The Film Daily (1931)

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THE DAILV Thursday, Dec. 31, 1931 M-G-M STUDIO LAUNCHING SIX FEAIURKIN JANUARY (Continued from Page 1) "Prosperity," which Leo McCarey will direct. Other pictures listed to start shortly after the beginning of the new year include "Skyscraper," Faith Baldwin's novel, which Edgar Selwyn will direct, and an untitled China Seas story to be direclied by Tod Browning. "Grand Hotel" is due to start next week, with Greta Garbo in the chief feminine role, and J. P. McEvoy's "Are You Listening " will shortly get under way wi.h a cast yet to be announced. Kaplan and 21 Aides Indicted by Grand Jury (Continued from Page 1) were preferred by nine operators, who brought action to force Kaplan and other officers to account for $800,000 which they were supposed to have collected from the 1,200 members in 1926-28. Between July, 1929, and July, 1931, the operators set forth, Kaplan and others started their intimidation, using violence to discontinue the suH. The union men besides Kaplua^ named in the indictments are: Charles Eichhurn, vice president; ' Frederick E. Castle, riRsistant to the president; Frank Day, recording s<'l k^Siiil^'; Morris J. Rotker, assistant recording secretary; Morris J. V/olheim, business agent; Max Feiberj;, treasurer; Heu'v M'pinberger, Henry Losch, EJwctru i. Stewart, William Weiss, William Paster, members of the executive board; Theodore Greenberg, organizer; James La Fante, businoss agent; Morris Paul, .Benjamin Ft edman, trustees; Morris SterriborpT, assistant to the president; John. Linder, John Avzar and George Wiliiams, members of the executive board; Henry Busch, a special officer; Frank Bishop, ser' geaikrat-arms. More r«i ta Ordered in Canadian Probe " jront'! Following the formal :aest, a lew weeks ago by counsel representing producers and distr^'itors, vhat the Ontario High r „i rt should be more specific in its rh^'-ges that the movie interests had conspired to form a combine con( :rary to the Dominion's federal stat\ utes'. Judge Wright has now issued an order that R. H. Greer, King's Counsel, in charge of the prosecution, provide further particulars within two weeks' tinie. New Incorporations NEW YORK CHARTERS Prudential Film Delivery Co., photography: E. H. Waldman, 1440 Broadway, New Yo k, $10,000. Lincoln Pictuies motion picture equinment ; J. Allentuck, 521 Fifth Ave., $25,000 ]•(., 200 shares common. Playhouse, theatrical business, Matine;ock; Cravath. De Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood, 15 Broad St., New York. 100 shares common. • • • • FILM FAIRY TALE The Cisco Kid asked the Bad Girl to stroll down Honeymoon Lane for a Reckless Hour and this Smart Woman being Broadminded took Chances on being Compromised so they wandered Over the Hill just West of Broadway while Cisco's jealous wife, Platinum Blonde trailed The Cheat but Bad Girl was a Woman of Experience and gave him The Runaround by steering him into an Eighth Avenoo theayter to look at Transgression and told the sucker to get his thrills from the pix so that was the Hus band's Holiday and we hope your New Year's is just as Successful • • • AT LAST it is definitely and officially confirmed that the Elusive Garbo is in our li'l hamlet ready to sneak into the Capitol theayter to see her pix, "Mata Hari" which opens this morn and when that news gets around among the fans if they don't call out the riot squad, then they'll probably wreck the front of Major Bowes' • • • FRIENDS OF Sam Warshawsky will be glad to iearn that he has contracted with Ethel Barrymore to produce and star in his play, "The Woman of Destiny," next season the play was previously under contract to William Krady, with Sam refusing renewal Ethel is sinking her own dough in the play which shows what she thinks of it • • • FOR THE second time within three months, the British Royal Family has ordered a Command Performance of Charlie Chaplin pictures this time they looked at two, "A Dog's Life" and "The Gold Rush" both very appropriate considering how things are just now in dear ole Lunnon • • • A REAL circus train is being assembled by Emgeem for "Polly of the Circus" starring Marion Davies the train will be coupled to a locomotive, and switched over regular railroad traclfs to the various locations in the pix The latest European find is Sari Maritza, just landed from the Majestic she is signed for Paramount she is Hungarian, and well known on the Continent she played the leading role in Ufa's "Monte Carlo Madness" . • • • OVER AT Elstree the B.I.P. outfit is featuring a Cockney tramp in their productions his name is Leo M. Lion wonder if they're kidding Emgeem? And Irving Shiff rin wants it 'known that his 3-pound addition in the incubator is a Boy not a girl, as stated The latest in Hollerword is the "gin-pole" but it is only a technical studio device a long pole-like crane used by Emgeem to suspend the cameraman and his equipment high in air over wild animals filmed in "Tarzan, the Ape Man" • • • THE CAMPAIGN for the M. P. Club Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria on Feb. 20 is getting away to a grand start with Captain Arthur B. Chase and his aide, Leonore Bardack, rolling up a fine line of ads for the De Luxe Program. LOW ADMISSIONS PROVE PUBLIC CAN'T STAND TAX (Continued from Page 1) ter their protests with Senators and Representatives against the proposed 10 per cent Federal tax. Wood says in part: "The average legislator labors under the misapprehension that motion picture entertainment is a luxury, being deluded into this belief by seeing some of the large de luxe theaters constructed during the past few years, and reading the 'apple sauce' in the papers regarding theater grosses and salaries of certain stars. He is wholly unaware of the terrible condition existing in this business today, especially among the independent exhibitors. "As an industry we must, of course, do what we can to assist the Government balance the budget, but we feel that it is absolutely unfair to single out our natrons or customers and force them :o pay a tax for the privilege of buying our merchandise, especially when we take into consideration the class of people who make up the bulk of our customers. "Use your own language in these letters. Write just what you would say if you were talking personally with them. Bring out the fact that any tax placed upon your receipi,.must be passed on to your patrons as no theater can absorb a tax of 10 per cent. Stress the fact that this places another tax burden upon that class of people least able' to afford any additional outlay of any kind whatsoever. "If you are one of the many theaters charging ten and fifteen cents, explain in your letter that you were compelled to reduce your prices to these figures because it is impossible to secure patronage at higher admission prices." David Dubin Under Knife Minneapolis — David Dubin, Chicago exchange manager, has undergone an operation for appendicitis in a local hospital. r « » Best wishes are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: Dec. 31 1 Louis Meyer Caston Class Harry Mandel Marshall Montgomery Frank Richardson