The Film Daily (1932)

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kS VOL. Ll^ NC;. 1J NEW rCPr, MCNDAy, AI^I^IL is, 1^J2 (5 CENTS Cabinet of Six Will Guide RKO Theater Operations M. P. ACADEMY TO CONSMR EXHIBITIONPROBLEi Jules Lippman Heads New Coast Producins Company 15 Productions Already Slated by Equitable Pictures West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jules Lippman has been named president of the newlyformed Equitable Pictures, Inc., li which will produce independently. j Other officers include Walter Stern, I former business manager of Unii versal, vice-president, in charge of l| production; R. Beveridge, secretary k and treasurer; E. A. "Mannie ' Brown, sales representative. Offices (Continued on Page 2) I SEVEN ROlStii DATES SET FOR 'mND HOTEL" M-G-M has set seven roadshow dates on "Grand Hotel" in what is expected to prove the most important roadshow campaign the industry has experienced in years. Situations as small as 50,000 population and in some instances, smaller, will be played at $1.50 top. Initial dates in the campaign are as follows: Shubert-Majestic, Boston, and Woods, Chicago, April 24; Chestnut St., Opera House, Philadelphia, and Allvine, Pittsburgh, April 25; Ohio, Cleveland; Detroit Opera House, Detroit, and Shubert, Toronto, all May 1. Ben Jacksen Promoted To New Fox Studio Post West Coast Bvreau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Ben Jacksen has been promoted to assistant general superintendent of the Fox studios. Maitland Rice succeeds him as head of the Fox music department. Sees Films as an Aid In Preventing Crime M.P.T.O.A. to Cooperate with Hollywood Suggestions as to what theater patrons want in the way of screen material will be made to Hollywood producers by a M. P. T. 0. A. committee which will visit the Coast late this month. The national exhibitor organization is asking that theater men mall worthwhile ideas to its New York office at 1600 Broadway so the delegates may present a comprehensive cross section of exhibitor opinion. Suggestions must be received within the next 10 days. Canadian Circuit Profits Stood Up Well Last Year Aylesworth Takes Office Via Pathe News Ceremony M. H. Aylesworth, new president of RKO, is pictured in the current issue of Pathe News taking over his new responsibilities. David Sarnoff, president of RCA, is shown giving Aylesworth a sendoff. Toronto — Operating results of Canadian theaters last year were substantially profitable considering the general condition of industry as a whole, it is shown by some of the year's financial statements just made public. In addition to a surplus of $823,105 shown by Famous {Continued on Page 4) Nathanson Resumes Negotiations For Famous Players Canadian N. L. Nathanson is understood to have left Canada for New York to resume negotiations with Paramount Publix officials for the purchase of the Famous Players Canadian Corp. circuit. A certified check for $2,000,000 is said be posted in Montreal as evidence of good faith. Nathanson recently was reported to have offered $12,000,000 for the Canadian circuit, but the offer was turned down. Jack Oakie or Lee Tracy For "Blessed Event" Role ircst Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jack Oakie and Lee Tracy are under consideration by Warner Bros, for the leading role in "Blessed Event." James Cagney, originally set for the part, is still in the east. He will be assigned to another picture. Advisory Cabinet of Six Men Formed to Guide RKO Theaters London — Reviewing criminal statistics in the House of Commons, Sir Herbert Samuel, the Home Secretary, said that motion pictures are doing more to prevent crime than to encourage It. Sack Amusement Firm Celebrating Anniversary San Antonio — Celebrating the first anniversary of its re-entry into the independent distribution field, Sack Amusement Enterprises, with headquarters here, has announced (Continued on Page 4) An RKO theaters home office "cabinet" headed by H. B. Franklin and consisting of Martin Beck, Joseph I. Plunkett, Bob Sisk, Phil Reisman and Nat Blumberg, has been formed to meet three times each week to discuss RKO theater operation and to act in "an advisory (Continued on Page 4) Kent and Lightman Will Give Principal Talks at Conference II rxi CoKisl Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Problems of the exhibitor and the distributor will be taken up by the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences for the first time in the history of this organization when it holds its important conference on April 27. To this end, the Academy has invited Sidnev R. Kent, new operating head of Fox, and M. A. Lightman, president of the Motion Picture Theater Owners of America, as the principal speakers, discussing economic conditions (Continued on Page 2) mmm denies deal TO TAKE BACK HOUSES Asked regarding a report that M. E. Comerford may take back the houses he turned over to Publix several years ago, statement was made Saturday at the Comerford office that no such negotiations are under way. Expect Agreement Soon On Gen'l Theaters Plan With the several protective committees representing security holders now working together, an eaxty agreement is expected on a reorganization plan for General Theaters Equipment, now in receivership, according to Harry S. Durand,. of Mackey & Co., bankers. Durand (Continued on Page 4) Pennsylvania Exhibs Fear State Tax Measure Harrisburgh — Pennsylvania exhibitors are apprehensive over the special legislative session being called by Gov. Pinchot for April 12 for the purpose of raising additional funds for unemployment relief. A tax bill of some sort is expected to be aimed at the film industry.