The Film Daily (1932)

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Thursday, April H, 1932 How do you do it? Every year the Film Daily Year Book grows in importance and every year the quality improves. The book this year is surely a distinct credit to your organization and the industry/' W: Ray Johnston President, Monogram Pictures Corp. Aylesworth To Coordinate Radio, Stage and Screen {Continued /i lowing statement regarding the new setup : "Merlin H. Aylesworth was today elected president of RKO at the first meeting of the board following the annual meeting of stockholders. The election of Ayiesworth followed the acceptance by the board of the resignation tendered by Hiram S. Brown as president. Brown will continue as a member of the board of directors and will act in an advisory capacity to Aylesworth. Benjamin B. Kahane was elected vicepresident of the company. "David Sarnoff was reelected chairman of the board of directors of RKO and chairman of its executive committee. Owen D. Young, a member of the board, was elected a member of the executive committee. Gerard Swope, president of General Electric, and Andrew W. Robertson, chairman of the board of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing, were elected as member.s of the board and of the executive committee of RKO. "The activities of the National Broadcasting Co. in the field of entertainment are so interrelated with the general entertainment field that it was felt the requirements of efficiency and economy would be served by the coordination of both entertainment interests under a single president. Aylesworth will continue as president of the National Broadcasting Co. "Aylesworth has been a member of the RKO board since its organization and is intimately familiar with the company's policies and activities. "Following the meeting of the directors of the RKO, meetings of its subsidiary companies were also held and Aylesworth was elected chairman of the boards of Radio Pictures, Keith-Albee-Orpheum and Orpheum Circuit. Benjamin B. Kahane was elected president of Radio Pictures. Harold B. Franklin was elected president of KeithAlbee-Orpheum and Orpheum Circuit, and Joseph Plunkett and Phil Reisman were elected vice presidents of these companies. "With the recent appointments of David O. Selznick as production head at the Hollywood studios of the company, Martin Beck in charge of vaudeville operations, Ned E. Depinet in charge of sales and distribution of pictures, Phil Reisman in charge of picture buying, Robert F. Sisk in charge of advertising and publicity, and Courtland Smith, president of Pathe News, the action taken by the board today completes the reorganization of the executive personnel undertaken after the financial reorganization of the company was approved by stockholders in December, 1931." Merlin H. Aylesworth, the newly elected president of RKO said: "The coordination of radio broadcasting, stage and screen entertain rom Page 1) ment, is logical and highly desirable, i'hey are naturally associated and each will benefit the other. "While the National Broadcasting and RKO organizations will be entirely separate, there is a great opportunity to coordinate tnese two iorces in meeting the demands of the public. "Radio City, at Rockefeller Center now under construction, will contain the largest and most complete radio broadcasting headquarters m ohe world. Twenty-seven studios and offices will occupy 500,U00 square feet in the main Radio ijuilding, 70 stories in height. The great RKO theater, popularly known as International Music Hall and under the direction of Koxy, will be the largest and most modern entertainment theater in the world with a seating capacity of more than 6,000 seats. The moving picture theater also under construction in Radio City will, in my opinion, point the way in the development of moving and talking picture progress. Roxy will immediately resume his outstanding position on the air and will bring to the American people new and novel radio entertainment. "Our responsibilities are large but 1 am confident that the men and women of RKO and National Broadcasting will bring to the people both in the theater and in the home the finest entertainment that vision, nard work, and money can produce." PAYETTE VISITS CHARLOTTE Charlotte, N. C. — John J. Payette, general zone manager for Warner theaters, was a visitor here this week with Frank L. Falce, publicity director. He said Charlotte is an ideal key point for expansion, but that no such plans were contemplated at present. TEST RUNS IN DALLAS Dallas — Because it is ranked as the Southwest's leading theatrical center, Dallas has been named one of the ten cities in which Paramount pictures will be given test runs, according to Marsline K. Moore, resident manager of the Palace. BRITISH FILM SENSATION London — "Good Night, Vienna," British & Dominions picture starring Jack Buchanan, is the current box-office sensation here. It grossed more than $14,000 in its first week at the Capitol. Merchant Tieup Arcanum, 0. — A plan has been worked out between a number of business houses of Arcanum and the management of the Ritz theater whereby patrons of the participating merchants give a check for 3 cents for every 50-cent purchase in their stores. Customers save the checks to get sufficient funds for admission to the theater.