The Film Daily (1932)

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MCI lEVf To u^ -^^eAen Presents j lr> Coming From ,V^ere the N^'^t^Big Town. Why EPBYC j£eto jgorfe gmerifait lisle of Paradise' Is \\m of South Seas] ies/ ^pr: 5/^K:^roNf-a-^hson the Balin^^"^^ it is unlike most An* all concerned *>* B.a'' ,.th the b»«s £ot JW P tMt lt 13 .prophet; I *»r"iSS,W.l« fjVS *" eV" KS »»<* cleave, 0 ISS^S^LT l-Rked into. WPPHS *«;b, *.TW " |r«*i» *• »«' ' ' _ ;,re goine ' I,,,., »uiw"c Ba'"L„ <.i »■"" ; ,'.»*v tie; »"rt nttK;, *• Manas we' (tin" yel ■ »t lBal'ns5e .u'. .hich rill .Inn:; villi a -roup .,f cair*se paijil Iroi irnl r-hir' Ihal lav nui gautn I and int • <vhtre J.I HSSfa-~ I. . W ""f^S U"1 "'*£ '"-"h 4 \; AS* irlurned »>* few long soround-'le y slC and in." 1«6° B iven " lot lh. one Von" tie eapr* ins iffl viie cn»> t»«l pftV ol ,»l IMocand'^ rrubia sUatcd W i(W, of in >ilcd I Char I* Inrr.cnUUy cor and hi But t ■.i'S;i»*^»-" rr-uade one hr on Ihe will be «£„&! The; -1 l" v' '.,,> he but i '„;.„„,, dancino f camel a , eel* land to K«t to at? Be-n* el. a? h lvantagp; where 3 bppn bout « vouH bc bu' If a on" t ,„f cos-1 [cW badlv nn E^^^ncon5o,nenUM loptln,he ,0vse. „e t""1' .vit»D" tv\e cnftlVV _, *'* «n«°" o< ■<.( me an* ioo«' 5ood -" „, 9*"'" vne IftK Br REGINA CKEWE. | Midnn Picture fcililor N. V, Amerlfjiii "ISLE OF PARAniSE." "» tnunA picture prorliiccd. filiticil end directed tj Charlet T. Trceo. iviUi • native ce.t. em the I*!enrf of Bali, end presented at the aVnderbllt Theatre. All .the lyric beauty of the Southern Seas has been camera-captured lor Broadway stay-at-homes in the delightful picture that won the tribute of audience applause at its premiere last nieht. Unfortunately, this event was for charity and no further showings are definitely scheduled. But national distribution is assured in ihe near future. ?o watch for "Tsle of Paradise" and give yourself a. treat. Par from the maddcninc rowd's ignoble strife.'" these rnple goldeen-glinted natives fine. upsttanding men and Is with the beauty of tropic trnp;e v,'0n'frers^ — tife' laughter and love nt° .fc. sun-laced land lazily ca ,VJ V.. lFd °y azure seas. And their tn*t. *"".# et*lW »by-dav e):istence fomis the ^5e . jot ^' we of Mr. Trego's picture. cUt>e>nos« """ M'r IiBht laD01'5 im ,ne r'^e o! % o ll *s «sn that form? their food. ,..M':es „ wo< v°eae>"» child-like frolics, the " eiets ^Veso' ^^.1 rhythmical dances, ,E f0F parau^'"" ,M;: <?Uest ■ . . n, .ot P'aymr? sl,„. '■ot the e'ci-n,ill • miiroim-Jne, It tills <ie beauty of X"' )"'th "MdeVw " n K£°'ded befoV™* f °»r off „le ^ J* rVin« sbado'^ end,a««n"er island c M*'i M T>e peit"1 «>» nee .n-J one 1 cn» rt«. ■,*o-* lat-e lttt» 1 ve6> '■>".* ,°f ^4 £: ^^^fc -f .1u,v^ h: rn,a"ee of ,lis fff;^ • ".' ('"'s lotu. ■ ."oo-nieh: be bene/itl •h/rlj. , * rr.^'&a'ffla3 Ban . IS under Ptliusiasfic the F*aft »dV ol etrv ■tvd' ol ot ' ,v«'" / <"«l Se, »«»•' ,'J"'ea„, ,"s -ome„ J* ""e»c/0/*" »'o. "Orf , 'J"o', >i co„ .""""*J adwiek" C0Q"ai"ee . • • Mrs. Polk . auspices of Mrs. E, ,r rgan, Jr. r-Mrs. BVant L, M". C]lar/e5 D. . 1' °??en Pi„pps mostl Gerry f Lawrence Mrs. Ciiarle s'sf, "II, Ic^'IneW and pan i t<lrn'i IhinS j l^ho-zraphed « ""\"lc to MM ..^e e,ood a \0^- vu fen*' I \Vie r-'^^'ooVWd lot taunting, tuneful melpeir amorous romances! i lovely. la?.y life of thej "'»* 'oe, '«c,v ! r, 00 r«49 °»"i ¥ \r — ' ^ OiK \r --'He's . '.Schiev JI" «•«««! P;D; MfS ^t Prun "•« *,;*"'.. ve»"' -,e".o ' aradise" is unfolded ii; i* it f make,you ^curioL, Ouj "C. '*e '<eorf 'he ■"'te/, Cirri *« "'Ci ^l0^ ^^ ^f^ -e"r *'"''"" * and fit: ahAttfi film lo „.,« It mi(de of W» "lcl";%'v| steamer fate to Baf /6o"' tt" •^JV^S^-Sl his own d.pcef-' it. *'«*-., „;>"o„ „ess »" ,„ ovct"" ve»d _ »us enabled to gf '"/-^.j r'"onu ° c"en,0„. "sU p.c*^S- Vnene"»°"Sdlhave aroused!, *■*'.>.,„' '"«.«/.„ «'"»«, AlV»el °'ce, lilt I "on, i "■arfe ' -J'0" of tile on the interestiri terrace of the • • opening ij]e "athe handicraft . "d , Bn' e in Ban out Hoiiy* , nut It f" ., of a b ome ' nan Not OO'V -■• or ejivee> °°d "AdiCnous love Isilor and The al filming a hui'ia! lit ,holo! nmeta. been show's „,n of Ralme: i pi»>-; .