The Film Daily (1932)

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THE Friday, July 22, 1932 :the 04 I II Ml <>M m LX. Ni. 18 Friday, lily 72. 1932 Price 5 Cuts JOHN W ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidavs »t 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher, Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year, 6 months, $5.00; J months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Fhone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Nouet, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 3H 3^ 3H + Vs East. Kodak 38 36# 37% + yi Fox Fm. "A" IK 154 W* + 'A Loew's, Inc 19j£ 17 19'A + 2H do pfd 52J4 Paramount 2J4 Fathe Exch. "A".. 3 RKO "A" 3 Warner Bros 1J4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 1 1 1 ■+■ Trans-Lux 1 1 1 -j NEW YORK BOND MARKET v/2 v/3 Meyer Says Distribs Evade Dual Bill Issue (Continued from Page 1) with evading the matter owing to a desire to get rental revenue from small accounts operating on this policy. Meyer characterized double features as an economic problem and deplored the industry's lack of courage in trying to solve it. 7 5254 + S'A 254 2H + 'A 2J4 3 + y, 2 'A w + H ft 154+54 Six Features Planned By Australian Company (Continued from Page 1) made whereby the pictures will be released in England and will be accepted as quota pictures within the requirements of the British Film Quota. Cinesound also will continue the Cinesound Review newsreel work and proceed with the production of Captain Frank Hurley's "Artmaster" series, which in future will be of feature length. Fail To Reach Accord In Cleveland Dispute (Continued from Page 1) Will H. Hays, from whom a deposition was to have been taken, left Wednesday for the coast. Sam Horwitz, attorney for the exhibitors, yesterday questioned Hays' departure and said he would apply to the Federal Court in the matter. Brown Finishing Up At RKO on Aug. 27 (Continued from Page 1) It is understood that the U. S. Leather Co., of which Brown was formerly president, has offered him the same post if he will return. Brown could not be reached last night for a statement. Warner Bros. Studio Resume Work Aug. 6 (Continued from Page 1) and "Silver Dollar," starring Edward G. Robinson, with a prominent feminine lead from another studio being obtained opposite him. The other four features are "Central Park," with Joan Blondell and Charles Farrell; "Betrayed," with Barbara Stanwyck; "You Said a Mouthful," with Joe E. Brown, and "The Match King," with Warren William. Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 154 Keith A-O 6s46... 30 28 30 Loew 6s 41ww 71# 71J4 71J4 Paramount 6s 47... 20 17 J* Par. By. 5 54s51... 39 39 Par. 554s50 18 15 Warner's 6s39 1654 1554 + 4 + 2 20 39 18 |-3 1654 + 154 MULLALLY JOINS WARNERS Don Mullally, playwright, has been signed by Warner Bros, through the William Morris office. He left yesterday for Hollywood to join the company's scenario staff. JOINS RELIABLE TICKET CO. Robert R. French, formerly with Novelty Scenic Studios, Variety Scenic Studios, and the S. O. S. Corp., has been appointed general manager of the Reliable Ticket Machine Repair Co., succeeding Sam G. Lamm, who resigned. BRINGS "BARROOM" PRINT Bringing a print on "The Face on the Barroom Floor," Jules Bernstein, Aubrey Kennedy Pictures Corp. executive, arrives in New York today from the coast by airplane. He will discuss distribution arrangements while in the East. RKO BUYS IN SAN DIEGO San Diego, Cal. — San Diego Holding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of RKO has acquired title to the theater building owned by Commonwealth Building Co. here, and has assumed the bonds outstanding thereon. New Trailer Service Launched By Hirliman (Continued from Page 1) formation for the past two months, announced its active entry into the trailer field yesterday. A library which contains trailers of all releases for the past few months has been prepared. Eddie White is in charge of production and Christopher Beute, formerly head of Paramount music department, is in charge of musical scores. A new type of trailer to be sold at a lower cost will be ready for distribution Sept. 1, according to Hirliman. "Our staff includes artists, writers, synchronizers and producers of the highest class and the trailers we have already produced satisfy us that we really have something new in the trailer field," said Hirliman. Distribution will be handled by offices in Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and New York, with sales offices in all key cities. The New York executive and production office is at 203 West 146th St. