The Film Daily (1932)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought , The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Fifteen Years Old VOL. LX, NO. 123 new yccr, fciDAy, November 2<s, 1932 5 CENTS RKO Field Sales Setup Revised in Six Divisions TEXAS ALLIED AND TRISTATE 0. K. NEW CONTRACT Warner-F. N. Studios Three Months Ahead of Schedule 13 Features Now Awaiting Release — 11 More Under Way West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Warner-First National are three months ahead on production schedule, the studio announces. Thirteen completed features are now awaiting national release within the next three months, and 11 more are in work or being (.Continued on Page 3) SALES OF SHORTS UP 20^ SAYS EARLE W. HAMMONS Short subject sales have increased 20 per cent in the last three months, E. W. Hammons told Film Daily yesterday. "According to latest reports from our sales organization, the average increase will be considerably higher by the time the next period is struck off," said Hammons. "The effect of increased short subject sales is not merely confined to Chicago and other territories that have renounced the double-feature policy, but from practically every district in the cc "try." Exclusive Showings Opposed in Virginia Richmond — Opposition to exclusive runs is being pushed by the Coulter and Blenheim interests through the medium of "Richmond Screenland." local publication edited by Richard Powell Carter and devoted to attractions playing the Byrd, Capitol, Venus, Brookland and Bluebird theaters. Other Virginia exhibitors and film patrons also are said to be against the policy. Fox Closing 5 in K. C. Kansas City — Fox Midwest will close the Rockhill, Linwood, Gladstone, Mokan and Vista, suburban houses, on Sunday. The RKO Mainstreet closes indefinitely Dec. 8. H-E-L-P! The sixth annual drive of the Film Daily Relief Fund starts today. You who can MUST help this year of all years. • When a man is hungry he needs FOOD. Not investigation. Red tape and kind words cannot take the place of medicine and practical aid for those in sickness or distress. # The Relief Fund is down to its LAST few dollars. The result of a bitter and TRYING year. « Some who were on TOP yesterday are on the BOTTOM today. Sympathetic understanding can best come from those familiar with their record and background. • Every PENNY collected goes direct for RELIEF. There is not one red cent of expense. £ The committee is glad to do the work — but YOU, too, must help. Send in your CHECK today. NOW. The COMMITTEE having the work in charge consists of Don Mersereau, "Red" Kann, Billy Brandt, Al Lichtman, Bert Adler, Hal Home, Lee Ochs, and the writer as Chairman. JACK ALICOATE SKIRBALL WILL ABSORB JOE GOLDBERG'S DUTIES J. H. Skirball will absorb the duties of general sales manager for Educational World-Wide, although he will not assume the official title held by Joe Goldberg, who resigned last week. Sol Edwards will assist (Continued on Page 6) MORE CONTRACT DECISIONS EXPECTED WITHIN A WEEK Distributing companies which have not as yet indicated their attitude toward adopting the new standard exhibition contract are expected to announce their decisions during the next seven days. Three (Continued on Page 3) Six RKO Field Sales Divisions Announced in Revised Setup Appeals Court Upholds Union's Right to Picket Right of Local No. 4, stagehands' union, to picket three J. H. & S. theaters in Brooklyn was assured yesterday when the Court of Appeals in Albany reversed decisions of the Appellate Division and Supreme (Continued on Page 7) Jules Levy yesterday announced the formation of a Central Sales Division for RKO which sub-divides national and Canadian sales departments of RKO into six independent divisions. Harry Michalson, form(Continucd on Page 3) The Film Daily Year Book Covers Everything and Goes Everywhere. — Advt. Cole Says Proposals Will Make Federal Action Unnecessary Allied Theater Owners of Texas and the M. P. T. O. of Ark.. Miss., and Tenn. are the first exhibitor units to approve the new contract. Dallas — Endorsement of the new exhibition contract worked out by Sidney R. Kent and exhibitor leaders was voted by Allied Theater Owners of Texas at its two-day convention here this week. "Our endorsement of the contract proposed by Kent will likely be a national bombshell," said Col. H. A. Cole, president of the (Continued on Page 3) 28 HAL ROACH COMEDIES READY BY END OF DEC. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— By the end of next month the Hal Roach studios will have completed 28 comedies and one feature, representing 75 per cent of the season's lineup, according tc Henry Ginsberg, general studio manager. Twelve more comedie? and a second Laurel and Hardy fea ture are on the program. Brennan Adding Offices For Majestic in S. E. Tom A. Brennan, who has the Majestic franchise in the southeast, has opened his second office in that territory at 218 S. Liberty St., New Orleans. William Shiell, formerly with Paramount and Warners, is in charge. In addition to his new exchange, Brennan maintains an Atlanta office and will shortly oper another in Charlotte. Prime Essential The most important element in motion picture production is enthusiasm, said David 0. Selznick of RKO in a radio interview conducted by Regina Crewe, m.p. critic of the New York "Ameri can."