The Film Daily (1932)

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THE <XI^ DABLV Wednesday, March 2, 193 BANKERS SEEN BEHIND " NEW THEATER SALE DRIVE {.Continued from Paqc 1) thus far in negotiations for theater sales, with the result that comparatively few houses have been bought by independent operators. Conferences toward additional studio economies also have been held recently in New York. The recent coast visit of E. R. Tinker, Fox president, is understood to have a connection with the moves in question. ' J. L. Carlton Putting Out Sound-Film Reproducers James L. Carlton Laboratories, Elmhurst, L. I., is lining up distributors for its new 35 mm. porttable sound-on-film reproducer. The entire outfit weighs less than 100 pounds, it was stated yesterday, and can be operated either through direct or indirect current. Carlton expects to have his 16 mm. sound-on-film reproducer ready for marketing next summer. Dent May Pick U. S. Man As Head of B.I.P. Here Before he returns to London in April, Arthur Dent, vice-president of B.LP.. will select a successor to Sidney Garrett who resigned Monday as head of the B.I.P. American offices. Dent told The Film Daily yesterday. "It is possible that, with so many recognized U. S. film executives now being free agents, we may have one of them as our American sales representative," Dent said. TWELVETREES FILM TITLED "Young Bride" will be the final title for the new Helen Twelvetrees RKO Pathe picture made under the working title of "Veneer." It was directed by William Seiter. Featured with Miss Twelvetrees in the cast are Eric Linden and Arline Judge. MORE FARE REDUCTIONS Reduction in railroad rates for exhibitors attending the annual M. P. T. O. A. convention has b^en extended by Secretary M. J. O'Toole to cover New England and Middle West states, in addition to other states. Total of 21 states are embraced in the special fare proposition zone, with others to be added. ADD ENGLISH TITLES First presentation of the English title version of the Viennese screen operetta, "Das Lied ist aus" ("The Song Is Over"), will take place tornorrow at the Europa, where the picture enters its sixth week. 100 for Buck Jones Columbia's "South of the Rio Grande," being released this week, sends Buck (ones' list of outdoor productions over the hundred mark. A LITTLE from "LOTS" \By RALPH WILK^m HOLLYWOOD JOHN DARROW. who recently J completed a long-term RKO contract, may shortly play the juvenile lead in a Universal film. Carl Laemmle, Jr., before departing for New York last week, approved Darrow's selection for an important assignment. * * * B. P. Schulberg takes the place of J. I. Schnitzer as second vice president of the Ass'n of M. P. Producers. Otherwise the officers remain the same, with Louis B. Mayer re-elected president, J. L. Warner vice president, and Fred Beetson executive vice president. Nate Sloft has opened a gymnasium at the Hollywood Mineral Baths. His pitpils include Ben Lyon, Dorothy Mackaill, Ian Keith, Richard Barthelmess and other celebrities. Slott has been a member of the film colony for several years. * * * Paramount has given a new contract to Herman J. Mankiewicz, who has been a writer with the company for six years Arthur Sheekman also has been signed to aid in tne comedy writing for "Horse Feathers," Marx Brothers picture. * * * John Stahl has decided on Irene Dunne for "Back Street," the Fannie Hurst story being filmed by Universal Tom Mix is back from his honeymoon and ready to start his second picture, "Death Valley Town," by Jack Cunningham and M. Stanley Bei'german, with a supporting cast that includes Dorothy Burgess, Fred Kohler, Forest Stanley, Willard Robertson and Edith Fellows. * * * Tom Douglas is remaining with Paramount for another assignment. ^ ^ ^ Esther Howard has been signed for a. featured comedy role in "Winner fake All," the James Cagney starring film ivhich is now in production. Miss Howard has just completed the role of "Mrs. Kelly" in "The Cohens and Kelly s in Hollywood." Short Shots from Eastern Studios \By HARRY N. BLAIR ^ASTERN SERVICE STUDIOS, formerly Audio Cinema, has installed two sound channels in preparation for considerable independent and industrial picture making activity. • Burnet Hershey, who does all the adapting and dialogue writing for the S. S. Van Dine