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The Film Daily (1932)

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l).A. LIKELY TO RELEASE SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTION iLontinued from I'agc 1) day. Both Douglas F'airbanks and Mary Pickford are interested in the Screen Guild, which will serve as an outlet for pictures which are artistic in character. Operator Protest Fine, Sues Union for $30,000 Declaring he was fined and suspended by the union because he was accused of making some repairs to apparatus while recording the installation of Calvin Coolidge as & director of the New York Life Insurance Co., Joseph A. L. Blek has tiled suit in Supreme Court to recover $30,000 from the officers ot Local 6, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and to obtain return of the fine of $200. SMITH AND DALE AT CAPITOL In addition to Johnny Weissmuller, the stage show opening tomorrow at the Capitol will have Joe Smith and Charley Dale among its headliners. The comedians recently returned from the coast. NEW BEDFORD HOUSE SOLD New Bedford, Mass. — The Empire has been sold by Delia Smith, trustee for the estate of James H. Smith, to the Zeiterion Realty Corp., owners of the State and New Bedford theaters. DUALS AT BEACON "The Expert" and "Shop Angel" will be the twin features on the bill at the Beacon for the week beginning tomorrow. PANAMA BARS "DOVE" Panama City — Declaring that the story "wounds the dignity of a brother nation," RKO's production of "The Dove" has been barred here by the Secretary of Foreign Relations following protest by the Mexican Charge d'Affaires. IMPERIAL ACQUIRES FILM "Thirteen Steps," produced by Congress Pictures with Cornelius Keefe and Barbara Bedford, has been acquired by Imperial Distributing for handling throughout the world, it was stated by William Pizor yesterday. Picture will be released May 15. The amount of silver used in making motion picture films is second only, in bulk, to the amount coined in our mint. DAILY Thursday, April 21, 1932 Til A LITTLE from "LOTS" B\ RALPH Wn.K HOLLYWOOD PDWARD J. MONTAGNE, resuming the mantle of scenario editorin-chief at the RKO studios, becomes associated with David 0. Selznick for the second time in that capacity. Several years ago Montagne was scenario chief for the Selznick producing organization. When that company disbanded he joined FBO, and subsequently went to Universal and then Paramount. Both M-G-M and Fox were after him at the time he decided to rejoin Selznick. Linu Busqiiette, appearing in the feminine lead opposite Buck Jones in Columbia's "Born to Trouble,' is entirely recovered frorti her riding mishap the other diiy. Lillie Hayward, who collaborated with Ward Morehouse on "New York Town," for Warner Bros., is now working on an untitled story al Warner Bros. She and Sheridan Gibney wrote the screen play and dialogue for "Miss Pinkerton." Phyiis Barringto7i, who played featured roles in "Ten Nights in a Barroom," "Playthings of Hollywood" and "Law of the Tongs," is playing the featured role in "Seance Murder.' * * * Here and There: John Sheehan Percy Heath, Ben Markson, John Miles, Dave Garber at the Writers club entertainments; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stallings being congratulated over the arrival of their first-born, a daughter. Ray Lissner, the dapper and diminutive production manager, is the proud father of a baby girl, who answers to the name of Carolyn. The youngster is three weeks old. Paulette Goddard is expected to add much sex appeal and glamour to future Hal Roach comedies. The former show girl, regarded as one of the most beautiful musical comedy favorites on Broadway, has been placed under a long term contract by the Roach studios. Amand Schaefer, Hollywood's newest and youngest director, has been making rapid strides. His latest assignment is "Seance Murder," for Willis Kent Prods. Our Passing Show: Mike Connelly of New York visiting old friends at Fox; James Keefe greeting Milton Raison and Willard Keefe on their arrival from New York. * * * The annual Motion Picture Tennis club tournament will be held at the Los Angeles Tennis