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK July 25: Annual party of Kansas City Film Board of Trade, Ivanhoe Country Club. Kansas City. July 26: Monthly meeting of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Hollywood. July 26: Meeting of Allied Theater Owner* of New Jersey, 303 West 42nd St., New York. 1:30 P. M. Aug. 1-15: International Artistic Cinematographic Exhibition, held in connection with International Exhibition of Art, at the Lido Excelsior, Venice, Italy. Aug. 3: Meeting of board of director!. M. P. T. O. of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Milwaukee. Sept. 14: Quarterly meeting of board of directors. Motion Picture Prodcers & Distributors of America, New York. Sept. 19-24: Second annual 16 mm. National Motion Picture Exposition. Hotel Victoria, New York. Oct. 27-Nov. 13: Film trade exhibition. Pare des Expositions, Paris, France. See Hindrances in Way Of Canadian Film Quota (Continued from Page 1) dominion pictures. At three previous imperial conferences the question of film control was discussed, but no action taken. HARRY MARX AT PALACE Harry Marx, formerly with Warner Bros, and other major circuits, is slated to become manager of the Palace, starting Saturday. He succeeds Herman Whitman, who may switch to the RKO Madison. n .. n New York l 1540 Brojdw (•{ BRyint 9-47 :.: !2 Long Island City }'{ 154 Crescent St. it sTiiiwiii 4-7940 :': V I Eastman Films if J. E. Brulatour, Inc. § i I Cnlcifo 1727 Indiana Am CAIumet 3692 8 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica li Blvd. :: it Hllriids 61S1 ?vK»n~»aw:-n{:-K»K»»K»K»»»««'i BRILLIANT OPENING World premiere of "Congorilla" the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson film being released by Fox, at the Winter Garden last night drew one of the classiest audiences that has turned out for a Broadway film premiere in a long time. Lighting for the flash premiere was handled by Motion Picture Service Corp. CONSTANCE BENNETT ON AIR Constance Bennett will sing as the featured artist of the "Scenes from Hollywood" broadcast devoted to "What Price Hollywood," her latest picture, which will be broadcast tonight from the RKO Radio studio in Hollywood over the NBCWEAF coast-to-coast network. WARNERS SIGN ED McNAMARA Warner Bros, have signed Edward McNamara, character actor, to a long term contract, with options running up to seven years. He will report at the Burbank studios Aug 1, at which time he will be assigned to an important role in "20,000 Years in Sing Sing" opposite Paul Muni. SAM KATZ DUE TODAY Sam Katz is expected in New York today from Chicago, where he attended the funeral of Max Balaban. Katz will make only a brief stop here, after which he will return to the coast. COMING & GOING "INTERLUDE" IN FALL M-G-M will not roadshow "Strange Interlude," starring Norma Shearer, until early next Fall. Picture is now running in Los Angeles. MORRIS AT PARAMOUNT West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Gouverneur Morris, noted novelist, has been signed by Paramount to write an original screen story for Maurice Chevalier entitled "The Pied Piper of Paris." CLAUDE COOPER DIES Claude Cooper, veteran stage and screen actor, died Wednesday at his home in Laurelton, Queens. CYRIL GARDNER left last night on the Olympic for England, where he will take up direction of the Gloria Swanson picture. LELAND HAYWARD of American Play Co. arrived in New York yesterday from the Coast. BERT WHEELER left New York yesterday for Chicago. WILLIAM D. SHAPIRO of Boston, first vice-president and New England franchise holder of Majestic Pictures will return home tomorrow after a series of conferences in New York with Herman Gluckman, president, and John N. Weber, general salesmanager. SOL POLITO, Warner Bros, cameraman, is in New York for a vacation and visits with family and friends. CLAUDE MACGOWAN of Mayfair left New York yesterday for the coast. He will visit various Mayfair exchanges during his trip. HAROLD KEMP, director of the Warner Bros. Artists Bureau, left for Washington last night with Warren William and Bette Davis. He will supervise the arrangements for the initial personal appearances of the stars at the Earle Theater, returning to New York on Saturday. Miss Davis and William will also play the Earle, Philadelphia, and Ambassador, St. Louis. GEORGE NAYLOR, Columbia's western district manager with headquarters in Los Angeles, is in New York for sales conferences with Charles Rosenzweig. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS and MARY FICKFORD left Los Angeles by plane yesterday for New Mexico and New York, respectively.