The Film Daily (1932)

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DAILY Saturday, Nov. 19, 1932 :the rv Nnsnun 0* HLMIO.H 9 Saturday. Nov. 19, 1932 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. VV. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher, Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year, 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone. Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., \V. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. ^Jwaneiai Para. Splits Operations Under 4 Vice-Presidents (Continued from Page 1) foreign distribution. Emanuel Cohen is vice-president of Paramount Pictures Corp. and Paramount Productions, Inc. Formation of these companies, which will eliminate the use of the name Paramount Publix Corp., is designed to effect further efficiency and economy in the various activities of the corporation. Present officers in Paramount Publix will occupy similar capacities in the four new companies. NEW RKO STORY EDITOR Rosalie Stewart has been appointed RKO scenario editor on the coast, it is announced by David O. Selznick. She leaves for Hollywood Dec. 1. Kenneth Macgowan, who has been story head, will concentrate entirely on associate producer work. PARA. BUYS COWARD PLAY Paramount has bought Noel Coward's play, "The Queen Was in the Parlor," for Claudette Colbert. Edwin Justus Mayer will adapt it. NEW YORK STOCK Con Fm. Ind. Con. Fm. Ind pfd. East Kodak Fox Fm. "A" Gen Electric Gen. Electric Sped. Loews. Inc Paramount RCA RCA pf. "B" RKO Warner Bros NEW YORK Technicolor NEW YORK Loew 6s 41 ww .... Paramount 6s 47 Par. 5Vjs50 Pathc 7s37 Warner's 6s39 High 3 m 55 3 16% 11% 273/4 314 7% 4'/8 4'/g 2'/. CURB 3 1/« BOND 84 201/4 19% 71 22'/4 MARKET Net Low Close Chg. 3 3 — i/8 71/2 7i/2 521/4 521/4 — IV4 3 16 '/a — 3/8 113/4 113/4 — 1/g 265/g 26% — 1/4 31/4 31/4 7 7 4 4% + Vs 4 4% + Vs 2 2 MARKET 3% 3% — 1/4 MARKET 833/4 833/4 — 1/4 20 20 191/2 19i/2 I '2 71 71 22 221/4 + % 3 16% SEIDER OPENS NEW HOUSE Prudential Theaters, headed by Joe Seider, opens the new Northport, Northport, L. I., Thanksgiving Eve. VITA. SIGNS AL ST. JOHN Al St. John has been signed by Vitaphone for a short to be made at the Brooklyn studio. BARKAS QUITS STANLEY Sonny Barkas has resigned from Stanley Distributing Corp., where he was acting officer and sales director handling city business. HIPP. OPENS AT 25c TOP With a vaudefilm policy at 25 cents top, the Hippodrome is being reopened today by A. J. Cooper. HANLINE, HERZIG SELL STORY Maurice Hanline and Sig Herzig have old an original, "Lottery Lover," to Franz Shulz for a French production. BAYARD VEILLER JOINS PARA. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Bayard Veiller has joined the Paramount writing staff. •M '/ CLARENCE WALL JOINS RCA Clarence Wall, formerly technical director for Fox Movietone abroad has been placed in charge of sound recording operations at the New York studio of RCA Victor Co. MANY HAPPY RERJBNS ERPI WIRES M-G-M TRAIN An elaborate Western Electric sound system has been installed in the M-G-M trackless train which starts soon on a tour of the world. Best wishes art extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: Nov. 19 Nancy Carroll Louis Graf William Massce Ralph Gervers Wallace Sullivan OSTRER, WOOLF JOIN MOSS London — Mark Ostrer and C. M. Woolf of Gaumont-British have been he board of Moss Em pires, Ltd., succeeding Will Evans and Charles Gulliver, resigned. STANLEY ACQUIRES SHORTS Six single reels in color called "Wonderland of California," and a I three-reeler entitled "Zitari," dealling with Mexi :o, have been acquired Stanley Distributing Corp. Sam Katz May Figure In Proposed Merger (Continued from