The Film Daily (1931)

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Text recognition is never 100% accurate. Many parts of the scanned page may not be reflected in the OCR text output, including: images, page layout, certain fonts or handwriting.^ DAILY Monday, Nov. 30, 1931' Ml Vol. LVII No. 50 Menday, Nov. 30, 1931 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, Presiden' Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereai Secretary-Treasurer and General Managei Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Dn Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered ; second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage f ree • United States outside of Greater New Yorl $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communicatior to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736, 7-4737 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralpb Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granit 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, Th. Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehnt Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de 1 Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET {QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Con. Fm. Ind 6% bVz bVi Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 135^ 12^ 13 + ?^ East Kodak 94 92 92?^ — H Fox Fm. "A" bVi SV2 5% — Va. Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 1 1 1 — Loew's, Inc 3454 33^ 3454 M-G-M pfd 21K 21 21^ Paramount I214 115^ H^ — Va RKO "A" 2^ 2 2 — Vi Warner Bros 4 354 3'A — H NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" .... 1 % Yt Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. 1^ 1 1 RKO rts 5-16 !4 5-16 Technicolor 2'J4 2}4 2}4 Trans-Lux iVi iVa 3 ^g NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 7!4 7 7 ■ Loew 6s 41ww 90 8954 8954 — 54 Paramount 6s t.7.. 6154 59 59 — 4 ,Far 5j4s50 55 51 51 — 6 Pathe 7s37 65 65 65 — 5 Warner's 6s39 34 33 3.? — 1 Levey Leaves Films for Radio Harold Levey, for the past three years musical director at the Brooklyn Vitaphone Studio, has resigned in order to devote his time to radio broadcasts. ♦,^*> V#V#V* V«V#V#V#V#V#VWVV#* ♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦>♦>♦♦♦>♦>♦ ♦♦JrJ *.* ix *.t New York Long Island City j'j J.t 1 540 Broadway 1 54 Crescent St. J"J y BRyant 9-4712 STillwell 4-7940 J'J *.* it if § il Eastman Films! II J. E. Brulatour. Inc. W ♦.♦ it if J't y it if g j*j Chicago Hollywood K it 1727 Indiana Ave. 6700 Santa Monica W ft CALumet 3692 Blvd. K it HOLlywood 4121 ii if ji The Uroadu^ay Parade (Week of Nov. 27) FIRST-RUNS PICTURE DISTRIBUTOR THEATER "Rich Man's Folly" Paramount Paramount "Surrender" Fox Roxy "Possessed" M-G-M Capitol "Local Boy Makes Good" First National Strand "Suicide Fleet" RKO Pathe Mayfair "Sporting Chance" Peerless Warner "Men in Her Life" Columbia Broadway "In Line of Duty" Monogram Beacon EXTENDED RUNS "Corsair" (2nd week) United Artists .Rialto "Around the World in 80 Minutes" (2nd week) United Artists Rivoli "Her Majesty, Love" First National Winter Garden $2 RUNS "The Champ" (4th week) M-G-M Astor "Strictly Dishonorable" (3rd week) .Universal Criterion FOREIGN PICTURES "Sein Liebeslied" (2nd week) Assoc. Cine of Am £uropa "Opera Ball" (4th week) Protex Trading Co Little Carnegie "Kaiserliebchen" (3rd week)* Tobis Little Carnegie "Im Geheimdienst" Ufa Cosmopolitan "Brokiga Blad" Scandinavian Talking Fifth Ave. Playhouse "Sirocco" Cine. Francais President "Cosi e la Vita" (2nd week) Thalia Amuse. Co Belmont RETURN ENGAGEMENTS "The Big House" M-G-M Cameo "Little Caesar" First National Cameo FUTURE OPENINGS "Ben Hur" (Dec. 3) M-G-M Rialto "Arrowsmith" (Dec. 7) United Artists Gaiety "The Struggle" (Dec. 10) United Artists Rivoli * Formerly at the Vanderbilt. Universal Rearranges Releases to January 3 Universal has rearranged its release schedule to Jan. 3, as follows; Dec. 5, "A House Divided"; Dec. 12, "Heaven on Earth"; Dec. 26, "Strictly Dishonorable"; Jan. 3, "Law and Order." "Nice Women" was released last week. Two more features are finished, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "Papa Loves Mama" formerly titled "The Unexpected Father." Two features, "Impatient Maiden" and "Oh Promise Me," go into production Monday, with eight to be started within the next six weeks. "Gallows," which has been renamed "Radio Car," is being revamped for the screen and will be put into production Dec. 15. Gervers