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Thursday, Sept. 27, 193
Vol. LXVI, No. 74 Thurs., Sept. 27, 1934 5 Cents
Editor and Publisher
Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 4-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne Friedrkhstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19.
Net High Low Close Chg
Am. Seat 3Va 3 3
Columbia Piers, vtc. 375/8 36% 36}4 — 5/s
Con. Fm. Ind 33/8 3'/4 33/g
Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 145/8 14i/4 14% + Vs
East. Kodak 99 98% 99 + Vl
East. Kodak pfd.... 143 143 143 +3
Fox Fm. "A" 12% 12% 12%— %
Loew's, Inc 287/„ 28 28%
Paramount ctfs 4'/4 4 4V8 — %
Pathe Exch 1% 1V4 114— Vs
do "A" 133/4 13% 13%
RKO 2% 2>/4 2% + %
Warner Bros 5% 5% 51/4
Technicolor 13 13 13 + %
Trans-Lux 2 1% 2 + Vb
NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 7 6% 7 + %
Loew 6s 41ww 102 102 102 + %
Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 57 55% 56% + 1 Par. By. 5'/2s51 .... 37% 37% 37>/8 — 1% Par. By. 5'/2s51 ctfs. 38 38 38—1 Par. 5'/2s50 ctfs.... 57V4 55 56% + 1 Warner's 6s39 .... 60 593,4 60 + 1
Paramount Newsreel Not Adding Commentator
Paramount Newsreel will continue its present policy for the coming season, without the addition of a "name" narrator. Lou Diamond stated to FILM DAILY yesterday. "We are satisfied that our present policy is highly satisfactory to the exhibitors and public, and because of their assurance and many compliments, we shall not make any change," he said.
Expect F. D. Branches
On the Pacific Coast
Plans for expansion of First Division's distribution system at the Coast are expected to be announced at the company's first annual sales convention which opens Sept. 28 at the Park Central Hotel. The Harry Thomas company is understood planning to take over exchanges in Seattle and San Francisco and likely establish its own branch in Los Angeles.
Gets 5 Twickenham Films
Five British pictures made by Twickenham, Ltd., have been received by Olympic Pictures, headed by M. J. Kandel, for distribution in this country. They are: "Ghost Camera", with Ida Lupino; "Bella Donna", with Conrad Veidt; "Rocks of Valpri", with John Garrick; "Kentucky Minstrels", musical, and "Broken Melody", with Merle Oberon and John Garrick.
Lupe Velez is on her way to England to appear in a Twickenham film, "The Morals of Marcus."
Specialing "Happiness Ahead"
Warners will give special roadshow treatment in advertising and exploitation to "Happiness Ahead," with Dick Powell and Josephine Hutchinson. The picture, set for national release Oct. 27, will have a Broadway premiere before that date.
Experienced animators on new series. Write stating salary and qualifications.
Address: Burt Gillett, THE VAN BEUREN CORPORATION, 729 Seventh Ave., New York City.
Charles H. Thimmig Dead
St. Louis — Charles H. Thimmig, real estate man and one time theater owner, died this week. His brother, Walter A. Thimmig, now owns the McNair theater here.
Tradeshowing "We Live Again"
Samuel Goldwyn's latest production, "We Live Again", starring Anna Sten and Fredric March and released through United Artists, will be trade shown at the Astor Theater at 11 o'clock on Tuesday.
Fischer to Handle G-B in Chi.
Abe Fischer left New York yesterday for Chicago, where he will organize and take charge of the Gaumont-British sales force.
Mae Draws 100,000 in 5 Days
In its first five days at the New York Paramount, the new Mae West film, "Belle of the Nineties," drew an attendance of more than 100,000. The picture starts its second week tomorrow.
