The Film Daily (1932)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Fifteen Years Old yCL. LX, NO. 119 NEW yCKtt, UTLCDAy, NOVEMDCC 19, 1932 5 CENTS Hayes, March, Borzage, Grand Hotel Win Awards PARA. OPERATIONS SPUT UNDER 4 V. PRESIDENTS Katz-Columbia-Educational Deal Reported in the Air Jankers Reported Trying to Bring About Affiliation Bankers representing Sam Katz nd a group of motion picture ex:utives are making efforts to merge olumbia with Educational-World i^ide to form the nucleus of a proucing and distributing company, ■ith Balaban & Katz houses and jveral other circuits from coast to last on the exhibitor end. The 'ilm Daily learns. Inasmuch as le Chase National Bank and (Continued on Page 2) I.P.T.O. OF EASTERN PA. FIRST TO HEAR NEW PACT Initial M. P. T. 0. A. unit to hear etails of the new standard exhibion contract will be the M. P. T. O. f Eastern Pennsylvania, which will ieet in Philadelphia next week. One .Hied unit, Allied Theaters of New srsey, has unofficially indicated its tay of the agreement. Second disibutor to decide to adopt the conact is World Wide. Fox was first. ,000 Columbia Accounts Estimated This Season Expectations are that Columbia ill sell 7,000 accounts during the 932-33 season, it was declared at le company's office yesterday. Last ear approximately 5,500 accounts ere sold. Decision Expected Soon In Talker Patents Suit Wilmington — Printed briefs were filed yesrday on behalf of A. T. & T., Western ectric and Erpi, defendants in injunction its brought by General Talking Pictures, StanCo., and Duovac, and a decision is excted soon. Argument by complainants was ard recently. Defendants point out that ere was a delay of four years in bringing it. WINNERS OF ACADEMY AWARDS West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Winners of the 1931-32 season awards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences were announced last night as follows: Best Performance, Actress HELEN HAYES, ("Sin of Madelon Claudet") Best Performance, Actor FREDRIC MARCH, ("Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde") Best Ail-Around Production "GRAND HOTEL," (M-G-M) Best Direction FRANK BORZAGE, ("Bad Girl") Best Original Story FRANCES MARION, ("The Champ") Best Adaptation EDWIN BURKE, ("Bad Girl") Best Photography LEE GARMES, ("Shanghai Express"! Best Art Direction GORDON WILES, ("Transatlantic") Best Sound Recording PARAMOUNT, ("Shanghai Express," "A Broken Lullaby," "One Hour With You," etc.) Best Short Subjects "Flowers and Trees," (DISNEY), "A Wrestling Swordfish," (SENNETT), Laurel and Hardy in "The Music Box," (ROACH). Special Award WALT DISNEY, for creation of Mickey Mouse. Certificate of Honorable Mention TECHNICOLOR Honorable Mention EASTMAN KODAK Extra Award WALLACE BEERY, ("The Champ") ALLIED UNITS TO ACT , OSCAR MORGAN APPOINTED ON NEW PACT BY DEC. 15 Allied's procedure in acting on the proposals worked out at the recent conferences between exhibitor leaders and S. R. Kent will be to have regional associations send delegations to the Chicago and New York mass meetings, where the proposals will be fully explained, and those attending the mass confabs will report back to the regional units, who will vote on the proposals at meetings to be held shortly thereafter, it is announced by Abram F. Myers. Action by the individual exhib units is expected by Dec. 15. Allied Exhibs of Iowa Meeting in Des Moines Des Moines — Annual convention of Allied Theater Owners will open Monday at the Hotel Kirkwood here. A television demonstration by U. A. Sanabria of Chicago is one of the programmed features. PARA. DISTRICT MANAGER Oscar Morgan, Paramount branch manager at Philadelphia, has been appointed district manager with headquarters in Atlanta. He succeeds Harry Ballance, resigned. General Sales Manager George J. Schaefer has not yet appointed Morgan's successor at Philadelphia. M. Kenworthy Elected Northwest Allied Head M. Kenworthy of Moswas elected president of Seattle cow, Ida., Allied Amusements of the Northwest at the annual meeting here this week. He succeeds John Danz. Other officers are: W. G. Ripley, Al Rosenberg, Arthur Bishell, vicepresidents; Jim Hone, secretarytreasurer. John Hamrick, Benjamin Fey and Loren-Wahl were elected trustees. Schaefer, Shauer, Cohen, and Seidelman Head Separate Units Under the new Paramount Publix decentralization setup, the company has been broken up into four separate corporations with vice-presidents in charge. George J. Schaefer becomes vice-president in charge of operations of Paramount Distributing Corp. Emil E. Shauer and J. H. Seidelman have been selected vice-presidents of Paramount International Corp., which will handle (Continued on Page 2) GOLDBERG LEAVING W.W., DUNAS QUITTING EDUCAT'L Joe Goldberg, general sales manager for World Wide is leaving the company Dec. 2, Thk Film Daily learns. Goldberg, now in San Francisco, is expected to return soon to New York. It is understood that Phil Dunas leaves EducationalWorld Wide today. World Wide Program Is Signed by Warner Warner has contracted to' play World-Wide's Opportunity Group of features in 65 key cities. The deal was made by J. H. Goldberg. Phil Dunas and several branch managers for World-Wide and by Lester Krieger, Clayton E. Bond. J. T. McCreevy and Max Hoffman representing Warners. New Amortization Plan Being Adopted by Loew The Film Daily Year Book is used by Everyone in the Industry. — Advt. A new plan of film amortization, modified to conform with present rate of income, is being adopted by Loews. Inc., the M-G-M parent company. This is understood to be the reason for delay in the company's annual statement, which is now expected within two weeks.