The Film Daily (1918)

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7^BRADSTREET of FILMDOM 7ieRKOGHlZED Authority Vol. VI, No. 46 Friday, November 22, 1918 Price 5 Cents TIME LIMIT IS EXTENDED Bureau of Explosives Rules That Old Style Shipping Gases May Be Used Until July 1919 The National Association of the Motion Picture Industry has just received an official notice from the Bureau of Explosives in the form of a letter from W. S. Topping, assistant chief inspector, that the time limit for the use of the old-style telescopic shipping cases has been extended for six months, or until July 1, 1919. According to the amended regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission relative to the shipment of explosives and other inflammable material the period during which the cases now being used by the motion picture industry ended December 1, 1918. The new regulations called for a case radically different in style and construction from those now being used. Owing to the scarcity of metal and labor brought about by the war, motion picture companies found it impossible to obtain new cases to comply with the law. About a month ago Frederick H. Elliott, executive secre tary of the National Association, presented the difficulties of the motion picture companies to Mr. Topping. After several conferences in which every detail of the difficulty was gone over Mr. Topping was convinced of the impossibility of the companies acquiring a sufficient number of the cases demanded by the amended regulations to carry on their business. Consequently he placed the matter before the Bureau of Explosives with the result that the period of grace in which the old telescopic cases may be used was extended. This action is of great importance to the entire industry for if the amended regulations had been enforced it is possible that the entire industry would have been brought to a standstill for lack of shipping cases. Motion picture companies are therefore advised that they may continue using the cases they now have on hand, provided they are in good condition, for an additional six months after December 1. Business Is Dull Lease Lake Side Theatre CHICAGO.— Ascher Bro theirs, through L. L. Sachs of J. P. Strickland & Company, have leased the Lake-Side theatre, at 4730 Sheridan road to Lubliner & Trinz for a period of five years and sjx months from November 18, 1918, at an aggregate rental of $66,000, or at the rate of $12,000 a year. The Lake-Side has a seating capacity of 1,000 and is but a few doors north of the new Pantheon which Lubliner & Trinz opened in September. The theatre was erected about five years ago and is modern in every particular. It is said the new owners will operate the Lake-Side as a tencent house. Since the opening of the Pantheon business at the Lake-Side has been almost nil. Enrico Caruso, world-famous tenor, will make his long-heralded screen debut at the Rivoli next week in "My Cousin," a cheerful drama by Margaret Turnbull, in which the singer appears in a dual role. Eddie Polo, the Universal serial , star, who came to the East a few days ago is making personal appearances daily. On the East Side, many of the theatres which have a seating capacity ' Some exhibitors worry about their of six or seven hundred, checked up troubles. Others solve them. Which over a thousand admi,^ Philadelphia Managers Unable To Account for Slack Patronage PHILADELPHIA.— A peculiar situation exists in Philadelphia at the present time, for which no accountable reason can be given. This city suffered severely from the influenza epidemic, but when the theatres opened again business started fairly well and picked up day by day. On the day that the armistice was signed business was very heavy, but on the next day "the bottom seemed to have fallen out" and theatres are now drawing small audiences, with very few exceptions. The legitimate houses are losing money, and "Hearts of the World" is about holding its own, and has still four weeks run on its six weeks' booking. Now that the government has lifted its restrictions on building of new theatres, preparations are being made by the Stanley Company for a new theatre on a site purchased at Nineteenth and Market streets. Elaborate plans are under way and it promises to be one of the finest houses in the city. ___■ MiUuuiuai; Must Wear Masks INDIANAPOLIS— Under orders of the health authorities everybody in Indianapolis must go about wearing a "flu" mask, because influenza again is increasing rapidly. While outdoors or in his own home a resident of the city need not wear the mask. Any business house or theatre admitting a person without a mask will be ordered closed. Ramsaye With Rothapfel Samuel L. Rothapfel announces the engagement of Terry Ramsaye, formerly with the Freuler group of film enterprises, as director of publicity for the Rivoli and Rialto theatres. Lewis S. Geffen of the Rothapfel staff will continue in the publicity work in association with Mr. Ramsaye. Within the next few days it is probable that an interesting announcement will be forthcoming concerning the future activities of Oscar C. Apfel, who, accompanied by his wife, left for the Coast last Saturday. It is rumored that he contemplates big things _____ ____.