The Film Daily (1932)

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DAILY Friday, Nov. 25, 1932 :the Of mnroM Til. IX Nt 123 Friday Nov 25. 1932 Price 5 Cmts JOHN W ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays »t 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher, Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy. As-ociate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, V. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year, 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y.. Phone. Circle 7 4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Pbr>ne Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Licbtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. ^/Stanetai (QUOTATIONS AS OF WEDNESDAY) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc Con. Fm. Ind pfd. East. Kodak Fox Fm. "A" Gen. Electric Gen. Elec. pfd Loew's. Inc do pfd Paramount Pathe Exch do "A" RCA RCA pf. "B" . .. RKO Warner Bros. do pfd High 95's 7 'A 5334 2% 16V8 11 34 25 70 3 'A % 2 61/4 12V8 3'/2 2 6 Low Close 95/8 7V4 52"„ 2% 15 11 Vi 2HA 70 3 5/8 2 5% 11 Vi 3'/2 1% 6 9V8 7 'A 52 \ g 2'4 15V8 HV2 21 y4 70 3 % 2 6 11 Vj 3V4 1% 6 Net Chg. — 'A — 1/4 — 21/4 — V* — l — 'A — 3V4 — 4% — 'A — "% — Vs — V2 — ' Vi NEW YORK CURB MARKET De Forest Radio ... 34 % 3/8 Gen. Th. Eq. pfd. . . % % % Technicolor 1% 3V4 3V4 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq 6s40 Keith A-0 6s46 . Loew 6s 41 ww Paramount 6s 47 Par. By. 5''2s51 Par. 5'/2s50 19'/2 19 Pathe 7s37 72 71 Warner's 6s39 20'/, 20 2% 32 831/4 81 20 19 41 2Vi 32 40% 2y2 — % 32 81 — 1 20 41 191/2 — Vi 71 — 1 20 — 2 if :: • > K :: 3 New York 1540 Broadway BRyant 9-4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STillwell 4-7940 Eastman Films J. E. Brulatour. Inc. ♦♦♦«, j :;: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumct 3692 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLlywood 4121 The Radio Decree There probably never was a more far-reaching attempt to integrate and monopolize half a dozen industries than that which ostensibly came to an end when the Radio Corporation of America and its nine associates consented to a decree of dissolution. Electrical communication, broadcasting, radio reception, talking motion-pictures, phonographs, vacuum tubes, television, even vaudeville, were affected directly or indirectly. Some 4,000 patents had been pooled under cross-licensing agreements that covered even inventions still to be conceived. In the end a single group might have dictated what we should hear and see in motion-picture houses, what entertainment was to be brought by radio or television, what songs and jokes were to brighten the hours spent in a music hall. From a relatively modest organization concerned with telegraphic dots and dashes, radio had become a nation's impresario and a troubadour heard the world over. — "New York Times". New Hippodrome Policy Is Drawing the Crowds Single features plus four or five short subjects, a 40-minute vaudeville revue, with four changes of program each week, is clicking at the Hippodrome, which opened last week under the managing direction if Cecil Maberry, who is assisted by Alex Moss. Exploitation and publicity also is handled by Moss. Each nrogram will be formed to run c.bout two hours and forty minutes, with five picture shows each day and four "flesh" presentations. The house is scaled at 15 and 25 cents with 10 cents for children at all times. William Carroll and A. J. Cooper are the operators. They also operate houses in Youngstown, Ashtabula, Dayton and in about eight other midwest cities. Booking arrangements have already been made with Fox and Columbia, according to Moss. The house will also play first-run independent product. Charlotte Theater Men Form Welfare Society Charlotte, N. C. — Local theater men have organized a fraternal, social and charitable group to be known as the Jesters' Club. Walter Morris, manager of Warners' Broadway, is president. Other officers are; vice-president, Ira Furman; treasurer, H. H. Everett; secretary, John Vickers. Charter members are: H. F. Kincey, Frank Bryan, Ir.-i Furman, B. B. Bishop, Walter Oiffith, Harry Lucas, Cowan Bain, C. Alexander, Burt Adams, J. M. Gregg, H. Hoi ston, B. II. Rosenwald, J. B. Hobbs, H. H. Everett, Roger Mitchell, John Vickers, M. E. Wiman. Robert Ingraham, Cam Price, Phil Longdon and W. P. White. WARNER CLUB BALL Warner Club will hold its ball Jan. 28 in the Grand Ballroom of the Commodore. Members, guests and outsiders will attend, and a turnout of 2,000 is expected. Harold Rodner is handling arrangements. tstttMt-ti-t Mt't iir-w— •* * w* *-iia &•*&•• *-* •-* *.