The Film Daily (1932)

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THE Monday, Aug. 8, 1932 Short Shots from New York Studios mmm By "C. A." — 'T'HE sixth of the series of Nick Kenny "Radio Thrills," starring Art Jarrett and featuring Buddy Rogers, Armida. and others, being produced by the William Rowland and Monty Brice Productions, was completed last week at the Eastern Service studio in the Bronx. • When an Associated Press dispatch from Seattle the other day carried the news of MonteBlue's rescue of a Favchon & Marco dancer, Wanda Stewart, from a blaze that had already ignited her costume, no mention was made of the fact that Miss Stewart was a New York girl who had apepared with George White and Earl Carroll productions and in shorts at the Paramount studio, Long Island. Marco signed her here this spring and she went to the coast to join the Monte Blue unit. • Shooting has started at the Brook'vn Vitaohone studio on a "Melody Meters" short featuring Roerer Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra. The famous son of Otto Kahn has been entertaining swanky night club patrons with his well-known orchestra and has recently comnleted a week's ergpgement at the RKO Palace theater on Broadway. Melissa Mason nooular dancer, is also featured in this short. Roy M^ck is directing. • Marie Marion, grandniece of the late Lotta Crabtree, famous comedienne, has just returned with her vaudeville act, known as Clifford and Marion, from n successful tour of Europe. She was sinned by Stuart Stewart. Vitavhone's casting director, for a role in "The Clown Prince." • Physical production on "It Han Dened in Paris." a feature picture being produced by Picture Classics Inc.. at the Ideal Studio, Hudson Heights, N. J., is expected to be completed Monday. REMINDER Don't sell shorts short! They have exploitation possibilities. &&* DAILY ALONG • • • WHAT IS all this mystery about publicity 0:1 "American Madness?" everybody knows that the Columbia opus deals with the spectacle of a run on a bank and the consequences yet to read some of the newspaper reviews it appears that the writers were mortally afraid to give any hint as to what the film is all about the company's advertising is in the same vague strain • • • IT MAY be a clever publicity gag doing the Greta Garbo mystery stuff in putting over a pix ....... and now we learn from a Boston newspaper that Heath Cobb was in that town exploiting the Columbia pix and the feature newspaper writer was amazed and mystified because for the first time in his life. ...... he ran across a pressagey who didn't want to discuss his picture • • • BUT IT seems to us on the outside looking in . . . that a mystery campaign like this needs something more some kind of a teaser to arouse the curiosity the picture has such unusual exploitation angles it seems a pity to pass them all up just to get over some sort of a "mystery" gag * * * * • • • THE GENT in charge of exploitation at the Ambassador theater in St. Louis got surprising and totally unexpected results from a bit of his publicity when five nuns boarded a taxicab at Union Station to ride to their convent for on the spare wheel in the rear of the taxi was this ballyhoo sign "Merrily We Go To Hell at the Ambassador Theater" • • • IT SEEMS that after we ran a blurb about Charles Reed Jones' novel, "The King Murder" having some fine screen possibilities George Batcheller of Chesterfield ups and buys the screen rights who says this kol yum ain't Constructive Influence? • • • A BOOK on the theory and practice of motion picture production "Know Your Movies" has been written by Welf ord Beaton ....... it is a serious and constructive analysis of production Jack Level of the Harvey Agency has been notified by Secretary of War Hurley that he has been awarded the Order of the Purple Heart for something distinguished he did in line of duty in France where he was wounded in action at St. Souplc; • • • EXTRAS ON the set of Radio's "The Age of Consent" were asked to fill out a questionnaire that reflects the ideas of modern youth out of 100, there were 62 who believed they had a good chance to become stars only 14 out of 50 boys would trade their "chances" in picture work for a steady job but 39 of the girls admitted that they would marry tomorrow for money. ...... .proving that the dames are the practical ones and gents the dreamers. Philadelphia — Re-opening of the Mastbaum, Warner-Stanley de luxer, is contingent upon signing of a new contract with the stagehands' union. West Haven, Conn. — West Haven Cameo Amusement Corp. has been formed here to operate the Cameo, Campbell Ave. Authorized capital of $50,000, of which $12,000 is paid. Incorporators are Miriam W. Hess, D. Clyde Hess and Morris Hadelman, all of West Haven. Hartford, Conn. — Warners have extended their lease on the State, owned by Capitol Theater, Inc. Windsor, Conn. — The Windsor will reopen Sept. 1 after completion of repairs costing about $10,000. Jasper, Ala. — The Colonial has reopened after being damaged by fire several weeks ago. Bay Minette, Ala.— Tom Vail has opened a new theater here. He is running a contest to select a name for the house. New York— The Gem, Eighth Ave. house, has closed for alterations. St. Louis — L. C. Hehl, secretarytreasurer of the M.P.T.O. of St. Louis, Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois, was defeated in the nomination for the House of Representatives. He ran fifth among a field of 13. George B. Calvin, another friend of the industry, lost the Democratic nomination for Attorney General to Roy McKitrick, who is not regarded as favorable to the film interests. Youngstown, O. — The Park, oldest local first-run, dark since last spring, will reopen soon after Labor Day with Fox product, Manager Joseph Shagrin announces. MANY 14APPY RETURNS « « « » » » Best wishes are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, wfio are celebrating their birthdays: August 8 Sylvia Sidney John Hobble Dorothy Jordan