The Film Daily (1933)

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THE Saturday, Jan. 7,1933 -Zfr* DAILV A Little from "Lots" By RALPH W1LK HOLLYWOOD TAURENCE STALLINGS has signed a new long-term contract with M-G-M to do originals, adaptations and dialogue. His new period of activity at the Culver City studio starts Feb. 1. * * * Our Passing Show: George Bilson, Edward Cahn, Leonard Moseley, Philip Siff, Sidney Brecher, Ken Whitmore, Nathan Asch, G. Applebaum, Milton Krims, Seymour Stern. H. Sackin at Max Trell's party. * * * Bill Gargan says a "yes man" is a fellow who has the courage of other people's convictions. * * * Eddie Cline is directing "Patrol Girl" at Columbia, with Mae Clarke playing the title role. Upon completion of his current assignment he will return to Paramount for an other feature. * * * Casting of "Lost Valley," Buck Jones' sixth outdoor film for Columbia this season, was begun this week with the signing of Wade Boteler and Ward Bond. Cecelia Parker has the leading feminine role. Lambert Hillyer has been entrusted with the adaptation, from a story by Donald W. Lee, as well as with the direction. I MORE VORTKAMP BRANCHES Henry Vortkamp, Inc., supply dealers, has opened three more branches. C. J. Vortkamp has been placed in charge of the new Cincinnati office, serving southern Ohio and northern Kentucky. In Detroit Howard Hutchinson has been made manager, covering the state of Michigan. New York state, with the exception of the metropolitan area, is under F. D. Rundell, headquartering in Oswego. DROP WESTERN MGR. POST Denver — The office of manager of the western district for Educational has been abolished, and Tony Archer will return to Denver as manager of their exchange. He succeeds A. H. Huot, who resigned while on a trip to Seattle. MILDRED HARRIS ENGAGED Kansas City — Mildred Harris, first wife of Charlie Chaplin, does not deny that she and James A. Bausch. decathlon champion, who began crooning at the Uptown here recently, are engaged. Miss Harris has been appearing here. Betty Compson Loses Jewels West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jewels said to be valued ,>t S50 000 were taken from Betty Compson by a bandit who invaded her home the other night, according to Miss Compson's report to the police. • • • DID YOU know that Al Lichtman is an authority on ornithology that Jack Hess is an expert ventriloquist that Martin Beck in his youth shipped as an able seaman and went around the world in a sailing lugger that Emanuel Cohen speaks seven different Chinese dialects that Phil Reisman owns the finest collection of Orthocarpus — a very rare species of scrophularicaceous herbs — outside the famous collection of the British Museum • • • AND MEBBE it will jolt you a little to learn that Felix Feist has a considerable income from a 400-acre tract of magnolia trees in South Jersey, which are cut every year and sold to a French perfume manufacturer that Fred Quimby spends most of his evenings in a clinical laboratory helping a famous specialist develop a new serum that may revolutionize medical practice that Glenn Griswold is the only American to be decorated with the rare Order of the Pazellimplat by the Republic of Tannou-Touva * * * * • • • JUST TO show you that these film gents are versatile here's some more startling news Arthur Mayer is interested in a South African company that is making millions collecting ivory from hippopotamus teeth, which is a higher grade than ivory from elephant tusks Howard Dietz has patented a new type of ping pong ball that is three times as fast as the present type, made from a new chemical composition Bert Mayers is one of the greatest living authorities on maritime law, but prefers practicing as a film attorney because of the movie glamour and exhilarating uncertainty as to just what his clients are going to do next to worry him * * * * • • • TO FURTHER amaze and fascinate you did you know that Robert Sisk is applying the new science of Technocracy to the production of a standardized motion picture scenario that will be fool proof even a dumb director won't be able to crab the script that Spyros Skouras got his big start in life through being mistaken for a millionaire industrialist, resulting in a valuable contact that he capitalized it's a great story, that, which we are going to tell you at length some day * * * * • • • YOU CAN well imagine that it took considerable time and patience to dig up all these New Stories for your edification here are some more, if you're still stringing along with us Earl W. Hammons owns a land grant from King James of England which deeded to his great grandfather half of Westchester county, but a technical flaw in the document invalidated the royal deed * * * * • • • ALSO WE can apprise you of the fact that Walter Wanger has one pair of ribs more than the normal human being, a fact that was disclosed to him recently alter an X-ray examination hot diggity! are we telling you! all items absolute SCOOPS never br printed anywhere and J. J. McCarthy was once kid napped by a gang of Bulgarian conspirators with intent to assassinate him under the misapprehension that he was plotting against the former king of that country only the merest chance saved his life * * * • • • • DID VOL know any of the foregoing intriguing Tails before we told you? no neither did the gents mentioned \w>n't they he surprised when the> read this' th< much FICTION in the film biz these im\JB is there any harm in manufacturing BON? « « « » » » Pueblo, Colo. — Two men held up the business office of the Palm and Rialto theaters, and escaped with $800. Denver — The Fox exchange employees shared in the division of $1,675, won by them in the last sales drive by the Fox Film corporation. Oklahoma City — After being closed a year, the Warner is being reopened Jan. 10 by Nathan A. Sablosky of New York with a stock company of eight people at popular prices. Harvey, La. — The Victor theater has closed temporarily. Lafayette, Colo. — J. F. Carper, owner of the Jewell, is improving rapidly following an operation. SACK ADDS TERRITORY San Antonio — Addition of Louisiana and Mississippi to its original Texas-Oklahoma-Arkansas territory on "The Black King," all-Negro feature, is announced by Sack Amusement Enterprises of this city. Sack has been distributing "The Black King," produced by Southland Pictures, in the three southwestern states since September. PARA. SIGNS RADIO NAMES Bing Crosby and the comedy team of Burns and Allen have been signed by Paramount for another picture, "College Humor," with Richard Arlen, Frances Dee and Randolph Scott. Wesley Ruggles will direct. Frank Butler and Claude Binyon adapted the Dean Falos story. PARAMOUNT SIGNS HAKRIC.AN William Harrigan, stage and screen actor now appearing in "Criminal at Large," has been signed to a long-term contract by Paramount and leaves for the coast imine .late y. MANY I4APPY RETURNS Btst wishes are eitendrd by THt FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays' Jan. 7-8 Adolph Zukor Ernest I Bobbins Kenneth Thomson Larry Darmour Matt Moore Joe Weil James Farley Alciander Cray