series, is now at work on the next S. S. Van Dine story, as yet untitled. Vitaphone Vitamins: Joe Henabery shooting within the narrow confines of a Pullman car working out interesting angles for "The Pullman Murder Mystery" . . . Wanda Lyon, leading lady, flashing a fortune in real gems instead of the naste jewelry offered by the prop department . . . Olive Shea is now Gloria Shea. • Herman Ruby, head of Vitaphone's story department and Glen Lambert, staff writer, have completed the script for a new story called "Napoleon's Bust," which Sam Sax has ordered into immediate production. Alf Goulding will direct the picture which will be released as one of Vitaphone's "Pepper Pot" series. • With the closiyig of the Paramount studio, independents ivorking in the East will have a rare opportunity to sign highly skilled techniciayts in the camera and sound field as well as in all ends of the business. • John Hamilton, who plays the police inspector in the Vitaphone S. S. Van Dine mystery series, dropped in to see "The Symphony Murder Mystery," while in Detroit recently, where he appeared in an industrial short. It seems the theater manager recognized him and he wa? called upon to take a bow at the conclusion of the two-reeler. .3 WARNER RELEASES SET Three features will be released nationally by Warner Bros, this month. March 5 Is the date for "The Expert," starring "Chic" Sale and featuring Dickie Moore. On the 12th, "Play Girl," co-featuring Lorebta Young and Winnie Lightner, with Norman Foster as leading man, will be released, followed on March 26 by "The Heart of New York," with Joe Smith and Charles Dale. AL BIRCH AS CRITIC Denver — Kasper Monahan has resigned as critic on the Denver "Post" and left for Pittsburgh, where he joins the "Press." Al Birch, publicity director for the "Post," will add Monohan's duties to his own. ERWIN-COLLYER IN PERSON Stuart Erwin, June Collyer (Mrs. Erwin) will appear in person at the New York Paramount starting Friday. Mme. Luisa Tetrazzini. operatic star, also will be on the bill. COURT REFUSES TO BAR PICKETINGJIF CIRCy (Continued from Page 1) of Judge Selah E. Strong, Supreil Court, Brooklyn, refusing to grai a temporary injunction. He decid^ that all matters in connection w the picketing will be held in abi ance until March 14 when the u\ is tried. This means that when V. trial takes place evidence will given personally rather than throu affidavits. Pending trial. Local 5 is unhampered in its picketing act ities. S. M. P. E. Recommends 16 mm. Film Standari Recommendations for 16 mm. fi standards, together with compl layouts for two types of 16 n film, have been reported by the s' committee of the Standards Comn tee of the S. M. P. E. and are n up for approval. J. L. Spe' headed the work of the sub-comn! tee, which also included V. B. Set P. H. Evans, L. A. Jones, H. T. J main, H. Griffin, R. P. May, T. Shea, L. A. Elmer and H. G. Tasl The entire Standards Committee headed by M. C. Batsel. Senator Davis to Talk At M.P.T.O.A. Banqv One of the principal speakers ; the banqueit which is to be a hi light of the M.P.T.O.A. convent in Washington, March 14-16, be Senator James J. Davis of Pe sylvania on the subject of Mo Picture and Industry. Davis in the cabinet of three President; secretary of labor. President M Lightman also will talk to the \ quet gathering, which will incl ; many senators and representati . WARNERWALTER WOOLF 1 With the filing of a $50,000 sui Walter Woolf, musical comedy :■ against Warner Bros, for all( breach of contract, a counter ij for $515,000 has been entered in oreme Court by the film compi demanding $15,000 for securing lease of his contract with the i berts and $500,000 on the gro that he was not in his best v in the filming of "Golden Dat AVERT SIGN WRITER JAR A break with the New York I Writers' union Local 233 was a\ ed yesterday by RKO officials agreed to stop the use of non-u made banners and flags displaye connection with the Texas Gu vaudeville acts playing RKO hoi The banners were being relaye •^heaters playing the act. French Station Movies Paris — Movie theaters showing new reels and animated cartoons at a lo admission price are planned for tl Care St. Lazare and other big Paris A pots. Programs will be short, to me the requirements of travelers who ha' a brief period to wait for trains.