* ».* •-• ♦.♦> WILL MELT ON MUSIC PACT John Gregg Paine, representing music publishers, and Major Edward Bowes, chairman of the producers' committee, will meet tomorrow to further discuss a new contract covering use of music. QUICKER WRITE-OFF Under its new accounting system, M-G-M is writing off its negative costs during a nine months' period instead of during an 18months' period, as formerly. Publix Circuit Buys Educational Lineup Educational's entire 1932-33 lineup has been bought by Publix for Arizona, B. & K. and Great States (Chicago), Comerford-Publix (Pennsylvania'), Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Detroit. Indiana towns, Kansas City, Lexington and Ashland. Ky., Louisiana, Lucas-Publix, Minneapolis, New England towns, New Jersey. Ohio, Omaha, Salt Lake City, Upstate New York. MacLeavy Supervising Three Lewis-Cohen Houses Monty MacLevy, formerly manager in charere of publicity with the Randforce circuit, has taken over supervision of the Charles LewisRussell Cohen houses on Loner Island. Theaters under the supervision of MacLeavy include the St. Albans in St. Albans, Garden in Snringfield and State in Ozone Park. MacLevy will make his headquarters at the St. Albans. WARDEN LAWES FOR FORUM Warden Lewis E. Lawes, whose book, "20 000 Years in Sing Sine:," is being brought to the screen bv Warners, will be chief speaker at "ext Tuesday's Motion Picture Club Forum. Because his talk wil1 have general as well as trade interests, staff writers of the various newspapers and press services are heintr invited to attend. George Gordon Battle, prominent lawyer, is another speaker on the slate. Due to the bie turnout expected, admission to this Forum meet will be bv ticket, the price being $1 as usual DAVID CHATKIN MARRIED Marriage of David Chatkin of Publix and Evelyn Goldstein took place at Milton Feld's apartment Wednesday night. Bride was formerly E. W. Hammons' secretary at Educational. BRENON WITH MONOGRAM West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Herbert Brenon ha? joined Monogram and will be assigned immediately to direct a "spe rial." His first assignment will be "Oliver Twist." GLEASON FOR "CLEAR WIRES" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — James Gleason ha? been signed by M-G-M for "Clear All Wires," which George Hill is to direct. Nov. 28-29: Exhibitor mass meeting under A1lied-MPTOA auspices, Hotel Congress, Chicago. Dec. 1 : Exhibitor mass meeting under AlliedMPTOA auspices. Park Central Hotel, New York. Dec. 5: Kansas City film colony charity ball, Pla-Mor, Kansas City. Dec. 21 : Mid-winter meeting of North and South Carolina Theater Owners Ass'n, Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 28: Warner Club Ball, Grand Ballroom, Hotel Commodore, New York. Local 306 Picketing 80 New York Houses A new "h:gh" on picketing has been reached by Local 306, operators' union, with increase of its list to 80 through addition of the Tobis. Under a recent court order in connection with the local's action charging major distributors with refusal to sell product to the Moonbeam Amusement Co., which it controls, Springer Cocalis, Attorney Louis Nizer and Charles O'Reilly are being examined. CANTOR HEADS GUILD Eddie Cantor, who was first vicepresident of the Jewish Theatrical Guild, has automatically become president to fill the vacancy created by the recent death of William Morris. Sam H. Harris and William Morris, Jr., have been elected vicepresidents. GAYNOR'S NEW LEADING MAN Henry Garat, French stage and screen star signed by Fox, will make his first American screen appearance opposite Janet Gaynor in "Princess at Your Order," a romance with music. George Marion, Jr., and Jane Storm are doing the script. HARRY BERNSTEIN SAILS Buffalo — Harry Bernstein of the Bernstein interests has left with Mrs. Bernstein for a six months' trip around the world. LYTELL PLANS NEW PLAY Bert Lytell is planning to produce and appear in a Broadway play. The Daily Inch * * Action in Adverfisinc * * HARVEY AGENCY1674 Broadway -CO 50590 LOU GUIMOND Advertising Manager, Powers Pictures, who has a background of Advertising, Publicity and Distribution experience second to none in the industry. His endorsement of our service is praise indeed. CENTURY ENGRAWNG CO."340 W. 39th ST.-ME 3-5131