Hammons Guest Speaker At Ampa Luncheon Today
Earl Hammons, president of Educational, will be the guest speaker at today's A. M. P. A. luncheon in the Motion Picture Club. Ed Finney, a past president, will act as guest chairman. Other celebrities scheduled to be on hand include Ernest Truex, Tom Howard, George Shelton, Yorke and King, Sylvia Froos, Harry Gribbon, Frank Luther, Charles Carlisle, Marion Martin, the Mountain Melodiers, Ferde Groffe and possibly Jackie Cooper and Wynne Gibson.
John Myers, publicity director for London Films, also will be one of the guests of honor at today's meeting.
Columbians Giving Party
For the first time in the history of the club, the Columbians are to have a "Home Talent Dinner Dance" tomorrow at the Motion Picture Club. It is to be strictly a local affair with the majority of the acts being recruited from the home office. President Hal Hode and the several committees are handling the arrangements.
Rachmil Named Alternate
The I. T. O. A., at a meeting yesterday, named Hyman Rachmil as alternate for Harry Brandt on the exhibitor committee authorized by Sol A. Rosenblatt, division administrator, to report on booth costs in the New York metropolitan area.
Strayer to Direct Invincibles
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Maury M. Cohen, head of Invincible Pictures, has signed Frank Strayer to direct the Invincible program for 1934-35. First picture will be "Port of Lost Dreams," now in work.
Maynard to Star in Serial
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Ken Maynard, now being starred by Mascot in "In Old Santa Fe," at present in work, will also be starred in the new Mascot serial, "Mystery Mountain," starting in a few weeks.
Coming and Going
GUY KIBBEE, Warner player, arrives in Ne York tomorrow morning. After a short stf in New York, he leaves for Chicago, Wast ington and Philadelphia for a week's pe sonal appearances in each city.
JOE E. BROWN, First National star, is «_ route from the coast, with stopovers, to tt World Series games.
PHIL BAKER, JOHN R. SOFIO of Fox Film Dr A. H. GIANNINI and MRS. HARRY REICH ENBACH. in addition to JACK ALICOATE an LOUIS NIZER, arrive in New York today froi abroad on the Conte di Savoia.
ROBERT EDMOND JONES, scenic designe who returns today from Europe, leaves tomoi row for the coast to start work under his ne« contract with John Hay Whitney of Pionec Pictures, makers of Technicolor pictures fc RKO release.
BARNEY GERARD, producer of musical show, is on his way to Hollywood by auto with Mr! Gerard. He has several propositions undt consideration.
LEONTINE SAGAN, the "Maedchen in Uni form" director who arrived in New York th week from Europe, will go to the coast on Sat •irday to begin work under her M-G-M con tract.
JEANETTE REX, publicity representative fd Sol Lesser, has arrived in New York.
CHARLIE LEDERER is flying from Hollywoo to New York to meet MARION DAVIES an present to her the script of her next M-G-l picture. "Movie Queen."
EDGAR ALLAN WOOLF left the coast b Diane yesterday for a visit in the east wit! his aunt.
TOM BAILY, now in New York from Mr Coast, leaves Monday on his return, witi stop-offs at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing tr-n, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, St. Louis and Kansj City.
DAVE COHEN of Binghamton was in Ne< York yesterday.
MORT SINGER arrived from Chicago yester day.
LARRY DARMOUR and HAROLD HOPPEft leave tomorrow for the coast.
Reinhardt Nicks Frisco
San Francisco — Max Reinhardt's "Midsummer Night's Dream" production, playing at the War Memorial Opera House where no tax is levied, cut quite a dent into local movie grosses.
Glenn Anders Back to Stage
Glenn Anders, who makes his filr debut in RKO's "By Your Leave, will appear in the Theater Guild} play, "Sleeping Clergyman," to directed by Philip Moeller, who re cently made RKO's "Age of Innc* cence."
Cheese Club Resuming
The Cheese Club will resume iti1 luncheons and meeting Oct. 8 witt gathering held at Sardi's restaur ant.
CH 4-2200 321 W. 44th ST.