The Film Daily (1918)

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ZfeBftADSTREET of FILHDOH JifeRSCOGHIZED Authority Vol. VI, No. 52 Friday, November 29, 1918 Price 5 Cents JACK PICKFORD COMPANY FORMED First National Contracts For Three Productions to Be Made By Young Star The First National Exhibitors' Circuit has signed a contract with Jack Pickford, whereby it will distribute three productions. These pictures will be made by the Jack Pickford Film Co. which is a new producing organization starring Pickford. The contract was signed a few days ago and immediately after it was closed, Mrs. Charlotte Pickford and Jack left for the Coast to start work on the first of the three pictures. The three productions contracted for are to be specials and it is expected that three or four months will be consumed in the making of each picture so that they may be of the best quality. First National in contracting for the distribution, also acquired the world's rights. Jack Pickford was recently mustered out of the navy. Joe Maxwell Film Vaudeville Author Makes Picture Called "The Married Virgin" Joe Maxwell, known in theatrical circles as a prolific and successful author of vaudeville sketches, has turned photoplay producer and is launching his first picture under the brand of Maxwell Productions. He has staged a story by Hayden Talbot, which may be described as a society thriller, and which contains an unusual domestic plot. The title, "The Married Virgin," applies to a complication which by an odd twist develops a happy ending for the drama. Mr. Maxwell made the picture in Los Angeles with a cast including Kathleen Kirkham, Vera Sisson, Rodolpho di Valentina, Edward Jobson and Frank Newkirk. "The Married Virgin," in seven reels, will be released through General Film Company soon. Poppe Succeeds Grey Harry H. Poppe has been appointed director of advertising and publicity for Octagon Films, Inc., the company which is handling B. A. Rolfe's serial, "The Master Mystery," starring Houdini. He succeeds John W. Grey, who will hereafter devote all his time to scenario writing. Poppe has had wide experience in advertising and publicity capacities with both motion picture and theatrical compa War Review Goes On Plenty of Interesting Material is Available At a conference held in the office of Marcus A. Beeman, acting director of the Division of Films, between the various interests concerned in the production and distribution of the Official War Review, it was definitely decided that the Review would be continued as long as the pictorial news coming from Europe made it possible to keep up the present high standard of the issues. Among those present at the conference were representatives of the Division of Films, Pathe and the Bureau of Official British Films in the United States. Capt. G. McLeod Baynes, in charge of the distribution of British films in the United States, announced that he had just received a cable apprising him that the surrender of the German fleet to Admiral Beatty had been successfully filmed, and that thousands of feet of this historic scene would be available for the Official War Review. Capt. Baynes also stated that a great deal of other material was now available, and that the British contribution to the War Review would continue to be of a most interesting character. Mr. Beeman stated that Director Hart, who has gene to Europe, would arrange for comprehensive pictures of the peace conference, and that the interesting period between the granting of the armistice and the signing of actual peace, would be fully covered. There will be shown the surrender of the Germans, the evacuation of the cities so long held by the Huns, the return of the fugitives, the onward march of the Al ied armies of occupation, the taking over of Metz and Strasbourg, the departure of German power from Alsace-Lorraine, and other events of momentous interest in the history of the world. Life of Roosevelt "The Life of Theodore Roosevelt," produced by W? rner Bros., for McClure, is nearing completion. The picture has been made under the direction of William Nigh, who also directed the Warner feature, "My Four Restrictions Lifted Machine Manufacturers No Longer Forced to Conserve The Conservation Division of the War Industries Board has rescinded the conservation schedule that had been issued to motion picture machine manufacturers and manufacturers are advised that they need no longer abide by the restrictions contained in the schedule. This information was received by W. C. Smith, general manager of the Nicholas Power Company and chairman of the war service committee of the motion picture machine manufacturers of the National Association. The War Industries Board, however, believes that substantial savings of labor, material, equipment, and capital have been effected as a result of the schedule and expresses the hope that the industry of its own accord will find it possible to continue to observe those provisions of the schedule which eliminate needless waste and can be carried out without real hardship. Sherrill Film Ready "Once to Every Man," the latest William Sherrill production, featuring Jack Sherrill and Mabel Withee, is now ready for release. Mr. Sherrill. however, has not yet negotiated with anyone for the picture. Several of the largest distributors have made bids for it, but nothing definite has been decided upon. The feature marks Miss Withee's debut into filmdom. Larger Quarters Robertson-Cole Co. will enlarge its quarters in the Mecca Building, at 1600 Broadway, so that it will have most of the floor space on the fourth floor where the offices are now located. The projection room will be enlarged. Merged With Famous Players ALBANY. — According to articles filed with Secretary of State Hugo Wednesday, the George M. Cohan Film Corp. has merged with the Famous Players-Lasky Corp. The Tower Film Corp. of New York City has increased its capital stock from $5,000 to $40,000. Samuel Sax, former manager of the Universal exchange at Cincinnati, is now manager of the Metro exchange, that ritv succeeding E. R. Custer.