-MTi .inl'uenn : o« ™ „ ■ the Hir-e" i told m^ of a iyp , _hnw ""> hithl. »'« r'c,,,'r m'tbe in ih€ Scared the th1 ill! -Higbl that _P-a« ,„„ i d „ou5Ual en -°i irnres of tba old' But iW" it I" nd tisbing tb» ' |vwe Wc , \o«»lc \ we e 1 ftnd l-rr-e \co^ m ,, *«/,; "■"/ a ** tnives, ,„ brought b 'eo< tc^t be' aV»U *i lot' 0, ti°n .,C0< .WW ,-e CMS*-' dl' W*s ellllt «»f act-i Bali's seven r. »ee,_ vl"« kb« ■pe* aiJ ot BP.U «nc" Ove '""^rnalun: Me of lh« ; octerda." 'monib: , Bali l,ooo--ile sex he .no nKessary a— — .tan-Pate « ■ * <*«**£ COPP '•A,;an:amade m Por wW<* ™u--ie W Plea£,"6„ Balinese nau=ie rca.on a"=^i:,Ug-'"«;»et, .etla' «>* rr>it^, .lives ,at» II lbe«otel tb»l. «oij_ avorite danfc*'oi,,-, . r*e c„v' '*' Mr. Tragic ' ^'rf <"<.,,■,.,,,''''"'■< producM f'/i, f^Postd * ,Co' ' o/t 'On *fac* »& cJm, • I "oV, ">p, 30D m ECSTASV* hof* "er, the Dutch « -Sre-nc" — jfi En,P're Room 0f th. "ne.week E,hiblt • batiks t nJ ore a h u?e t< D'<>Perf"a" »"»;, at ' *?ce'.-."» m»' {•al lot tendancing Seas," Rico ** "" fvnd c»»rtl?. ip»i " t<»' ta»o ol o«« oedl •too , pl«o1' »>>. r«u r»0,L— !>»? ' " an,; " r, J! "/"Ifi '."" t, 5« «0 //t " ^'/f a_ ■ "to at. ' >Pn. B'»d. d!es ""tin *a», '""tpl,. ."'-^..""-Cc, v<">e„ which i« ,""'"' PamtinS by] .aresupe;baPPr0P.ria^ca,lc^ tfenty-s M.r^he^-"1 who "e the £W. ™"fc««w cb»v_ artist colon RE are '^ by A,ben H.rschfejd Pictures iinf. „,„ aS,llon 0" the i5l3nr, save permissi 'em exhibited m Lamps o-ecidedly oriental X„:9"lKDa"9'e fror •'sesissss-Sfi will «! TERRACE HAD ^ ^^A^"£?™r^^^ w,th q^cr ■* auty the im DAILY NEWS.«|;u Mammy Calling' Come." 1 He" Yon NEW YORK EVENING JOURXAI Here. and , • O'Brien'* ■Frederic U ° s,,as" Java "Paradise" on Screen. "ISLE OF PARADISE" BEAUTEOUS l.y IKENE TKIRER. "Islr? of Paradise," an .Molph I'cllack production, directed by fCfcarles T. Trego and pre» nled l<>i one niiuht nt the Vanderbilt Theatre. LasC evening's piewilUaion td "liile of Paradise," a gloriously Iphotographed record of the pleasurable activities of a day in beautiful iBali, was in the nature <f a preview. The showing at the Vanderbilt (Theatre benefited certain charities. We rcgiet to i.ay that the picture |bas not yet been booked into a house for a run. But it will be. And vc'l! let yen know when and where— as soon as we"find out. ■ Because, if you're a travelogue fan, and if you especially like such Ireels when they're heait-bre.ikin(,'Iy lovely jn scene, and calm and (peaceful in tempo, you'll ttiUm.Iy want to see Mr. Trego's "Isle of |Paradisc." There is no suggestion of a romantic theme in this pictorial acleount, a-* there was in the late Mi-. Mmnau's "Tabu." Yet we can comIpare "Isle of I'.u ;.<]]• V with r»« other film but the aforementioned III has the ?aine idyllic rhythm: the same majesty of nature. Not th&f IwtYo actually making comparisons. The locales are different. The former told a definite love etory— a legend. The new film reveals a typical day in the lives of these simple, colorful, handsome, jelever. wealthy people of Bali, in the Dutch East Indies. Mr. Trego and his cameramen have obtained scenes in the rice Bulds, in the lagoons and at the loornn. They give us a cricket matchnot the British kind, but a fight between two crickets. They feature several impressive ceremonies, one in which temple dancers perform their weird danee; another a cremation, probably the costliest of all keremonies and the most profound. They spend thousands of dollars on the tremendous towers created the cremation. Thi* is the most important of the day's events, r\nd it isn't an everyday cccuranee either. The director was just ortunate enough to catih puth a ceremony during his six months in all. filming the pirtuie. Then there are bull races, kite flying games, fu.hing, weaving, [jewelry and pottery fashioning. And when these people aren't at irork, they know how to play, and how to go to market. of Paradise*' moves along in its hour's worth of celluloid lowly, gently, with rase. It isr.'t tbc most .exciting of adventure films. ( ( <ii finite < harm. the years t Tut-' rople to K the revela with its »t tr.