The Film Daily (1932)

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DAILY Thursday, Sept. 22, 1932 SINE MKHMtt Of HIMVQM jm » ■ ^^ All T W nMI Vol. II. Ni. 70 Thurs.. Sept 22 1932 Price 5 Cants JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundav« and Holidays at 1650 Broadway. New York. N. Y.. by Wid's Film* and Film Folk. Tnc. T. W. Alicoate. President. Fditor and Publisher. Donald M. Mersereau. Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager: Arthur \V. Eddy. Associate Editor: Don Carle Gillette. Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21. 1918. at the po-t-offiee at New York. X. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage tree) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year. C< months. Si 00: 3 months. S3. 00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadwav, New York. N. Y.. Phone. Circle 7-473C. 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmdav. New York. Hollywood. California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St.. W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn. Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris -P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 2yA 2YA 2% Columbia Pets. Ytc. 11 11 11 +1 Ton. Fm. Ind 3 3 3 Con. Km. Ind. pfd. 6'A 6'A 6'/2 + % East. Kodak 58^ 54^ 58^ + ■>% Fox Fm. "A"... 4J4 3'A 4'A + !•/$ Loew's. Inc 34$i 32^ 34^ + 3% Paramount 5 54 4 54 5 54+154 Pathe Exch. "A".. 3% 354 W% + Vi KKO "A" 6 514 6 +1 Warner Bros 3^ 3 3'A + H do pfd 10 10 10 — 2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. pfd.. M yg ^6 — Mi Technicolor 454 3*4 454 + ^ Trans-Lux 2/, 254 2'A + 'A NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 3Vt 3'/2 3H + 'A Keith A-O 6s46... 41 4054 41 -f 'A I.oew 6s 41ww 8654 8454 8654 + 2 Paramount 6s 47.. 30 2954 30 + 254 Par. By. 554s51.. 56 53JS 56 + VA Par. 554s50 2954 24 29 + S Warner's 6s39 ... 34 31 34 +4 NEW BEDFORD BARGAIN New Bedford, Mass. — E. M. Loew's Strand, under the management of Edward I. Selette, is now playing vaudeville on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday in addition to two features and shorts, at 20 cents top in the evening, and a dime in the afternoon. MRS. L. K. ANSELL ROBBED St. Louis — Mrs. Louis K. Ansell, wife of the Ritz owner, has reported to the police that she was robbed of two rings valued at $2,000 by two bandits who invaded her apartment. Recording--Re-recording on film and disc Electrical Transcriptions — Synchronizing BRUNSWICK RADIO CORP. 799 Seventh Ave.. N. Y. C. Tel : CHickenne 4-2200 "The Phantom President" Paramount has a sure-fire candidate for a quick and heavy b. o. cleanup in this political satire. But whether or not the exhibitor gets it in time to take advantage of its election timeliness, it's still ace entertainment any time and anywhere. George M. Cohan and Jimmy Durante are the whole show — not forgetting shrewd direction by Norman Taurog, clever photography by David Abel and a swell semi-musical comedy book. Cohan, playing a dual role in fine style, carries the human interest, giving the story a nice touch of sentiment, and does a couple of new routines in flagwaving. Durante, as his comedy side-kick, panics 'em as he never panicked 'em before. Claudette Colbert is part of the love interest. It's a picture that moves all the time, mostly with a rhythmic swing that is pleasantly different. It should be a pushover. GILLETTE. Removal of Sam Kaplan Denied by I.A.T.S.E. Emphatic denial was made yesterday by Fred C. Dempsey, secretary of the I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.O. that Sam Kaplan, President of Local 306, operators union, would be removed. Dempsey's statement, issued on behalf of William C. Elliott, President of the International, was in reply to rumors of Kaplan's impending removal. Reports of a merger of Local 306 and the Empire State Union also were scouted by Dempsey. J. W. McFarland Heads Powers Pictures Sales J. W. McFarland, has been appointed vice-president in charge of distribution of Powers Pictures, it was announced yesterday by P. A. Powers. McFarland has been identified with various branches of the industry for the past 17 years. AUTHORIZE ST. LOUIS ACTION St. Louis — Circuit Judge Albert D. Nortoni has authorized Roy F. Britton and Henri Chouteau, receivers for St. Louis Amusement Co., operators of 22 theaters here, to sue Warner Bros, for damages alleged to have been suffered after control of the amusement company was purchased bv Warners in 1928. JANECKY TRANSFERRED Harold F. Janecky, formerly district supervisor for Skouras Bros. Long Island theaters, has been transferred to the Jamaica theater, Jamaica, L. I. The house, dark for some time, is being reopened tomorrow. George Rich, formerly of Warner theaters, Philadelphia, replaces Janecky, with