Assisting Ennis Ralph Gervers has been named assistant director of exploitation for Columbia, under the supervision of Bert Ennis, chief of advertising, publicity and exploitation. Gervers will make his headquarters in New York and also have charge of the field men and exploitation of New York openings in addition to national campaigns. Quittner-Paramount Suit Coming Up in January Indications are that the Joseph P. Quittner anti-trust action against Paramount, various officials of this company and the Hays organization will come up for trial in the U. S. District Court early in January. Quittner, in his case alleging violations of the Sherman and Clayton acts, seeks damages of $5,180,000 in connection with a theater he formerly operated at Middletown, N. Y. Reginald Smith Acquiring Studios London — Reginald Smith, who takes over the entire shareholding of P.D.C., Ltd., making it an allBritish company early in 1932, will sign contracts in a few days for acquisition of studios in this country. Matreci Succeeds Schlessinger St. Louis — Tony Matreci is now assistant general manager for the St. Louis Amusement Co., following the transfer of Al Schlessinger by Warner Bros, to Cleveland. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today: Annual meeting of Theater Owner Protective Ass'n, Baker Hotel, Dallas. Dec. 3: A.M. P. A. luncheon at the Di»: Hotel with S. L. "Roxy" Rothafel i guest speaker. Dec. 5 : Meeting of Chicago Section . Society of M. P. Engineers, World's Fa) Administration Bldg., Roosevelt Rd. an Lake Michigan, Chicago. 1 P.M. Dec. 7: First Annual Film Party of Kami City Film Row, Pla-Mor Ballroou Kansas City, Mo. Dec. 10: Special Meeting of RKO stoci holders to vote on plans for change i capitalization. Jan. 18-19: Mid-winter meeting of CaroUr Theater Owners' Ass'n, Hotel Charlott Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 13: Second annual formal dinner-dam of the Columbians (Columbia Picture* Hotel Plaza, New York. March 13-20: First film exposition in Ce tral Europe under auspices of Czech slovakian Cinema Artists' Ass'n ai National Film Industry, Prague, Czech Slovakia. March 14-16: Annual convention of M. 1 T. O. A., Hotel Mayflower, Washim ton, D. C. Sovkino Film at Labor Temple j "The New Babylon," Sovkino filn will be shown twice tonight at tb Labor Temple under the sponsorshi of the Medical Workers' League an the Workers' International Relief. Symposium on Hollywood and Soviij A symposium on "The Hollywooi and the Soviet Cinema" will be he! next Sunday evening at the Ne School for Social Research, wit Waldo Frank, H. W. L. Dana, I A. Potamkin, Samuel Ornitz an Michael Gold among the speakers. Maurice Kaplan Buys House Cleveland — Maurice Kaplan h" purchased the Memphis from Mos and Weiss. He will play a doub feature policy, four changes a wee at 10 and 15 cents during the wee and 10 and 25 cents on Sunday. Schertzinger Finishing at Radio IVcst Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Having completed his three-picture contract, Victor Schertzinger will leave Radio Pictures in December, returning later when some of the present contractual arrangements with other directors have expired. "Marcheta" has been temporarily shelved. Arthur Mayer in Hospital Arthur Mayer, director of publicity and advertising for Publix, is in Mt. Sinai Hospital recuperating following an operation for appendicitis. Tax Hits Cheap Seats Glasgow — Following reinstatement of the entertainments tax, Scotland movies suffered the worst week's business since talkers came in. The .cheaper seats, on which a penny tax has been imposed, suffered severely. Most of the exhibitors passed the tax to the public, but it is expected that the theaters soon will be paying at least 50 per cent of it themselves. Studio and Location Sound on Film Recording Low Dail^ or Weekly Ratei Powers Clnophoiw Equlpmsnt Corporation 723.7TH AVE., N. V. BRYANT »-«OeT The 1932 FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK is now being compiled This will be the I4th edition of this encyclopedia of the motion picture industry. Covering this great industry in all its many branches, this new edition will be the greatest yet. And that's saying a lot. Free to paid subscribers to The Film Daily. Subscription includes: The Film Daily, every day; The Year Book, every January; Directors' Annual & Production Guide, every June and the Short Subject Quarterly issues. This complete trade paper I service for $10.00 a year (Foreign $15.00).