The Film Daily (1918)

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28 TtM4 DAILY Sunday, September 1, 1918 Cannot Be Depended Upon To Pull Business But Should Satisfy The Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor Ethel Clayton in "THE GIRL WHO GAME BACK ' Paramount This should satisfy generally as an acceptable program offering although it is not big and doesn't justify any extra advertising or special exploitation. I doubt if Miss Clayton's following is sufficiently strong to enable you to depend upon her name alone to pull more than ordinary business on this and unless you have played recent World pictures in which she has appeared you are very apt to rind that she is almost a total stranger to most of your patrons, this being her first production for Paramount. I would give prominent mention to the presence of Theodore Roberts and Elliott Dexter in this offering as they are doubtless much better known to regular Paramount patrons than the star. I think that the crook stuff has a popular appeal generally and I would play up that angle in my ads and lobby. You might hit them along this line: "Do you believe in helping the under dog? See Ethel Clayton, Elliott Dexter and Theodore Roberts in 'The Girl Who Came Back'." "Do you believe in your ability to judge a character to such an extent that you would believe in a femalecrook who had promised to reform when everything seemed to indicate that she had broken her pact with you? See 'The Girl Who Came Back'." Continuity Thousands of dollars are wasted every time a director is started to work with a continuity which contains unnecessary scenes which are afterwards eliminated in the cutting room. Every producer knows how his overhead piles up when the director must halt production to patch up bad continuity. It's good business to get your continuity right before you start. That is where I come in. I am free lancing so that you may call me in immediately to straighten out that "sick sister." ARTHUR EDWIN KROWS 155 Hawthorne Avenue, YONKERS, NEW YORK My Phone is Yonkers 5492