headquarters at the Jackson Heights theater. HANDLINCx PHILLY HOUSE Philadelphia — Mrs. Alfred L. Wolf, prominent in local and New York social circles and who was at one time with the Theater Guild and other theatrical enterprises, has been engaged by William Goldman, general manager of Stanley-Warner, as managing director and general supervisor of the Metropolitan, opera and legit house. NEXT POLLARD FOR STANLEY "Dance Hall Hostess," second of the six features which F. P. Pictures Corp., headed by Bud Pollard, will produce for release by Stanlev Distributing Corp., will go in work next month, to be followed by "A Lunatic at Large," "Metropolitan Mulders," "Framed" and "The Green Jade." "The Horror" is already finished. Columbia Net $574,292, Topping Previous Year (Continued from Page 1) ber of common shares outstanding. Balance sheet shows assets of $4,340,129 against liabilities of $1,145,669. COAST BENEFIT SHOW 11' est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Will Rogers, Conrad Nagel and Joe E. Brown will be among the masters of ceremonies at the big electrical parade and sport pageant to be held Saturday night in the Olympic Stadium for the benefit of the Motion Picture Relief Fund and the Marion Davies Foundation. Jack L. Warner is director general of the event. REVISED AMPA LINEUP Due to inability of Merlin H. Aylesworth to a,ppear at today's A. M. P. A. luncheon in Sardi's, the guest of honor list will include Emil Gauvreau, managing editor of the "Daily Mirror"; Harry Barris, radio, stage screen and night club star; Joe Lewis, m. c. from Chicago; Lois Whiteman, also a night club artist, and Pete, the "Our Gang" dog. _^ COURSE IN VOICE AND SOUND A course of study dealing with the voice, recording and reproducing it, and problems of hearing on the part of the listing public, will be given by the New School for Social Research in New York. Classes will be held Thursday evenings starting Oct. 20. J. E. Otterson of Electrical Research Products and Dr. Harvey Fletcher of Bell Telephone are among those who will conduct sessions. CANTERBURY JOINS RKO West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jack Canterbury, former assistant to Sam Hill, United Artists studio manager, has been made an office assistant to Freddie Schuessler, RKO casting chief. GOLDEN MANAGING ST. LOUIS St. Louis — Lou Golden is the new manager of the St. Louis, which RKO has just reopened. Eddie Hitchcock is handling publicity for this house and the Missouri. HAND COLORINC OF FILM 528 Riverside Drive N. Y. C THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Sept. 23: Annual golf tournament of Phila delphia exchanges and exhibitors. Lu Lu Country Club, Philadelphia. Sept. 23: Annual Film Outing of Cleveland exhibitors and distributors. Lake Forest Country Club. Hudson, O. Sept. 29: Allied-MPTOA conference, Washington, D. C. Oct. 4: Annual convention of M.P.T.O. of St. Louis, Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois, Coronada Hotel, St. Louis. Oct. 5: Meeting of Society of Motion Pic ture Engineers. Electrical Institute. Grand Central Palace. N. Y. Oct. 17: 'Thirteenth annual convention of M. P. T. O. of Western Penna. and W. Va., Pittsburgh. Oct. 24-29: Second annual 16 mm. National Motion Picture Exposition, Hotel Vu ri« New York Oct. 27-Nov. 13: Film trade exhibition Pare des Expositions. Paris. France Nov. 10: Annual Awards Banquet of Acad emy of Motion Picture Arts and Science* Hollywood. Rowland and Brice Sign Winchell for 13 Shorts Walter Winchell has been signed for a series of 13 shorts to be made by William Rowland-Monte Brice Productions at the Eastern Service Studio in the Bronx. RKO SIGNS WARBURTON West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — John Warburton has been given a term contract by RKO. He comes from the stage and is now appearing in RKO's "Secrets of the French Police." NEW ANDREWS NOVEL Sears has brought out a new novel, "The Butterfly Murder," dealing with a crime in Hollywood, by Charlton Andrews, who has had a number of stories on the screen and on Broadway. HANDLING ARC LAMP Amusement Supply Co. will exclusively distribute in the East the new Sterling high intensity "Hylo" reflector arc lamp manufactured by the Imperial Electric & Manufacturing Co. of Los Angeles. "GOONA-GOONA" HOLDS "Goona-Goona" is being held a second week at the RKO Cameo. One of the few New York Hotels with Alternating Current throughout. The New Hotel Victoria 7th Ave. and 51st Street 1000 Rooms — 1000 Baths Radio, Servidor, Circulating Ice Water Bed Reading Lamp in Every Room RATES: Single $3.00— $3.50— $4.00— $5.00 Double $4.00— $4.50— $5.00— $6.00 Parlor and Bedroom $9.00 — $20.00 A Rendezvous of the Motion Picture World and Home of the 16 MM. D. B. MULLIGAN Executive Vice President LOUIS LOW Resident Manager