The Film Daily (1933)

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s Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Fifteen Years Old VOL. LXI, NO. «5 NEW yCCI\, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1933 £ CENTS Studios Turning Out Better Product, Says Allied HERTZ OUT— ZUKOR BACK IN PARAMOUNT SADDLE Two Radio City Houses Become Part of RKO Circuit Franklin Says 'Roxy' Will Resume Management Upon Recovery Addition of the two new Radio City theaters to the RKO circuit was announced by Harold B. Franklin yesterday following publication of stories to the effect that he had taken charge of the Radio City Music Hall and RKO Roxy. Franklin, who is president of the RKO theater companies, said: "Durinc the illness of 'Roxy' certain matters in connection with the theaters had to be adjusted and other immediate business (.Continued on Page 2) DUDLEY MURPHY PLANS LOW-COST CLASS FILMS Production of low-cost features designed for class audiences is planned by Dudley Murphy, director, who has arrived in New York from the Coast to work out the plan. He (Continued on Page 2) Loew's Midland, Too, Postpones Price Cuts Kansas City — Reduction of admission prices to 25 cents top at Loew's Midland, scheduled to start yesterday, has been postponed until Jan. 20. As in the case of Loew's State, Providence, United Artists refused to allow the showing of "Cynara" and "Kid from Spain" to be shown at a quarter. "Cynara" opened yesterday, with "Kid" following next week, after which the 25-cent policy will start with M-G-M's "Son-Daughter." Flexible Design "Next vogue will be shrinkable theaters," said Bob O'Donnell, now a Southern theater operator, yesterday, In contributing to the batch of gags of the times. Idea, tez this former Pub lii cicc, is to have theater walls which contract in order to cut down overhead as attendance decreases. All Votes Point to Hollywood Although polls conducted in foreign countries to determine the best picutres shown there during the year generally include a majority of American pictures among the winners, The Film Daily's current "Ten Best" list not only does not include any foreign pictures, but only one out of nearly 200 productions imported in 1932 received as many as 10 votes or more from critics here. This is in striking contrast to the results of Germany's recent "Ten Best" poll, which resulted in American pictures winning six out of the ten positions although only about 80 pictures from this country were shown in Germany las* year. Most foreign films receive limited distribution over here. NEW DUAL BILL OUTBREAK IN KANS. CITY TERRITORY Kansas City — Double-feature has broken out again in this territory, with indications that it will spread. Threats of other admission price cuts, following the policy announced for Loew's Midland, is looked upon as likely to be a factor in bringing about a new wave of dual bills. Mammons Set on Finances For Remainder of Program Having completed financial arrangements for the remainder of the Educational-World Wide program, E. W. Hammons leaves next week for Los Angeles to speed up and increase production on the current lineup and lay plans for next season. Half of the current schedule has been finished. After two weeks at the studios, Hammons will resume his visits to branch offices. LOEW'S ADMISSION CUTS BLAMED ON DUAL BILLS Kansas City — Double featuring in suburban houses is blamed by one prominent exhibitor here as among the reasons for Loew cutting top price at the Midland to 25 cents, starting Jan. 20. Adding that the independent exhibitors' association as a whole is not responsible for the dual bill evil here, this theater owner adds: "A few cause all the trouble. One house (Continued on Page 2) Films May Be Continued On RKO Roxy Program RKO theater executives are considering continuing a picture policy at the Radio City Roxy, despite reports concerning the installation of a musical show policy. Policy at the big house, the Music Hall, will provide a presentation bill running an hour, plus a feature. Allied Ass'n Rates Companies Turning Out the Best Product M. A. Brown Appointed Empire Films Sales Mgr. Toronto — M. A. Brown, formerly associated with Oscar R. Hanson in Canada as western, district manager for Tiffany, has been appointed general sales manager of Empire Films, Ltd., Majestic franchise holder. Hanson is president of Empire. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Studios are turning out better product this year than last, it was stated by Allied leaders who met here this week for an Informal discussion. In n con f opinion on companies turning ou1 the beal quality product, (Continutd on Pag* 6) Thr Film Daily Year Book Covers Everything and Goes Everywhere— Advt. Clash on Policy Leads to Resignation of Para. Finance Chairman Following a clash on the question of authority, John D. Hertz yesterday resigned as chairman of the Paramount Publix finance committee, leaving Adolph Zukor again in the saddle. When the news flashed around yesterday afternoon, the move was regarded as a victory for the Zukor regime. Hertz entered Paramount in November, 1931, simultaneously with the late William Wrigley and Albert D. Lasker. He became chairman of (Continued on Page 2) DARRYL ZANUCK SIGNS NEW 3-YEAR CONTRACT West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Darryl F. Zanuck yesterday signed a new three-year contract as production chief for Warner-First National. Henry Muller Loses Action Against Erpi Indianapolis — Federal Judge Balzell in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana yesterday directed the jury to return a verdid in favor of Electrical Research Products in the suit brought by Henry Muller. Anderson, Ind., theater owner, charging restraint of trade, monopoly and violation of the Clayton Act. This action was taken by the Court nt the (Continued on Page 6) Sunday Shows for Food MoncMcn. Pa. — Under the ipomonhip of the American Legion. Sunday ihowi will be pretcnted here tor the tint time, but article! of food will comtitute admittlon. Performance* will be held In the afternoon, and no prottiti from minuter! are tipected The itatc hai alwayt been ltrlctly blue taw.