The Film Daily (1918)

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12 *M* DAILY Sunda^AugustaSjlQlS Will Please But Needs Specialized Exploitation To Get Them In The Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor Colleen Moore and Thomas Jefferson in "A HOOSIER ROMANCE" which we have had in the past has been draggy and uninteresting. Selig — Mutual Regardless of the fact that I possibly see more pictures than any other individual, I am still a "fan" in the sense that I look forward to reviewing some subjects with anticipation and pleasure and there are many others which I go to see purely as a matter of duty and business. I'll admit that I didn't expect to be entertained by "A Hoosier Romance" — it didn't sound interesting. Therefore, I thoroughly enjoyed it when I found it to be very much better than I expected. It was pleasing to watch all the way. That's what you are up against in presenting this him. I am almost certain that the title and the "Olde Tynie" stills will chase away more business than they will pull in. because most stuff of the same nature The cast in this is very good throughout, but I don't think the names are worth a nickel to you from a box office standpoint. The thing to do, then, is to give them your personal guarantee that they are going to enjoy this film and play strong on all the other angles presented. Old folks are going to enjoy this immensely ; make a special effort to get them in on this. Play up the fact that this was directed by Colin Campbell, who made "The Spoilers," "The Ne'er-Do-Well," and many other successes. Emphasize the wholesome comedy element and the delightful human touches throughout. You might also create some curiosity by asking them how they would like to see "Old Rubberface" Frank Hayes, known wherever a Keystone comedy has been shown, doing a serio-comic character in a picturization of Riley's famous poem. There's a wealth of heart appeal as little May Giraci a Spanish orphan strives with sweet childish diplomacy, unselfishly to 'overcome the misunderstandings that threaten to wreck the happiness of her two fond friends. / .\ Roy Stewart and Ethel Flemming in "Untamed" A clean, stirring play of American life, with love, emotion, wistfulness and beauty. In this romance of Southern California, Stewart and his director Cliff Smith have given the Triangle program a play with a western locale, that you can go after with vMyour advertising facilities. A play for those who do and for those who don't like ' westerns." Triangle Distributing Corporation New York