The Film Daily (1932)

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THE iSBg^ DAILV Thursday, Mar. 31, 1932 :the Of niMDQM Vol. IVIII No. 76 Thur., March 31, 1932 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publislier Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Bioadway, New York. N \, and copyright (1932) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Merscreau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Exiitor; Don Carle Gillette, ManaRing Editor. Entered a« second class muttci. May 21. 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.iiO Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, IbSU Broadway. New York, N Y Phone Circle 7-4730, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739, Cable address: Filmda>. New York, Hollywood. California — Ralph W''k 6425 Hdllywoud Blvd.. Phone Graiiiit; 660/. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89 91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Pans— P. A. Harle. Ls Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK High L. {Columbia Picts. vtc. 7 7 Con. Fm. Ind Syi 3 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 9/$ 9 East. Kodak 76 74 Fox Fm. "A" 35^ 3 Gen. Th. Eq. (new) Vs Loew's, Inc 27^ 26 Paramount 754 7 Pathe Exch Vs RCA GVs 6 RCA pf, "A" (3^) 23^ 23 RCA pf. "B" ... 11 10 RKO new 3J4 3 Warner Bros 2^ 2 NEW YORK CURB Fox Thea. "A"... 'A Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. H Technicolor 1 ^ 1 Trans-Lux 154 1 NEW YORK BOND Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 3'A 3 Loew 6s 41ww.... 86 86 Par. 5}^s50 41 39 Warner's 6s39 24 J^ 24 Western Electric .9854 97 MARKET Net ,ow Close Chg. 7 + 'A Vi 3/8 ..... 9—54 54 76 -f m 354 + Va H 5i 2754 + Vs 7A + Va ]A Va + Vs 54 6ys + li Yi 23ya — 154 11 + 1 Va 354 + 5'8 25's MARKET Vz V2 54 54 Vi 1% + 54 54 154 — 5i MARKET 35i 4 54 86 + •>4 54 40 +2 24^ — 54 yk 97 Vi — 1/8 ELISSA LANDFS 3RD NOVEL Elissa Landi, Fox player whose next picture, "Devil's Lottery," opens tomorrow at the Roxy, has just had her third novel, "House For Sale," published by Doubleday, Doran. New York 1.''40 Broadway BRyant 9-4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STillwell 4-7940 % Eastman Films I J. E. Brulatour, Inc. :| Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumet 3692 Hollywood j'j 6700 Santa Monica f« Blvd. ix HOLlywood412I ;;; Fox Playhouses Benefit From Subleasing Deals Subleasing of houses in the Fox Metropolitan Playhouses group to independent operators will yield about $880,000 a year to Oct. 31, 1941, and $500,000 yearly for the remaining period of the lease, none Jt which extend beyond 1956, while operating expenses are about $150,000 a year, says Ernest W. Niver, head of the noteholders' protective committee for the $13,000,000 61/2 per cent notes due May 1. Niver states that 65 per cent of the notes already have been deposited with Central Hanover Bank & Trust in connection with the committee's reorganization plan, but a bigger percentage is needed. B'way Musical Comedy Booked by Loew Circuit "Girl Crazy," the Broadway musical comedy, has been booked by Loew's to open Friday at the Paradise. This marks a new departure for the circuit and is in line with similar bookings of compact versions of Broadway revues booked by Publix and Warner. U. A. SIGNS ANNA STEN Anna Sten, blonde Russian star who scored in the German version of "The Brothers Karamazov" and with Emil .Tanninsrs in "Tempest," now at the Little Carnegie, has been given a long term contract as a TJnited Artists star, it is announced jomtb' by Joseph M. Schenck and Saranel Goldwyn. She is due to leave Paris for Hollywood on April 15. TWO WRITERS JOIN RKO West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Leonard Praskins and Wanda Tuchock have been added by David O. Selznick to the RKO writing staff. Both recently werp with M-G-M. RKO PUBLICITY CHANGES Changes in the RKO theater advertising and publicity department under the direction of Terry Turner, yesterday placed E. J. Rosenwald in charge of costs and purchases and Bill Usilton in charge of trailers. John Pollock has resumed his former post of head of the press and photo bureau. "AVALANCHE" BEING HELD Dr. Arnold Franck's Alpine film, "Avalanche," is being held another week at the Fifth Avenue Playhouse. ANDERSON WITH COLUMBIA Maxwell