of 35 cents, has been ironed out by Harry E. Huffman of the Aladdin Theater Corp., Denver. Huffman writes that a similar policy has been in effect at his Tabor in Denver for a year, with the patrons being furnished the service free of charge.