Page 1) Erpi are heavily interested in Educational World Wide and as K. B. S. is producing the major part of the company's output, it is said that no expression as to the company's attitude has as yet been voiced. Harry Cohn and Sam Bischoff are both in New York and it is understood that the matter is now under official advisement. F. NEWMAN RECUPERATING Seattle, Wash. — Frank Newman, Sr., manager of northwest division, Fox West Coast Theaters, is recuperating from a major operation. C. B. STICKLEY DIES Concrete, Wash. — C. B. Stickley, old-time Washington exhibitor, died recently. He operated the only movie here for over 20 years. "CRUSADER" RENAMED Majestic's "The Crusader" is being released in several territories under the title "Should a Woman Tell?" FILMS CLICK AT DENHAM Denver — .Although failure was predicted for the film policy established recently by Lou Hellborn at the Denham, former dramatic stock stronghold, the house has been doing business far beyond expectations. Hellborn also has organized a company to reopen the Broadway. First show will be the musical comedy, "Sally." BOB COULTER BETTER Richmond — Robert H. Coulter of the Coulter theaters has recovered from an illness which kept him in the hospital four weeks. FIRST-RUNS ON DUAL BASIS Syracuse, N. Y.— RKO Strand on Dec. 3 will adopt a policy of doublefeaturing first-run films on a fullweek basis, says Leonard Sang, managing director. ( IN( V CAPITOL CLOSING Cincinnati — RKO will close the Capitol on Dec. 2. House has been a leading first-run. UNITED AMUSEMENT PROFIT Montreal — United Amusement Corp. for the year ended Aug. 31, reports revenue of $454,186 and net profit of $175,267, available for common share dividends, against re quirements of $137,678. CHARLES ROSENZWEIG of Columbia leaves today for a trip as far as the coast. JERRY SAFRON leaves Nov. 28 for the South. ALLAN DWAN sailed from New York lasfj I night on the Europa. SIDNEY R. KENT leaves today for a 10-day vacation at White Sulphur Springs. LOLA LANE has arrived in New York from the Coast to do stage work. JOAN BLAIR arrived from Hollywood to appear in a Broadway play. GEORGE CUKOR leaves Tuesday for the coast to direct "Our Betters" for RKO. JOSEPH M. SCHENCK is due Monday from the Coast. 300 Studio Disputes Settled by Academy West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Three hundred production disputes have been settled by the conciliation committee of the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences since its inception, it was stated by J. Theodore Reed, chairman of the committee, in an address broadcast early yesterday morning. Other Academy officials who spoke were Conrad Nagel, M. C. Levee, Howard J. Green, Frank Capra, B. P. Schulberg and Mary Pickford. M-G-M STUDIO ON WHEELS Dedication of M-G-M's traveling m. p. studio took place last night with a buffet supper and entertainment at 217 West 57th St., with Major Edward Bowes as host. Several screen and voice tests were made. WILLIAM JOY DEAD Toronto — William Joy, 75, native of Ohio, former proprietor of old Beaver theater, died this week. thm gumuswmrm Nov. 21: Fall meeting of Allied Theater Owners of Texas, Baker Hotel, Dallas. Nov. 21 : Allied Theater Owners' annual convention, Hotel Kirkwood. Des Moines, la. Nov. 28-29: Exhibitor mass meeting under Al lied-MPTOA auspices, Hotel Sherman Chicago. Dec. 1 : Exhibitor mass meeting under Allied MPTOA auspices. Park Central Hotel, N«w York. Dec. 5: Kansas City film colony charity ball Pla-Mor, Kansas City. ^^ PARIS .Jl CAMERAS . . PRINTERS . . . DEVELOPING MACHINES . . LABORATORY EOUIPMENT . PORTABLE SOUND PROJECTORS EDITING MACHINES .... AlVDRE DE BR IE, inc 115 WEST 452< STREET • • NEW YORK