The Film Daily (1933)

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THE -<2K DAILY Saturday, April 15, 1933 :the rat miwm \i u. or FILM COM Vol. LXII, No. 13 Sat., April 15, 1933 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays it 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wids's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. New Incorporations Helber Pictures Corp., Manhattan; 200 shares; Bertha M. Wilks, Rose Spanier, Helen Sher. Attorney, Jesse Friedman, 1440 Broadway. Waft Motion Picture Corp., Manhattan; 100 shares; M. J. Wright, Ann Disney, Jane M. Franklin. Attorneys, Newgass, Nayfack & Walderheim, 350 Madison Ave. Midtown Theatrical Corp., New York; 100 shares; Arthur L. Mayer, Arthur Israel, Jr.. E. T. Lenihan. Attorney, Arthur Israel, 1501 Broadway. Gaumont-British Pictures Corp. of America, New York City; 200 shares; G. W. Haight, H. H. Nichols, J. H. Ream. Attorneys, Cravath, DeGersdorff, Swaine & Wood, New York. 1825 Broadway Amusement Co., Inc., New York; $10,000; Samuel Berliner, Allen Spector, Saul Marimer. Attorney, Jesse Friedman, 1440 Broadway. Select Theaters Corp., New York; 200 shares; Stanley S. Joseloff, Joseph L. Peist, Milton R. Weinberger. Attorney, S. V. Ryan, Albany. STOCK MARKET CLOSED New York markets were closed yesterday, Good Friday. NC THE -rtT'V'.»<l. WITH PHIL M. DALY • • • OVERHEARD IN front of the Mayfair by Michael Flick The Barker: "Don't fail to see our feature presentation 'M', Fritz Lang's masterpiece, given three stars by the 'News' and said by the 'American' to be the greatest picture in 20 years!" Along came a nice motherly German lady shopping for a picture show "Pleeze, young man, is it a Choiman picture here?" "Yes, madam — that is, with English dialogue." "S-o? What iss der name from the picture?" " 'M', madame." "Oxcoose, please?" " 'M', madame— the name is 'M'." "Oh, Ham! A delicates sen picture." And the German lady sniffed, and walked on. $ * * * • • • ON ACCOUNT of racketeering in benefit shows, Actors' Equity Association has forbidden its members to perform in any benefit not sanctioned by the organization . . . . . Dave Franklin, musical director for Rowland-Brice Productions, has composed "Joe Palooka" for the United Artists pix of the same title Director Ray Kirkwood postcards from sunny Morocco where he is making an Arab number # * * * • • • IN EXPLOITING the showing of Monogram's "Oliver Twist" at the Rivoli, about 400 merchants are tied in on manufacturers' co-op advertising and displays Warners' publicity dep't have gotten out a timely beer coaster to keep your mug from skidding over the table that is, your beer mug it is a plug for Joe E. Brown in "Elmer the Great" Talking of lady managers of pix houses reminds us that Mrs. Bessie Dove of the Embassy Newsreel theater has been on the job since it opened she knows all the habitues (there's a word!) and greets 'em with that friendly spirit that makes 'em feel right at home PUBLIX DROPS ANOTHER Gloucester, Mass. — The Strand here has reverted from Publix to its former owner, J. D. Bloomberg, father of Manager Phillip Bloomberg of the Salem Paramount. .MANY UAPPV REIUBNS Best wishes are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: April 16 Charles Chaplin Paul Sloane Fifi Dorsay 30 K.C. Houses Reopen; Independents Non-Union (Continued from Page 1) in some cases the exhibitors operated machines themselves. Downtown first-runs, the Main Street, Midland and Newman, have settled with the union, the operators accepting an adjustment, and reopen tomorrow. Four men yesterday afternoon beat up a newly hired operator at the Madrid, independent suburban house. Circuit of Arty Theaters Planned by Sigmund Sulin (.Continued from Page 1) fering here, to be followed by "Hauptman von Kopenick" and "Night in Paradise." SEEK DALLAS EXCH. RECEIVER Dallas — Madeline L. Woods and Lawrence P. Ross of Chicago have petitioned for a receiver for Majestic Pictures Co., Inc., of Dallas, the plaintiffs stating they made a contract with Elwyn W. Seymour and Albert L. Rule on "The Big Drive" for Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas and other states. They ask a judgment debt under the contract. PROTECTIVE GROUP'S ORGAN American Society for the Protection of the Motion picture Theater, whose aims include steps to prevent the electrics from eventually monopolizing amusement business, is now getting out an official organ, called "The New Deal." Robert Robins is editor. HUGHES IN EAST FOR SUMMER Howard Hughes is due in New York today from the coast in his airplane. He plans to spend the summer in New York, Florida and other parts of the east, returning to Hollywood in the fall to embark on a new production program. DR. GOLDSMITH OPENS OFFICE Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith, S.M.P.E. president, who recently resigned from RCA to become a free-lance technical consultant with RCA as one of his clients, has opened offices at 444 Madison Avenue. He will engage in technical consultation and the practice of engineering relative to research, development, patents and commercialization of devices and processes. SHAUER NOT CHANGING POSTS Emil E. Shauer, vice-president of Paramount International Corp., yesterday denied reports that Eugene Zukor is assuming an important executive post in his company. Whether or not Zukor will go abroad with Joseph H. Seidelman to study conditions has not been determined, Shauer said. Coming and Going GRACE BRADLEY, young musical comedy actress, has left New York for Hollywood after signing a long-term contract as a Paramount featured player. JAMES CAGNEY is planning a trip to New York in the near future which will bring him here in time for the Broadway premiere of his latest Warner film, "Picture Snatcher." LILY DAMITA sails from New York April 29 for France, where she may do a play. CHARLEY CHASE, who recently signed a new contract as a Hal Roach comedian sails tonight on the Bremen for a vacation in Europe. BdTTE DAVIS is returning from New York to Boston today to resume her vacation visit with relatives in the city of culture. Her husband, Harmon O. Nelson, Jr., is accompanying her. ANTOINE of Paris, the coiffeur imported by Warner, will leave for the motion picture capital in a few days. IKE BLUMENTHAL, temporarily in charge of the Paramount studio at Joinville, near Paris arrives in New York Tuesday on the Olympic. NATE BLUMBERG arrived from Chicago yesterday and will return tomorrow. Para. District Managers Meet April 28-30 in A. C. (Continued from Page 1) Charles Reagan, Oscar Morgan, M. H. Lewis, R. C. LiBeau, Jack Dugger, Hugh Braly, Ben Blotcky and J. E. Fontaine. District sales meetings for the discussion of distributing plans and product will get under way approximately May 20, Schaefer said. TOLER FOR RYAN SHORTS West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Sidney Toler, in addition to Walter Catlett and Eugene Pallette, will appear in the group of 12 to 18 shorts to be made by Phil Ryan for Paramount release. Del Lord will direct. IN THE HEART OF HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD'S most convenient hotel. Next to famous studios, theatres, cafes and shops . .. ten minutes from golf courses, bridle paths, etc. The Plaza Hotel is quiet, luxuriously furnished, with restful beds, glistening tile baths and showers, excellent service and cuisine, convenient parking— every modern convenience for your comfort. European plan. $2.50 and up, single. $3.50 up, double. $4.50 up, twin beds. Special weekly and monthly rates. Look for the "Doorway of Hospitality" HOLLYWOOD PLAZA VINE ST. AT HOLLYWOOD BLVD.