The Film Daily (1918)

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22 ay* DAILY Sunday, November 24, 1918 Be Careful How You Advertise This. Should Go Great on Saturday The Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor Jane and Katherine Lee in "TELL IT TO THE MARINES" Fox The title of this has a catchy swing because it is a well-known saying, and the Lee kids have an undeniable drawing power. Possibly you will be justified in showing this since you can probably do some business with it, but I would certainly be careful not to make any rash promises as to the merits of the offering. If I were going to try to get away with this, I would concentrate attention on the animated doll" stuff because these scenes are really clever and quite interesting. If you will explain to your fans that it takes many weeks to make these dolls act, I believe that you will add quite a bit to the interest your fans will show in the production. It will probably be an excellent idea to show photographs of Jane and Katherine Lee and photographs of the two leaders of the doll armies with the statement that these dolls trik and trak are co-stars with the famous Lee kids. This should be a particularly desirable film to show on Saturday because as a rule, your Saturday night crowd stands for things that more discriminating audiences will kick about, and certainly the Saturday afternoon kid matinee would enjoy the wild antics of these youthful stars as well as the very remarkable acting of the wooden dolls. It is possible that the Fox policy with the Lee kids has been to place them in very rough slapstick comedy because the truly artistic kid pictures made by the Franklin boys failed to bring in the expected return on the investment. Unless you have played other rough comedies with the Lee kids, you should make it quite clear to your fans that these Fox kid pictures are not like the fairy tale kid pictures which have been shown in the past, but are strictly modern comedies. The Big Peace Picture "UNCONDITIONAL* — -SURRENDER" Peace discussions will occupy the public mind for many months. During that time this feature drama will draw the crowds. This is a Victory picture, but it is also a picture of Punishment— for the Kaiser. The public sees the Court of World Justice condemn him to a fate he richly deserves. Your house will ring with cheers as the Crucifier of Humanity meets his Nemesis. The man who acts quickly will draw big profits from this picture. For particulars apply to A. BLAIKIE DICK 25 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE, VANDERBILT 3900