club May 29, 30 and June 6. Among the players who are tuning up their racquets for the event are Solly Biano, Ted von Eltz, Martin Cornica, Bramwell Fletcher. William Hawks, King Vidor, David and Myron Selznick, Francis Perrett, Pandro Berman, Archie Marshek, Craufurt Kent, Karl Struss Cedric Gibbons, Dave Garber, Olivei H. P. Garrett, Erwin Gelsey, Albert Cohen, Wells Root, Dick Neill, Lincoln Quarberg, who has shown much improvement in his playing, will be an important entrant. * * * Gladys, daughter of Simeon Aller. is attracting much attention by her drawings. Her work is being exhibited at the Los Angeles museum in conjunction with the eighth annual convention of the Pacific Arts Association. * * * John G. Adolfi, who recently completed the direction of "A Successful Calamity," starring George Arliss, will also direct the next Arliss picture, which will be made in England during the summer. Adolfi directed Arliss in "Alexander Hamilton," "The Millionaire" and "The Man Who Played God." Phyllis Clare, blonde English beauty seen on Broadway in "The Band Wagon," makes her film debut in RKO-Radio's "The Roadhouse Murder,' tvith Eric Linden and Dorothy Jordan. * * * Ken Murray, popular vaudeville comedian, has been signed by Warner Bros, for a prominent comedy role in "Crooner." MAKING DISCS FOR RADIO Brown & Hart, radio transcription company, has opened a department to make discs on condensed versions of motion pictures for broadcasting purposes. Dan Wolheim is in charge. ST. LOUIS LICENSES DROP St. Louis — Annual report of City License Collector Oliver Chapman shows that in the last fiscal year licenses were issued to 140 theaters and other places of amusement, against 180 in the previous year. VAN NORMAN JOINS SKOURAS Milwaukee^ — ^E. W. Van Norman, formerly manager of Warners^ Venetian, is now managing Skouras' Garfield. B. C. Cook has succeeded Van Norman as manager of the Venetian. NOICE IN CHICAGO Chicago — Dr. Harold Noice will make personal appeai-ance at the Roosevelt in conjunction with "Explorers of the World," which opens soon at this house. CIRCUIT EXECS CONFER ON SUMMER POOLING PLAN (Coiitiniicd from Page 1) petitive territories and cities. Noml?" of the executives present could b« reached last night by Film Daim for a statement. he 10 Theaters Have Closed In 4 Northwest States Minneapolis — Ten theaters recent ly have closed in four northwes states. Exchanges report that tht Capitol in Keewatm, Princess ir Ivanhoe and the Lyric in Wabasso Minn., have gone dark. In North Dakota the Opera House at Leith and Arnold at Rollette have sus pended. South Dakota reports th< closing of the Palace in Lane, whih [d the Legion in Independence, New ir Baldwin, Garden in Osceola and thqai Opera House in Shell Lake, all i Wisconsin, are dark. N. W. HOUSES CHANGE HANDS Minneapolis — The Bayport thea ter, Bayport, Minn., has been sole to H. L. McGoon by A. R. Holder At Biwabik, Minn., the Grand was acquired by W. L. Grouse froir Sicari and Legein. Severson, Whit ing & Nohe have obtained the Com munity at Clitherall, Minn., fron R. A. Gustovsan. The New Com frey Theater Co., Comfrey, Minn, has secured the theater owned b.\ Joseph Tomblin. The Bison, Bison S. D., has been acquired by H. J Spiller from A. O. Loose. POSTER MEET IN ABEYANCE Date of holding the proposed exhibitor mass meeting to protest against distributor edicts hitting independent poster exchanges is contingent upon the interview which New York exhibitors are to have with Sidney R. Kent. The T.O.C.C. committee, headed by Charles L O'Reilly and appointed following the recent protest gathering at the Hotel Astor, is awaiting word from the Fox operating head concerning an appointment. MIKE MORAN'S NEW FIRM Mike Moran, formerly president of the Interocean Forwarding Co., has organized the Mutual Transport Co., Inc., with offices at 729 Seventh Ave TO-DAY'S BIG EVENT AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT "Eugene Pallette, who had to forego another engagement to do it, played a bit role last week in 'Brown of Culver,' without pay, purely for sentimental reasons. Pallette is a graduate of the famous school in Indiana." — Universal