The Film Daily (1933)

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...THEN WE TOLD WASHINGTON ♦ m t**»m^ See this story of a thousand MEN WITHOUT WOMEN . . . and of their women who can't do without men! Condensing into one mighty film a thousand unfinished love stories — and ONE that ends in a soulgripping thrill! Every scene a blazing highlight from the endless drama that parades before Sing Sing's famous warden. He knows enough inside stories of headline criminals to make 20 motion pictures . . . Instead he's packed it all into 1933's first great hit . . . 20,000 YEARS IN SING SING Actually written by the Warden of Sing Sing LEWIS E. LAWES Flrtt National'* latest hit — with SPENCER TRACY BETTE_DAVIS METROPOLITAN AND WASHINGTON ANSWERED WITH BIGGER BUSINESS THAN "FUGITIVE" IN FIRST 3 DAYS AT THE METROPOLITAN! WATCH FOR REPORT ON TEST RUN No. 3 TOMORROW! WARNER BROS. 'Best box-office producers of 1932!" —Allied States Ass'n of M. P. Exhibitors VITAGRAPH, INC., DISTRIBUTORS