The Film Daily (1918)

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Allege False Claims jM^ DAILY Saturday, August 24, 1918 Assets of Katz and de Wolf Are Said to Be Non-Existent Messrs. Olcott, Bonynge, McManus and Ernst, attorneys for Peirls, Buhler & Co., have filed in the County Clerk's office an amended complaint in their action against Paralta Plays, Inc., Herman Katz and John E. de Wolf, defendants. The plaintiffs, through their attorneys, allege in the amended complaint, which is based on information and belief, among other things, the following: That on the 17th day of November, 1917, Paralta Plays, Inc., made its promissory note promising to pay to its order the sum of $50,000 and interest six months after said date, and thereafter endorsed the note; that the defendants, Katz and de Wolf, endorsed the note for the purpose of giving it credit and with intent to become liable as endorsers thereon; that at the time of the making of the note Katz and de Wolf issued signed statements and caused them to be delivered to the plaintiffs representing their respective financial conditions as the net worth of Herman Katz on November 10th, 1917, as $701,564.57, and that of de Wolf as of May 1, 1917, as $679,979; that before the maturity of the note the plaintiffs on the credit of said endorsement and in reliance on the representations as to the financial worth of Katz and de Wolf gave value for the note and are now its owners and holders. The amended complaint further alleges that the financial statements of Messrs. Katz and de Wolf referred to therein were false and untrue and made with the purpose and intent of cheating and defrauding the plaintiffs or whoever would become the purchasers of the note. It further alleges that Messrs. Katz and de Wolf did not have the assets claimed by them in their respective statements; that instead of the defendant Katz owning real estate of the value of $353,000, as represented in his statement, he owned no real estate whatsoever; that the defendant de Wolf instead of owning unencumbered real estate of the value of$510,000, as represented by him in his written statement, owned no real estate whatsoever. The amended complaint contains other allegations relating to the falsity of the representations of Messrs. Katz and de Wolf._ After alleging that they did not discover the fraud of the defendants Katz and de Wolf until after the service of the original complaint in the action, the plaintiffs demand judgment against the defendants for $51,500 with interest and costs. MEET THEM AT CHICAGO The committee in charge of the A. E. A. convention in Chicago, Sept. 3-7, has extended invitations to the leaders in all branches of the industry. Among those invited to contribute to the program are: Governor Louden, Illinois; William A. Brady, Adolph Zukor, William Fox, Arthur Friend, S. L. Rothapfel, P. A. Powers, Carl Laemmle, James Sheldon, Harry Rapf, Richard Rowland, William Sherrill, R. H. Cochrane, Harry Schwalbe, J. D. Williams, Walter W. Irwin, A. E. Smith, L. J. Selznick, W. W. Hodkinson, Samuel Goldfish; Al. Lichtman, Percy Waters; S. A. Lynch, Winfield Sheehan, J. E. MacBride. Fred Besberg, Cleveland; A. A. Blank, Des Moines; Frank Newman, Kansas City; S. H. Hulsey of the Hulsey Enterprises, Dallas; Ralph Rufner, Butte, Mont.; Jensen and von Herberg, Seattle; Frank Bailey, Butte, Mont.; Eugene Roth, California theatre, San Francisco; Jack Fathington, San Francisco; T. L. Tally, Los Angeles; Sid. Grauman, Grauman theatres, Los Angeles; Emil Kehrman, Fresno, Calif.; Alva Talbot, America theatre, Denver; Chas. Branham, Reuben and Finkelstine, Minneapolis; Thos. Saxe, Milwaukee; Henry