«re '] "Isle of Paradise" had a one-night-only showing (benefit per[formance preceded by music and dances) at the Vanderbit Theatre L last vening. Its future engagements are still undetermined. It's a lovely pictorial study, a camera narrative of the natives on the island of Ball, which Is just off the coast of Java. The Balinese. according to this piece, which was photographed— and very nicely too, I by Charles Trego — are a graceful, handsome and amiable people who [lead a tranquil and happy life devoted to fishing, sylmming. the [growing of rice and the making of costumes for a continuous series I of picturesque ceremonies. One is also shown a cremation, which appears to be the signal I for numerous side-show attractions, such as cricket fighting, bull | races, kite flying and exotic dancing. The Island is undeniably beauI tiful, and why shouldn't the natives be happy if all they have to do is I iish. swim, step out in colorful pageants and grow rice (with no inIdication that it's to be made into rice pudding)? ADOLPITxV V/ POLLAK / presents \ (THE FIRST AUTHENTIC ALL BALI ISLAND PRODUCTION ' • of burnished bro^e.e in th« J aming ,....„,• lne divans the ye ci [Rich, nex Ivill . ' '-ft ■.NEW YORK EVENING POST. Ballyhooless Bali New Travel Film, Soon to Be Released, Reveals Ideal Life on a Remote Island -*HERE Is no ballyhoo In Ball, The 'j Charles Trego's film." "Isle of Para | Jl Coney Island "touc'.i." which has ! fast become the underlying motif of faraway places that on« dreams of visiting some day. Is consplcuou* by Its absence in this little-known Island off the coast of Java. Not only are there no radios, ice cream cones, alri planes or scenic railways featured In ; this isle of paradise but even the [ Influence of the earnest missionary 1 baa thus far neglected to make itself I felt. • he charm and lure and grace [that Tahiti and other better known j tropical Islands were thought to posJ jess has passed on to Ball by the dl-vln« right of its retained realism. :' For. while It has' been reported by the more seasoned and blaee traveler that there are certain South Sea islands that put on a show lor :ourlsts. very much In the manner of New York's Bowery and San Francisco's Chinatown, the natives of Ball arc completely Indifferent as to the opinion, curiosity or entertainment pos, slbllltles the foreign visitor may hope' f> derive or receive from his stay In, '.heir land. They work In the rice fields. Ash in the lagoons and return to their homes ! dlse," is released. Six months ago Mr. Trego, then an enthusiastic amateur photographer, arrived among the Balinese. It was his purpose to spend a few weeks in this fascinating spot "shooting" the natives with that harmless weapon known as » moving picture camera. But the young man became so intrigued with life among the native-, that he has returned only j to show his celluloid record of their ictlvltles. ry^HE BALINESE. It seems, know how to live. First of all. they boast a caste system. And, while an ambitious nouveau rlche American may ultimately succeed in gaining an Invitation to tea with Mrs. Vanderbilt. a belle of Ball, emanating from the workers, could never hope to "crash" a party given by the ruling class, nor would the latter presume to expect to be Included in a gathering of priests. Nor are members of the various castes disappointed or unhappy in their definitely appointed state, i The women, of Ball have always en Joyed the freedom which our younger generation has been demandinu. Per . after a day's labor to fashion Jewelry, | work on a bit Of carving or spend sn II haps "freedom"— is acarcely explicit j' evening Tit the looms. |j enough, for the so-called double , Ihe most comprehensive Idea of this J standard prevails on trie island. Bahl ■...ispolled spot will be revealed when i ness girls are permitted to have as I | many unquestioned romances as they] ! fit before ma