The Film Daily (1932)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought <U> The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Fifteen Years Old VCL. LX, NO. 71 new roor, PciDAr, September 23, 1932 5 CENTS Para. Advance Rentals $500,000 Ahead of 1931 NEW CONTRACT WILL BE MODELED ALONG 5-5-5 LINES No Big Mergers in the Air, Says N. M. Schenck Business Improvement is Taking Place, Says Head of Loew's West Coast Bureau, of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — There are no consolidations or mergers of any kind under consideration, declared Nicholas M. Schenck, president of Loew's, Inc., in reply to questions here yesterday about impending affiliations affecting big film companies. {Continued on Page 8) 5 MORE COMPLETE RKO PROGRAM Five circuits, consisting of ninetysix theaters in New England, upper New York and Canada, signed yesterday for the complete RKO feature and short subject line-up, according to Jules Levy, general sales manager. Contracts with the Schine Circuit in New York State were closed by E. L. McEvoy. Leo {Continued on Page 8) Marcus Baker Rejoins U. A. in Far East Post Marcus Baker, formerly M-G-M manager in Singapore, has joined United Artists, which is resuming its own distribution in that territory. Baker, now in New York conferring with Arthur W. Kelly and other home office foreign executives, was with United Artists up to the time it discontinued the Singapore office several years ago. International Technique In New Jannings Picture Nice, France — A new technique whereby the main part of the picture will be made for all countries, requiring a change of only one role for the various foreign versions, is being employed on "Roi Pausole," the Emil Jannings film being shot here by Algra Films. Comptoir Francais Cinematographique will distribute it in France. W. E. Cuts Service Charges in England London — Western Electric has announced a reduction of 10s. in service charges on sound equipment. The cut will go into effect the week ending Oct. 18, according to R. M. Hatfield, managing director of W. E. here. Nine Units in Action at Fox Studios, Three More Preparing to Start Soon Proposed Polish Quota Revised After Protest Warsaw — Threatened withdrawal of American film interests from Poland as a result of the proposed quota law is believed to have been averted by the announcement that the Government has revised its bill following protest from business interests. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Nine units, employing almost every prominent player on the Fox contract list, are currently in action at Movietone City, while three additional stories are being prepared to start before Oct. 1. Now being filmed are Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in "Tess Of The Storm {Continued on, Page 8) Lasky-Fox Deal Reported on Again West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With Jesse L. Lasky's Paramount production deal reported as cold, he is understood to have reached an agreement to produce independently for Fox. Some months ago the former Paramount vicepresident was in negotiation with Fox, but the deal apparently was dropped. Sam Kaplan Announces Cut in His Own Pay Sam Kaplan, president of Local 306, Operators' Union, has taken a voluntary one-third cut in his $21,800 annual salary, he told the "World-Telegram" yesterday, according to a story appearing in that paper. The cut started Sept. 7, the statement says. 8 Weeks ' Paramount Bookings $500,000 Ahead of Last Year Walter Bentley Forming New Circuit in England London — An important new circuit of theaters is planned by Walter Bentley, who has taken over additional office space in anticipation of expanding his present theater operations. Bentley already has four houses, with three new {Continued on Page 8) Paramount's film rentals for the next eight weeks, that is, contracts booked for showing, are $500,000 in excess of business on hand a year ago, it is stated in a DowJones movies survey. Prospects continue bright for major companies showing profits in the last quarter, the article says. Proposed Allied-MPTOA Draft to Include 5-5-5 Clauses The new uniform contract, drafting of which will soon begin as a result of the recent Chicago conference between representatives of Allied and the M. P. T. O. A., is expected to be virtually the same as the 5-5-5 contract. Steps toward actual work on the agreement will {Continued on Page 8) RADIO CITY MOVIE HOUSE WILL HAVE STACE SHOWS Final policy for the RKO Motioji Picture theater in Radio City has been set, and the program will include, in addition to feature pictures, stage presentations of the "Chauve Souris" type as well as several acts of vaudeville, S. L. (Roxy) Rothafel told The Film Daily yesterday. Both the picture house and the International Music {Continued on Page 8) C. C. Pettijohn to Map Drive Against Legislation Preparations for pi-otecting the industry from offensive legislation will begin when C. C. Pettijohn of the Hays office returns to New York about Oct. 1, following his trip with Franklin D. Roosevelt's party. A big avalanche of bills, including numerous tax measures, are expected to be introduced in the various state legislatures, most of which convene {Continued on Page 8) Two-a-Day Engagement For "Kid from Spain" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Warner's Western Theater changes to a two-a-day reserved seat policy for the showing of Samuel Goldwyn's Eddie Cantor vehicle, "The Kid from Spain." Premiere is set for Nov. 10, with big ceremonies.