Trenz, Milwaukee; Harold Franklin, Buffalo; E. Wineberg, Buffalo; A. Lipson, Cincinnati; Barret McCormick, Indianapolis; Sidney Cohen, John Mannheimer, New York City. Doc. Clemmer, Geo. Cohen. Spokane; J. H. Kunsky of the Kunsky Enterprises; Mr. McGee, Detroit; Eddie Zorn,, Toledo; Max Stern, Columbus; Mr. McClaren, Jackson, Mich.; Harold Edel, Strand theatre, N. Y.; B. S. Moss of the Moss Theatrical Enterprises, New York; M. Kashin, New York City; Harris Davis, Pittsburgh; William Sievers, Grand Central Palace; William Swanson, Salt Lake City; Harry Noland, Denver; Tom Moore, Washington, D. C; J. H. Hallberg, N. Y. C; Nathan Gordon, Gordon Enterprises, Boston; Col. Kincaid, Boston; Samuel Atkinson, Evanston, 111.; King Perry, Detroit; Thos. Beatty, Chicago; Dr. AugustZilligen, Jr., Chicago; Jake Wells, Richmond, Va.; Guy Wonders, Baltimore. Samuel Trigger, N. Y. C; Fred J. Herrington, Pittsburgh; Samuel Bullock, Cleveland; I. W. Mosher, Buffalo; Henry B. Varner, Lexington, N. C. : Wm. Fait, Utica; Harry Crandall, Washington, D. C; Percy Wells, Wilmington, N. C; M. A. Choynski, Chicago; A. B. Momand, Shawnee, Okla.; R. D. Craver, Charlotte, N. C; W. A. Steffie, Minneapolis; H. Schoenstadt. Chicago; W. H. Linton, Little Falls, N. Y.; A. P. Tugwell, Los Angeles; Dee Robinson, Peoria, 111.; Hough O'Donnell, Washington, Ind.; Chesley Toney, Richmond: A. J. Km-, Chicago; Al. Butterfield, Detroit; R. B. Hincs, Roanoke, Va.; W. H. Wiley, Mulberry, Kan.; Glenn Harper, Los Angeles; Peter Jeup, Detroit; C. R. Andrews, Muncie, Ind.; J. E. Sherwood, Madison, Wis.; S. A. Moran, Ann Arbor, Mich. Henry J. Lustig, Cleveland; Henry Bernstein, Richmond; Louis Dittmar, Louisville; George Bleisch, Owensboro, Ky.; S. S. Harris, Little Rock; D. D. Cooley, Tampa, Fla. ; Herman J. Brown, Boise, Ida.; Byron Parks, Salt Lake City; John Weinig, Cincinnati; George Warner, Columbia, S. C.; Harry Hyman, Chicago; W. J. Mulligan, Hegewisch, 111.; Max Hyman, Chicago; J. Cooper. Chicago; Harry J. Corbett, Chicago: H. A. Gundling, Chicago^ A. Treulich, Chicago; H. M. Ortenstein, Chicago. From the Courts B a r r e Must Pay Alimony — Chalmers Publishing Co. Appeals Supreme Court Justice Donnelly decided yesterday that Raoul Barre, who puts the animation in the "Mutt & Jeff" motion pictures, must pay his wife, Antoinette Barre, of No. 1611 University Avenue, Bronx, $30 a week alimony. She is suing for separation alleging abandonment. In her application she stated that her husband receives about $25,000 a year from his interest in the BarreBowers Studios Company which, in turn, receives $40,000 a year to animate and distribute the Bud Fisher cartoons. The Chalmers Publishing Company yesterday filed in the Supreme Court a notice of appeal from the decision of Justice McAvoy granting the motion of the United Picture Theatres of America, Inc., for judgment on the pleadings in its suit for $250,000 damages. The United Picture Theatres charged the defendant company, which publishes The Moving Picture World with libeling the corporation. Justice McAvoy, in his opinion, granting the plaintiff judgment on the pleadings, said: "One cannot read the article upon which this cause for libel is founded without the impression being created that the plaintiff it charged with a fraud and scheme to deprive innocent subscribers to its stock of their subscription deposits and that its representations with respect to the character of the project were and are wholly false." Marie Ginoris, long associated with Pathe as film editor, now occupies a similar position with the Division of Films of the Committee on Public Information.