The Film Daily (1934)

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THE -Zfr* DAILY Friday, August 3, 1934 All TBI NEWS AUTHI1IMI PDAILY3™ V"l. I-XVI. No. 28 Fri., Aug. 3, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., hy Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 22'5. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 3'/8 3V8 3Vs + Vs Columbia Picts. vtc. 26S/8 25 Vi 265/8 + 1 Con. Fm Ind. pfd. 12 12 12 — % East. Kodak 99 98% 98% — V4 Fox Fm. "A" 105/8 93,4 105/8 + 5/8 Loew's, Inc 25 V4 23 1/2 25% + '% Paramount 3i/4 3>/8 3% -f Vs Pathe Exch 1 Vs 1 % 1 V* do "A" 14'/2 131/2 141/8 _ 3/8 RKO 2 13/4 2 + Vs Warner Bros 4 3% 4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 13 12 12 — % Trans-Lux 1 % 1 % 1 % + Vs NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40... 6% 6% 6% + Vi Loew 6s 41ww 1 00 Vs 100 lOOVs + Vs Paramount 6s47 43 41 Vi 43 +2 Par. 5'/2s50 423/4 41% 423/4 + Vj Warner's 6s39 55 54V2 55 — Vi Dolores Del Rio WeKyn Totman Adrienne Ames Charles M. Mersereau $500 Prizes to Exhibs For Mascot Campaign Prizes totaling $500 will be awarded by Nat Levine to exhibitors for the best exploitation campaign on behalf of the Mascot production, "Young and Beautiful." First prize will be $250, second $150, and third $100. Meeting on Lab Code A semi-private hearing on proposed changes in the laboratory code will be held in Washington on Aug. 13. Charles J. Hirliman, Herbert J. Yates, Steven Ehler and Charles Friedman, a committee representing the M. P. Laboratories Ass'n of America, will attend this hearing to advise a number of changes in the code and to discuss with the Administrator the changes he may want. Public hearing on the laboratory code is set for the following day. McClintic Not the Author Westport, Conn. — "Love on an Island," which was tried out the past week by Lawrence Langner at the Westport Country Playhouse, is a play by Helen Deutsch, who has served as press agent for Katharine Cornell and Guthrie McClintic, and not McClintic's play, as inadvertently reported. Film company offers have been received for the play. Zanuck Signs Writers London — Darryl F. Zanuck, vicepresident and production head of 20th Century Pictures, has engaged W. P. Lipscombe and R. J. Minney, authors of "Clive of India," to do the screen adaptation of their Londay play for Hollywood production. They are expected to leave next week and to accompany the producer to the film capital. Ronald Colman will play the title role in the production. Another New House for Michigan Benton Harbor, Mich. — O. J. Lambiotte, who is now building the Roxy in Sturgis, plans another theater of the same name for this city. The new Jane theater under way in Saginaw will be opened next month by Fred Widders. Buffalo House Reopening with Duals Buffalo — Court Street theater, former ace Shea vaudeville house, later used as a double feature theater, and practically idle for more than a year, will reopen Aug. 11 with dual bills. Robert Murphy, formerly at Shea's Century, is expected to manage it. It will be operated by Buffalo Theaters, Inc. Si Fabian Not in Deal Si Fabian yesterday denied a report that he is taking over the Stanley in Jersey City. "Blue Light" at Boston Fine Arts Boston — "The Blue Light," being released by DuWorld in association with Gil Boag, opens Sept. 6 at the Fine Arts theater for a two-a-day run at $1.65 top. This is the first of the roadshow engagements planned for the film. Marie Dressier Estate Is Valued at $300,000 West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Marie Dressier left an estate of about $300,000, it was estimated yesterday with the filing of her will. Mamie Cox, Negro maid in Miss Dressler's service for 25 years, gets $35,000 and all the star's wearing apparel. Jerry Cox, the maid's husband, receives $15,000 and the automobiles. Bulk of the estate goes to Miss Dressier'^ sister, Bonita Ganthony, in England. Loew Gets Bronx House Loew has taken over the Boston Road in the Bronx from Henry Siegel. House seats 1,500. 1,400 at Columbia Preview More than 1,400 exhibitors and their wives and other guests attended the preview of Columbia's "One Night of Love" at the Astor Theater yesterday. Tullio Carminati, who appears opposite Grace Moore in the picture, was among those present. Earl Taylor in East for Stories Earl W. Taylor, writers' agent, arrived in New York yesterday from the coast for a month's stay, during which he will scout story material for Fox and Paramount. Taylor arrived by plane on the first trip of the new 13 xk -hour service from California. He will make his headquarters at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Glenda Farrell Leaving Hospital Glenda Farrell, First National player, who has been recovering from an appendicitis operation, will be able to leave Polyclinic Hospital on Monday. She will then remain in New York until she is sufficiently recovered to return to Hollywood. Cocalis Opens New Beacon House S. D. Cocalis last night onened the New Beacon in Beacon, N. Y., with formal ceremonies. The theater has a capacity of 1,000. Cocalis and J. Ginsberg are jointly operating the Paragon in that town. New House for Randforce Randforce will open a new house at 94th St., and Church Ave., Brooklyn, late next month. It seats 750. 'British A sent' International Release First National has fixed Sept. 15 as the date for the international release of "British Agent," which stars Kay Francis and Leslie Howard. "Dames" Canadian Premiere Canadian premiere of the Warner musical, "Dames", will be held Aug. 1 in the swanky Manoir Richelieu Hotel, Murray Bay, coinciding with the Amreican premiere at the Warner Theater, Atlantic City. Julius Sanowsky Buried St. Louis — Funeral services for Julius A. Sanowsky, owner of the Princess theater, were held Tuesday. He died Monday of a throat infection. .oming an dG oing Ready Reference Directory With Addresses and Phone Numbers of Recognized Industry Concerns What To Buy And Where To Buy It Engravers CALL— PHOTOENGRAVING (Day and Night Service) '50 W. 54th St., N. Y. C. Tel. COIumbus 5-6741 Foreign AMERANGLO CORPORATION EXPORTERS— IMPORTERS Cable: Chronophon 226 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY LONDON PARIS IERLIN Hotels PRESIDENT HOTEL Atlantic City's Newest Boardwalk Hotel SEA WATER SWIMMING POOL MARINE SUN DECK TURKISH BATHS CHARLES BOYER leaves the coast next week to return to France for two pictures, jftcr \ which he returns to Hollywood His wife, I ''AT PATTERSON, follows him abroad after her II next Fox picture. MERRITT HULBURD. Paramount story chief, I has left Hollywood on a two-week vacation. JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT, now en the coast, is expected to return to New York for a fall stage production. JOHN FARROW of M-G-M has been in Toronto the past few days looking over Britishspeaking candidates for "David Copperfield." MORT BLUMENSTOCK, director of adver 1 tising and publicity for Warner Theaters, has I gone to Atlantic City to handle the "Dames" premiere. A C. HAYMAN of the Lafayette and Great Lakes theaters, Buffalo, is expected back in | that city tomorrow from a trip to New York and Washington. MARGARET SULLAVAN, who has been on ; vacation in the east, will return to Universal City today by plane to start work in "Within This Present." HUGH O'CONNELL leaves New York today en route to the Coast to resume work for Universal. He will stop over in Syracuse. GEORGE JESSEL returns to New York from Chic.igo on Aug. 10. DARRYL ZANUCK is scheduled to sail from Europe on Aug. 8 for New York en route to the Coast. EDWARD FINNEY, director of advertising and publicity for Monogram, leaves today for a /acation trip to Skowhegan, Maine