The Film Daily (1931)

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THE DAILY Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1931 Vol. IVII No. 57 Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1931 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. AllCOATE Editor and Publislier Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y., *nd copyright (1931) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager: Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Dor Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered a' second class matter. May 21. 1918. at the post-office at New York, N. Y,. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all comraunicationf to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736, 7-4737 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filraday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W I Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La (Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Our-des-Noues. 19 NEW YORK Con. Fm. Ind Con Fm. Ind. pfd. Koda!-. . ... Fox Fm. "A" Gen. Th. Eq. (new) Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Pathe Exch do "A" RKO "A" W;,rner Bros NEW YORK Fox Thea. "A"... Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. RKO rts Technicolor Trans-Lux NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. Paran_ount 6s 47 . . . Par. By. 55^s51 .. Par. 5!4s50 Pathe 7s37 Warner's 6s39 .... STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 5Vi 5H SVi — Vi uVi nVi liVz 961/4 94 ?4 95 4 'A ^ 3AVi 35 35% 72 54 72 '4 10^ '/a VA 9 'A A m VA 3 A 72 !4 A 154 3!4 CURB MARKET Vi 1-16 + ■/. + A + '/B A _:• "a -f A As + 1-16 2V4 zys 2Vi + Vi IVi 2 2 — '/4 BOND MARKET 531/5 53 85 85 — 3 + 1 4754 4754 4754 + 35/2 53 S3 53 3154 31 3154 + Vi Names Coming to Roxy Under its new stage show policy of radio and musical names, the Roxy will feature Tess Gardel, the famous Aunt Jemina of Ziegfeld's "Show Boat," the week of Dec. 11, while Ruth Etting and Borrah Minnevitch come in Dec. 18. '.* ix *,S New York Long Island City ♦'; ♦.♦ 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. ♦> J.t BRyant 9-4712 STillwell 4-7940 j'j 3.: B Eastman Films P J. E. Bnilatour. Inc. it" i?. V j> Chicago Hollywood ff 1727 Indiana Ave. 6700 Santa Monica j> CALumet 3692 Blvd }•{ HOLlywood 4121 "X Marks the Spot" There is plenty of box-office cheer in this newspaper drama produced by Sam Bischoff for Tiffany. It has a lot of real action, tense moments, together with some comedy; a fine cast headed by Lew Cody, Sally Blane, Wallace Ford, Mary Nolan and Fred Kohler, and has been directed with good effect by Erie C. Kenton. With its intriguing and exploitable title, getting them In to see this one should be an easy matter. Incidentally, Wallace Ford, the juvenile lead, could easily do another Pat O'Brien or James Dunn. — GILLETTE. Warners Add to Counsel In St. Louis Controversy St. Louis — Indicating more serious defensive combat in the receivership suits brought by minority stockholders against St. Louis Amusement Co. and Skouras Bros. Enterprises, former U. S. Senatdr James A. Reed and his law partner, James A. Taylor of Kansas City, as well as former Circuit Judge Rhodes E. Cave of St. Louis have been engaged as associate counsel on the side of the Warner interests. No action has been taken yet on a motion by the minority stockholders' counsel that civil and criminal contempt of court citations be issued against H. M. Warner, Abel Cary Thomas and Samuel Carlisle for failure to turn over certain securities valued at about $3,000,000. Standard Release Prints Expected by Feb. or Mar. {Continued from Page 1) ments of the major circuits, following a conference in New York. Operators agreed that a projection angle of 18 degrees is suitable. Attending the conference, held a few days ago, were representatives of Paramount, Loew's, RKO, Fox, RCA Photophone, Electrical Research Products and International Projector Corp. Charles E. Menches Dies Akron, 0. — Charles E. Menches, 72, prominent local exhibitor, former park owner, concessionaire and circus acrobat, died at his home here last week of heart attack. With his brother, Frank Menches, he opened the Liberty, first neighborhood de luxe theater in the city. He also was vice-president of the Akron M.P.T.O. Ass'n. Two sons and two daughters survive. James A. Norris Dies East Liverpool, O. — James A. Norris, 73, died last week at his home in Mt. Dora, Fla. He was for many years manager of the old Grand Opera house here, one of the first theaters in the upper Ohio valley to offer movies. Baltimore Holds "Frankenstein" Baltimore — "Frankenstein," after turning in one of the biggest grosses in months at Keith's, has been held over for a second week. City-wide exploitation, plus an opening 40-hour grind, helped turn the trick. "Blonde Crazy" May Run Longer Already in for two weeks, Warner's "Blonde Crazy," with James Cagney and Joan Blondell, is likely to continue longer at the New York Strand, according to the management. In its first three days the picture grossed $21,305. Monogram Exchanges Oversold on Quotas Thirty-three Monogram Pictures exchanges in the U. S. are from 7 per cent to 53 per cent oversold on the quotas which they were not expected to reach until next April, it is announced by W. Ray Johnston, president. He says it bears out predictions of a banner season for independents. Sheffield Headquarters Being Moved to Seattle Denver— J. T. Sheffield has left for Seattle, where he will establish new headquarters for the Sheflfield Exchange System. For some time the headquarters have been here. Lester Scott On the Road Lester F. Scott, Jr., general sales manager of Mascot Pictures, left New York yesterday for a tour of the key cities in the interests of "The Lightning Warrior," Mascot's third serial of the season, which is now ready for release. Scott's first stop is Cleveland. On completion of his trip, he will go to the company's headquarters at the Tec-Art Studios in California for a conference with Nat Levine, president of the company. Levine is now in New York. U. A. Sets 3 Release Dates National release dates on three United Artists pictures have been set by Al Lichtman as follows: D. W. GriflSth's "The Struggle." Jan 9; "Cock of the Air," Jan. 23; "Sky Devils," Feb. 6. Norma Shearer's Next [fVtf Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Norma Shearer's next production for M-G-M will be "Smilin' Through," based on the stage play. It will be directed by Sidney Franklin. John Meehan is preparing the dialogue. $3,016 from Youngstown Benefits Youngstown, 0. — Benefit midnight shows given at nine theatei-s for poor relief netted a total of $3,016.70. WANT TO BUY 2 HIGH-LOW INTENSITY LAMPS Write Particulars joe Seiden 729 Seventh Ave. New York City Br 9-3951 RAW STOCK Contrary to circulated rumors, we are NOT quitting the film raw stock business. In fact, we are IN more than ever. WW A^AH INCORPORATED 729 Seventh Ave., N.Y.C. — BRyant 9-6210 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today: Meeting of Allied Theater Owners of New Jersey, Hotel Lincoln, New York. Dec. 9 : Meeting of New York Section, Society of M. P. Engineers, Engineers Bldg., New York. Evening. Dec. 10: Special Meeting of RKO stockholders to vote on plans for change in capitalization. Dec. 12: Annual entertainment and ball of Fox Athletic Club, Hotel Astor, New York. Proceeds for relief. Dec. 14: Warner Bros, stockholders' meeting. New York. Jan. 12-13: Meeting of Allied Theater Owners of Iowa, Des Moines. Jan. 18-19: Mid-wmter meeting of Carolina Theater Owners Ass'n, Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte. N. C. Jan. 19-20: State convention of Allied Theater Owners of Nebraska, Omaha, Neb. Feb. 13: Second annual formal dmner-dance of the Columbians (Columbia Pictures), Hotel Plaza, New York. March 13-20: First film exposition in Central Europe under auspices of Czechoslovakian Cinema Artists' Ass'n and National Film Industry, Prague, Czechoslovakia. March 14-16: Annual convention of M. P. T. O. A., Hotel Mayflower, Washington. D. C. J. D. Williams Company In Non-Theatrical Field J. D. Willams and Associates have entered the non-theatrical production field in addition to the theatrical pictures business. The company is making a feature and several shorts for non-theatrical exhibition. Another Original for Universal West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Encouraged by the success of "Spirit of Notre Dame," which was an original story by Universal staff writers, Carl Laemmle, Jr., has okayed for immediate production another original, "Night Club," by P. J. Wolfson and Allen Rivkin. Either Edward L. Cahn or Hobart Henley will direct. Mae Clarke is the first to be signed for i the cast. i REUBEN SAMUELS President SAMUELS AGENCY, Inc. Real INSURANCE Sermce 1540 BROADWAY NEW YORK BRyant 9-3740, 3741, 3742 Lo. 5-0277 2 W. 43 St., N. Y. C. Joe Finston SYNCHRO SCREEN SERVICE Musicat Quality Showmanship Synchronization FEATURES — SHORTS (.Formerly Paramount-Publix) SITUATIOIV Expert and master on superimposed, cutting work; 15 years' experience on editing and cutting films. Box No. 903 c-o Film Daily 1650 Broadway New York 1