The Film Daily (1918)

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12 aH3 DAILY Sunday, November 24, 1918 Title May Get Them In. Speed Will Please Serial Lovers The Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor Herbert Rawlinson and Priscilla Dean in "KISS OR KILL" Universal You've got to hand it to Bob Cochrane for picking out good names. Maybe Bob don't think of them all, but I am quite sure that he has a hand in the picking when the final matter of selection from the list is reached. No one would hardly have the nerve to insist that this is a really worth while production, but it does move and things happen, hero wins the girl and all that, thereby registering as a typical "movie" and since the Universal folks have undoubtedly figured that it will probably play more at the ten-cent circuit than it will in the fifty-cent top houses, it is possible that the title, which is sensational to say the least, will pull enough business to justify this having been made. As you can naturally suppose, the title has little to do with the story, but you should worry. If you have a theatre where you are trying to be very particular about making good with your fans all the time, it would undoubtedly be a mistake to try to kid them into the belief that this is a good film, but if you have a house where they seem to enjoy serials and like speed when the drammer is on, then the chances are very good that you can shoot this and get away with it. Very frequently, about the only angle to approach, however, in considering advertising points, is to raise merry Ned with the title, and center the rest of your attention on Rawlinson and Miss Dean. You can use head cuts of the two stars with the title in big type between them, and a catchline: "Which would you do?" underneath, and I have an idea that you can arouse some interest at least. Surely, I would play as safe as possible about making any definite promises as to the merits of this. It has practically none, if you are trying to appeal to a distinctive, intelligent audience that knows characterization when it sees it. \p .m..p.i>.a.. ^r New completing S6t Goldw>/ft Fourth Special Production Mi?? Geraidine Farrar. -a.-ravowices* a, S*ei" dipfcitkctive be made released thi under H? own name L^WAVlHbdklixisoiiL and