The Film Daily (1918)

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7/^BRADSTREET of FILHDOH DAIIM JjfeRKOCHlZED Authority Vol. V, No. 134 Saturday, September 21, 1918 Price 5 Cents EXPO CONTRACTS ASSURE SUCCESS Space at Madison Square Garden Going Rapidly — Government the Largest Exhibitor The Exposition Company reports that contracts for space at the National Motion Picture Exposition are increasing at a highly gratifying rate and that any doubts that may have existed as to the success of the show at Madison Square Garden need no longer remain. The Government a"nd its various departments connected with the war will be beyond question tne largest exhibitor. It is not generally known that the Exposition Company offered space to the Government free of charge, but such was the case. The officials seized the opportunity immediately and their faith in the success of the exposition is clearly evidenced by the amount of space that the various divisions have taken. The latest Federal body to requisition footage for the show is the Department of Labor. The Government Employment Service branch of this department will have the exhibition in charge. It is here that the campaign for 350,000 laborers will be brought into full swing. The department will show in miniature, ships in the course of construction and aeroplanes, including the types used by the Government. In fact, all the instruments used in the war will be exhibited for the purpose of revealing more forcibly the magnitude of supplying the materials to 4,000,000 fighting men and the amount of .labor needed for the task. The Ordinance Department of the Army and Navy will co-operate with the Labor Department in the arrangement of this exhibit. A letter has been received by the company from F. W. Lawrence, publicity director of the Department of Labor, expressing the complete approval of the department with the Exposition and its gratitude in being permitted to share in the exhibits. The department expects great results from its exhibit in the Garden. It is thought that this is the best way possible to impress the need for labor on the mind of the public. Pathe Convention Managers of Thirty Exchanges Called for Three-Day Meeting Pathe announces that September 24-25-26 it will hold a "save and serve" convention to be attended by the managers of all the thirty exchanges. The convention will assemble at the home offices of the company in New York. It will be the first time in the history of the company that representatives from points west of the Rocky Mountains have been called to the home office in a body. Paul Brunet, vice president and general manager of Pathe, has approved of an elaborate program prepared by Sales Manager Quimby, which includes discussion of many matters of interest to the sales force as well as generous plans for entertainment. The keynote of the convention will be conservation and economy in order to meet the war time expectations of the Government. Its slogan will be "Keep the home wheels truning." Private Showing Soon The daily crop of rumors concerning film activities brought forth yesterday the report that there will be a private showing of Charlie Chaplin's second First National picture, "Shoulder Arms," in about two weeks to which a number of notable personages will be invited. The rumor had it that the officers of Camp Mills, Camp Upton, the Mineola Aviation field, the Army and Navy Departments, the Governor, the Mayor and city commissioners will all be invited to attend the pre-release exhibition of the three-reel comedy. The print of the picture is understood to be on the way east from the Hollywood studio. Of Utmost Value BLUEBIRD THEATRE Anaconda, Montana Wid's Daily, 71 W. 44th Street, New York City. Gentlemen: By the way of a pleasant beginning let me say that I find your review of the utmost value in conducting this theatre and undoubtedly the best thing of its kind that has come to my notice. The present loose-leaf system is a very desirable change in form. The only suggestion I could make is that reviews of short subjects would very greatly add to the value of your publication — for one desires to avoid the lemons in his fillers as well as in his features. ALBERT NADEAU, Manager. Dennison With Fox PITTSBURGH.— D. Leo Dennison. for the past six months manager of the local office of the General Film Company, has resigned to accept a position with the Fox Film Corporation as special representative in the New York office. H. E. Elder, division manager of the General, is in charge of the Pittsburgh office and will remain here until a successor is appointed. Mr. Dennison is well known in the motion picture field and was formerly connected with the local Famous Players office acting as special representative and having charge of five offices in this territory. His first prominent position in the film business was with the Kleine office. He was their special representative. Prints Stolen F. G. Sliter, manager of the Mutual Film exchange, reports prints of "Hoosier Romance" stolen. If located advise Mutual at 1600 Broadway. Al. Brandt Local Manager Harry Levey, head of the Universal Industrial Department, has appointed Al. Brandt, brother of Joe Brandt of the Universal, as local manager of the Symphony theatre. Levey will have the executive direction of the house but Brandt will be in active charge of the details.