Anderson, playwright, has been signed by Columbia to adapt "Washington Merry Go Round." HAND COLORING OF FILM 528 Riverside Drive N. Y. C. Defense Loses 5 Points In Gabe Hess Libel Suit Judge Albert Cohen of the Supreme Court, New York County, has granted a motion made by Attorney Louis Nizer striking out five of the seven defense points in the libel suit brought by Gabriel Hess of the Hays office against "The Churchman," religious publication. Action is based on the publication of a statement to the effect that Hess was indicted in the recently Combines Investigation Act enquiry in Canada. A similar motion will be made by Nizer in the Hess libel case pending against P. S. Harrison, publisher of "Harrison's Reports." Trial of both cases is likely to occur not earlier than one year. RENAMING T. P. E. EXCHANGES Twenty-eight sales branches in the United States and Canada formerly controlled or sub-leased by Talking Picture Epics have been renamed Principal Distributing Corp. branches. According to Frank R. Wilson, additions and changes will be made in the home office and field sales line-up within the next month. First feature to be distributed under the new arrangement will be "Shandy," with Jean Harlow, which will be completed by director John Cline at the Tec Art studios this week. BILLIE GOULD IN HOSPITAL Billie Gould of Station WMCA, formerly a writer for various fan magazines, is recovering from an appendicitis operation at the Mt. Morris Hospital. HERRINGTON IN WASHINGTON Wasliington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Fred Herrington, exhibitor leader, is here from Pittsburgh in connection with the copyright bill amendments pending in Congress. FIRST-RUN AT BEACON "Fame Street," Monogram production with a cast headed by Henry B. Walthall, Leon Janney and Aileen Pringle, will have a first-run showing at the Beacon starting tomorrow. BARRYMORE-DEL RIO TEAM West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — John Barrymore and Dolores Del Rio will be teamed as co-stars in a special RKO production, David O. Selznick announces. ■ Mayfair Theatre B'ldg, N. Y. s WILLIAM MORRIS en 1— 1 < Call-Board n > Cu LYDA ROBERTI HOLLYWOOD THEATRE NEW YORK o o 1 HOLLYWOOD ■ THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today: Allied Theaters of Minne sota, North and South Dakota, annual convention, Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis. Apr. 4: Lambs' Gambol, Imperial Theater, New York. Apr. 8 Universal Club's Dramatic Night and Dance. True Sister's Club House New York. April 11-12: Meeting to form a national protective association of poster supply and allied companies. Hotel Stevens, Chicago. April 16: Associated Theater Owners of Maryland dance and entertainment, Baltimore, Md. April 16-22: National Variety Artists Week drive for benefit fund. April 19: Annual Meeting of Paramount Publix stockholders. New York. April 25: Annual Ball. Movie Bookers of New England, Hotel Statler, Boston. April 29: Sixteenth annual meeting ot Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. May 2-7: Fox Film sales convention. New York. May 6-16: International Film Exhibition, Royal Automobile Institute, Amsterdam, Holland. May 9-12: Spring meeting of the Society of M. P. Engineers. Washington. May 10-15: Radio Pictures Sales Convention, Chicago. May 17-20: Paramount annual sales convention, Los Angeles. June 6-9: Annual convention of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employe! and M. P. Operators, Memorial Hall. Columbus, O. "TARZAN" HOLDS OVER "Tarzan of the Apes," M-G-M picture, is holding over a secon^ week at the Capitol. The 1932 FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK contains: A LIST OF FEATURES RELEASED IN 1931 Complete cast, director, author, scenarist, dialoguer, editor, cameraman, recording engineer, release date and Film Daily review date on all pictures released during 1931. This is only one of the many valuable lists included in this "Reference Book Of The Motion Picture Industry." No one in the business should be without it. The Year Book is included in a year's subscription to THE FILM DAILY. Mail your check for $10.00 (foreign $15.00) to: THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, N.Y.C. One of series of ads designed ) to short' what the 1932 Film Daily r Year Book includes. )