The Film Daily (1933)

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Wednesday June 28, 1933 Moville, la. — The Moville theater is to reopen soon under cooperation of the local business men. Fred Levey of Holstein, la., is to be the manager. Manson, la. — The Manson theater here has been closed by Manager Tuel indefinitely. Guthrie Center, la. — The Garden theater is installing a new air cooling equipment. New seats have been added and the stage has been completed. McCall, Ida. — J. A. Howell has just taken over the McCall from Mrs. Page, former owner. Akron — H. Hall and J. Cobak recently took over the management of the Portage, formerly operated by I. Fuss and H. G. Coon. Belleville, O. — Norman Briton, formerly of West Salem, is now operating the Opera House, which used to be operated by C. E. Hall. Canton, O. — The Opera House, operated by Stage Hands Local No. 61, is closed until September. Wooster, O. - The Wallace, formerly a Schine house, is closed and is being dismantled. Leipsig, O. — C. J. Stechschulte has been appointed receiver for the Mystic. It is being operated under the management of R. E. Wanamaker seven days a week with three changes. Niles, O. — Dan Robins, prominent exhibitor of Warren, has leased the Butler, which previously belonged to John Peruzzi. Cleveland — M. B. Horwitz, who recently installed Wide Range reproducing system in his Heights theater, is now installing it in his Falls theater, Cuyahoga Falls. THE •aBZOk DAILY Uhrichsville, O.— E. E. Bair, formerly of East Liverpool, is running the Ohio and State, formerly operated by C. E. Wheland. West Salem, O. — True Jackson will take over the Opera House here as of July 1. Cleveland — Associated Theaters has closed the Savoy for the summer. Cleveland — Joe Leavitt is opening the Euclid Beach Park. He will offer single features with assorted shorts at a dime admission. Cleveland — Nate Schultz of Selected Pictures has bought "Corruption," a William Pizor production, for release in Ohio and Kentucky. i^K'jff. NGthe RIAL m-\"\ PHIL M.DALY 9 © 9 THE BOYS at the RKO Radio sales convention are being presented with a clear-cut program for the coming season.. ..there is no guess work about it.. .. and they are not being asked to go out and sell a Program of Promises ...... they are in a position to offer the exhibitor a New Deal that entirely scraps the old method of selling a season's product. ....... * * * * • 9 © YOU CAN consider that this is Ned Depinet speaking as the mouthpiece for the company for as vice-prexy in charge of distribution and ranking Eastern executive he speaks authoritatively here is a gent without any Delusions or Hallucinations . . . . too hard boiled and hard bitten with years of experience handling sales for four major companies to slop over with blah enthusiasm . yet everything he says carries a quiet conviction and a sense of supreme confidence that is vastly impressive and you walk out of his office muttering to yourself "There is one executive who has faith in his company, the product, his sales force and himself — a Faith based on Facts." * % * * © 9 9 IT IS being laid right on the line for every exhibitor. . . . RKO-Radio will announce only 23 productions but they will be sure to deliver these, as they are definitely in production form the rest of the program is left open for product dictated by timeliness of theme, the changing requirements of the public's amusement tastes. ...... and those sure-fire box-office bets that crop up unexpectedly through the year and sometimes prove the Hot Shots of a company's program. ... © 9 ® WHICH ALL sounds very modern and sensible and in keeping with the changing times in the amusement world the exhibitor is not being asked to pay his dough and then grab from the bag with his eyes shut and fingers crossed while he prays fervently for a break he strings along with the RKO-Radio outfit on an equal footing assured that he is signing up for a Mobile Program guaranteed so many productions from so many stars each with the elements of discriminating picking, timeliness of theme and hitting it on the button to meet the current amusement tastes as the season progresses what more can any exhib ask? :j: ^e % ^ • • © AS TO the production end. ... well, out at the studio is Merian C. Cooper...... executive vice-president in charge of production...... a gent with a world-wide viewpoint a New Type in Hollywood to match the New Deal...... his horizon is not bounded by four studio walls and a bungalow on the Hill.. ..he has tasted of LIFE ...... he knows folks. .... human nature. ... an adventurer traveller a war aviator. ...... ex-newspaper man. . a natural showman who knows how to gamble. . . . and mebbe this is his big ace in the hole. ..... he does not try to do everything himself. ...... .he relies on a big list of capable associate producers. . .. so it all spells Diversity of product with a broad viewpoint that encompasses the entire field of screen entertainment........ • • © AND IN his comparatively brief administration he has Made Good he did 40 per cent of last season's program so this season he starts out fully seasoned the gent who made "Grass" and "Chang" expedition pix without any studio facilities now with a real studio at his command no wonder he is getting Results! all you RKO-Radio boys got a lucky break in Mister Cooper and that goes double for the exhibs who get the product REMEMBER WHEN By B. P. SCHULBERG As told to RALPH WILK West Coast Manager, THE FILM DAILY "IT WAS just twenty-one years ago that " Adolph Zukor organized the Famous Players Company," said B. P. Schulberg. "I was a young fellow who had done a bit of cub reporting on the Evening Mail' and then had been associate editor of a trade paper and publicity director and scenario writer for Rex Pictures Corporation. "Zukor chose me to be his first publicity director. My first publicity work was to exploit our first feature-length production which had been bought in France. It was Queen Elizabeth' with Sarah Bernhardt in the title role. "The success of this picture spurred Mr. Zukor to obtain other big names for pictures. He sent for Gaby Delys and she came to his office. "All of us were intensely excited, hoping he would succeed in signing her. We waited with bated breath outside his office. Finally Gaby Delys flounced out and down the corridor. We rushed into the office asking, 'Did you sign her?' "Mr. Zukcr looked at us and shook his head. She wanted a special price for every country her pictures were released in.' he said. 'She wanted $5000 for France, $7000 for Portugal, $10,000 for England, $100.000 for the United States. If she knew any more geography, I'd be broke." SELECTING "MISS NEW YORK" By special arrangement with the committee in charge of arrangements at Atlantic City Bathing Beauty Pageant, RKO Theaters, now conducting a campaign for representative beauties in Greater New York City, including Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, Flushing, Jamaica and Richmond Hill and in Westchester county, announce that New York will be the only city in the United States to send a candidate for the "Miss America" crown direct to Atlantic City. « « « » » » RKO FILM FOR BENEFIT "Tomorrow at Seven," an RKO radio film, with Chester Morris, Vivienne Osborne, Henry Stevenson, Frank McHugh and Allen Jenkins will be the feature picture for American Legion Benefit Week which will be held at the Roxy Theater, 7th Avenue, from June 30th to July 7th inclusive. EIGHT M-G-Ms IN WORK West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — M-G-M now has eight features in production. They are "Another Language," "Bride of the Bayou," "Eskimo," "Night Flight," "The Dancing Lady," "The March of Time," "Penthouse" and "Turn Back the Clock."