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The Film Daily (1932)

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THE Friday, April 15, 1932 ■Wl DAILV A LITTLE Fro m // LOTS // Hu RALPH WILK< HOLLYWOOD W/ILLIAM BAKEWELL, M-G-M contract juvenile, is doing his part to meet the current public demand for thrills. He has been experimenting with a combination huge surfboard powered by an outboard motor. The first few tries at this new sport were disastrous, as the power behind the flat board made steering next to impossible. But the addition of a second board fastened underneath at right angles, forming a sort of keel, solved the problem, and with a wide horizontal surface and the right proportion of submerged board high speed may be attained under control. * * * Russell Hopton, one of the busiest actors on the Coast, is spending his vacation at the Grand Canyon, following completion of his work in "Radio Patrol." which was directed by Edward Calm. Hopton s pictures include "Arrowsmith," "Law (tnd Order' and many others. It is likely that his next engagement icill be in "Shanghai Interlude," which will be directed by John Ford. * * * A popular Hollywood producer is bemoaning his bad luck at the Mexican border. Returning from Mexico, he was stopped by a custom? inspector, who found two bottles of Scotch in his car. The inspector made the producer pay $10 and confiscated the liquor — which the pro ducer had purchased in Los Angele? before driving to Mexico. * * * Our Passing Show: George D. Baker, Dave Thompson, Tyler Brooke, .lames Seymour, Walter Weems, Arthur Landau, Chester Conklin, Edmund Breese. at the Masquers Revel, at which Walter Huston was guest of honor and Pat O'Brien the "Jester." + * * Jules White and George Marshall have been given long term contracts as directors at the Hal Roach studio. Dickey Moore has been signed for "Our CJang" comedies, a^ has "Bouncy" Wertz, a four-yearold boy, -who tips the scales at T-l pounds. * * * Joseph Sauers, formerly of the New York Theater Guild, will ap Print of Robinson Film Goes East First print of "Two Seconds" to be shipped east was sent on its way yesterday by air mail. This is the most recently completed First National starring vehicle for Edward G. Robinson, who is supported by Vivienne Osborne, Preston Foster, Guy Kibbee, Adrienne Dore, Waiter Walker, William janney, |. Carroll Naish and others. Mervyn LeRoy directed the picture from the Broadway play of the same title by Lester Elliott. National release is scheduled for May 28. A FILM FACT A DAY Harbin, Manchuria, has five theaters equipped for sound, with two more planning to make the change-over. pear in the Four Marx Brothers' next starring comedy, "Horse Feathers," being produced at the Paramount studios under direction of Norman McLeod. :N * * The assignment of Sauers completes the cast for "Horse Feathers," the players appearing in support of Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo being Thelma Todd, David Landau. Florine McKinney, Gwinn Williams. Reginald Barlow, Rooert Grieg, Sid Saylor, E. H. Calvert and Edward LaSaint. * * * Roy Stewart and Virginia Herdman have been given roles in George O'Brien's netv Fox picture. "The Killer, ' directed by David Hoivard. * * * "Tiger Shark" instead of "Tuna" will be the title of the production which Howard Hawks is about to direct for First National. It will deal with fishermen along the California and Mexican coasts. * * * "The Mud Lark," Barbara Stanwyck's next starring picture for Warner Bros, will go into production April 20. George Brent will be the leading man, and Lysle Talbot has another important role. The director will be William A. Wcllman * * * When "The Mouthpiece" has its world premiere within the next ten days at one of the leading Broadway theaters, it is probable that Warren William, who heads the cast and plays the title role in this Warner production, will be m the audience. William is now working in "The Dark Horse" for First National, but hopes that his work in this film will be completed in time to allow of his presence in New York at the first public showing of "The Mouthpiece." * * * George Cukor is about on the last lap of directing "The Truth .About Hollywood," starring Constance Bennett, at the RKO studios. * * * Three more players have been assigned roles in "The Mud Lark.'" Barbara Stanwyck's next starring picture for Warner. They are Leila Bennett. Murray Kinnell and Matt McHugh. * * * Seven additions have been made by Director Al Santell to the cast of the Fox picture, "Rebecca of Suiniybrook Farm," in which Marian Nixon is featured. The players selected are Harry Beresford, Sarah Padden, Alan Hale, Eula Guy, Charlotte Henry, Ronald Harris and Claire McDowell. * * * First National will complete shooting of "The Dark Horse" this week. Warren William heads the cast, with Alfred E. Green directing. * * * .Allan Dinehart has been given an important role with Joan Bennett in "Week Ends Only," which Director Alan Crosland is now readying for production at the Fox studios. * * * On completion of "The Riding Tornado," Tim McCoy will immediately stai't on his next Columbia "eatiire, entitled "Bar X Maverick." Tt will be directed by D. Ross Ledei' man. * * * Fjvelyn Brent and Dorothy Peterson hare been assigned roles in Co'unibia's "Criminal Court" {tentative title), in which Edm,und Lowe ind Constance Cummings are playhig the principal parts. Irving Cumm'ngs is directing. * * * John M. Stahl has signed ZaSu Pitts, Robert McQuade and Gloria Stuart for Fannie Hurst's "Back Street." Stahl expects to complete production the latter part of next week. Irene Dunne and John Boles have the featured roles. * * * Esther Howard, Broadway musi•al comedy actress, has been signed bv Paramount for an important role in "Merrily We Go to Hell," in supnort of Fredric March and Sylvia Sidney. * * * Dick Powell, who has been master of ceremonies at the Stanley theater, Pittsburgh, for the past two years •ind more, will appear in Warners' forthcoming screen edition of "Blessed Event," starring James Cagney. The role to be played by Powell is that of Bunny Harmon, a radio crooner. Roy Del Ruth will direct. * * * Elissa Landi has begun prepara f'on for her next Fox picture "Piirnt Offering,' after only a feiv \d'i!iv' rest following the completion ' of "The Woman in Room, 13," which is soon to be released. Alexander Kirkland has been assigned an im portant role in "Burnt Offering," which Frank Lloyd will direct. * * * Roy Del Ruth, Warner Bros, director, has gone in for checkers in a big way. Someone got Roy Del Ruth into a game a few weeks ago, somewhat against his will. He didn't understand the game and declared he could find nothing interesting about moving a few queer images back and forth on a chess board. Now, however, Del Ruth carries a chess board around in his car and is constantly urging someone to play with him during the luncheon period at the studio. Del Ruth already feels he is qualified as an expert because he recently took seven minutes to study out a move during a game with James Cagney. * * * Barry Conners and Philip Klein are working on the adaptation and dialogue for "Fancy Free," which wil be made by Fox. * * * After he completes "Merton of the Talkies," for Paramount, William Beaudine plans to leave for London, where he will direct a series of pictures. He had his trunks packed and his reservations made for a trip to England, when he received the Paramount offer. * « * Simile — As honest as the applause at a Hollywood preview. * * * Robert Bennett has been added to the cast of "Faith," which Frank Capra is directing at Columbia. Following "Faith," Bennett will play one of the leads in "Royalty at Love," which will be made by Fernando Mendez. * ♦ * Here and There: "Groucho" Marx. Donald Ogden Stewart, Don Herold. Homer Croy, Allen Rivkin, Bert Kalmar, Jerry Horwin, Harry Ruby at meeting of the West Side Riding and Asthma Club. Sh o w man Daily REMINDER "Music Week" is in May — plug your organist or conductor. Prepare special programs for I he entire week.