The Film Daily (1935)

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THE Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1935 S^!S DAILY n STANLEY SET ON DEAL FOR NEW RKO LINEUP (Continued from Page 1) sales manager, and circuit officials. Levy returns to New York today. The deal covers more than 100 theaters. Stanley has also closed for Warner-First National, Paramount, MG-M and United Artists, it is understood. Walter Futter Sets Deals On Hoot Gibson Series Walter Futter, who is in New York from the coast, yesterday closed a deal with First Division for distribution of the eight Hoot Gibson pictures he is producing. All territories are now closed with the exception of Denver and Seattle, for which negotiations are now in progress, Futter said. First picture in the series has been completed and will be released Sept. 1. Adjourn Test Action On Games of Chance In order to allow defense counsel more time to prepare its case, a comiplaint testing the legality of games of chance and brought against the Burke theater yesterday was adjourned until Aug. 30 in the Magistrate's Court, Bronx. Barr & Barr represented the Springer and Cocalis theater involved in the action instituted under the anti-lottery laws. A similar action against the Glenwood, Brooklyn, has been postponed until Aug. 27. E. M. Loew Settlement Off Settlement of the E. M. Loew $5,000,000 anti-trust action against Paramount, which seemed likely for a time, is now definitely off, it was learned yesterday. "Glory" Premiere Sets Record Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The world premiere engagement of "Page Miss Glory," Marion Davies's new Cosmopolitan Production for Warner release, broke every box-office record standing at the Earle Theater since the first day of the house's operation, according to an announcement from the Earle management. Century Circuit Gets W. B. Lineup In its first product deal covering the new season, the Century Circuit, through its head, A. H. Schwartz, has closed for the entire WarnerFirst National output. Thirty Brooklyn and Long Island houses are involved in the buy. Italian Film Offer for de la Falaise Henri de la Falaise is considering an offer to produce a feature in the Italian Somaliland, financed by Italian capital. He is now in Hollywood. AOr* ^ PHIL M.DALY jl£*C{ • • • ON LOCATION with the Metro "Ah Wilderness!" company in the little sleepy town of Grafton, Mass not since the World War has there been such excitement in this town every newspaper from Providence, R. I. to Boston has been covering the event for it happens to be Eugene O'Neill's famous play, with Clarence Brown directing two native sons of New England and boy, that calls for Newspaper Space in New England T T T • • • SO IT came about that Clarence Brown and production manager Charles Dorian selected Grafton as the town which housed the "typical American family" that O'Neill portrays in his play it so happens that Clarence Brown was born in Clinton, a village about five miles from Grafton Director Brown knows every foot of this locality T T ▼ • • • THE DIRECTOR was much annoyed one morn in the middle of a scene he was shooting as excited voices came from the far corner of one of the stages so Mister Brown walks over and asks a very angry woman what it was all about she pointed to a cringing gent and said that was her husband, and the bum hadn't been home for three days since the "movie folks" kit town no work was being done on the farm, the cows needed milking and the kids were crying for their pop ▼ ▼ T • • • ONE DAY the Director was handed a sheet of paper by one of the townsmen it turned out to be his birth certificate duly certified something that Clarence has been trying to get for twenty years the benefactor was the town clerk who presented it to the grateful director with a whispered request for an autographed photo of Cecilia Parker, who appears in the juvenile lead T T ▼ • • • A SMOOTH road was needed to make a perambulating "take" of Eric Linden and Cecilia Parker walking home the Grafton roads were cobblestone so Director Brown had a smooth road built and after it was over dedicated the "new street" to the town T T T • • • BY COINCIDENCE, the Gem, a naborhood house in Philly last Monday played a Will Rogers feature, also "Air Hawk9" in which Wiley Post received principal billing the booking was made two weeks prior to the airplane tragedy that occurred in Alaska About 2,000 Boy Scouts, in town on convention, will be guests of the Strand Theater this afternoon to see the Joe E. Brown picture, "Bright Lights," a Warner production ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • THE FIRST Campaign Book to be turned out under the advertising direction of Monroe Greenthal at United Artists is a pippo "The Dark Angel," Samuel Goldwyn's opus Monroe has made full use of his merchandising experience on pictures with a smash array of tie-ups with big national advertisers the book is a model of orderly presentation of publicity material just as the Showman requires lit when he starts his campagin ▼ ▼ T • • • A FICTIONIZATION of Warners' "Special Agent" is appearing in serial form in the Hearst newspapers, it being also a Cosmopolitan production With the seventh anniversary of Mickey Mouse starting Sept. 28 recalls that he was first presented to the world in "Steamboat Willie" at the Colony theater in New York Lionel Barrymore now featured in Radio's "Return of Peter Grimm," was the guest star on Al Jolson's radio program last Saturday The PanAmerican clipper ship leaves Honolulu this week and carries two Columbia films for the workers on the trans-Pacific air service on the remote Wake and Midway Islands Fight promoter Jack Curley will be on hand with several of his wrestling bruisers for the opening of "We Are In the Money" at the Strand tonight « « €€ » » » PRODUGER-DISTRIB. TEAMWORK URGED (Continued from Page 1) ferior projection and sound, said De Mille, who is in New York to attend the premiere of "The Crusades," his latest Paramount production, opening tonight at the Astor theater. "Exhibitors should more carefully present pictures," urged the producer, who pointed out that in other industries, manufacturers give their products the same presentation in small towns as they do in New York. He criticized uneven quality of sound which impairs a production's entertainment values with an audience. De Mille's next picture will be "Samson and Delilah." He is now working on the script with Harold Lamb, who is in New York with him. He does not plan to use color in the production. De Mille leaves New York on Sunday to return to the Coast. Sam Morris to London For "Dream" Premiere Sam Morris, vice president in charge of Warner Bros, foreign distribution, sails at noon on the Normandie carrying British negative of "Midsummer Night's Dream" for the first English showing to be held at London and Stratford-on-Avon simultaneously with the premieres in New York and other key cities. Morris is to supervise the London premiere and foreign exhibition of Max Reinhardt's production of the Shakespeare comedy. International premieres are to be held the week of October 9. Syracuse Pooling Deal Being Signed This Week Pooling deal in Syracuse involving the RKO Keith Theater and the Schine Eckels Theater will be signed in a day or two, it was said yesterday by Nate Blumberg, RKO general manager. Court Warns Pickets Magistrate Brodsky yesterday reserved decision in West Side Court on 14 members of Local 306 arrested in the Times Square district for mass picketing with the warning that if any other members were loekee up for mass picketing before Sept. 9, the 14 would get jail sentences. Scoring FitzPatrick Subjects In the absence of Nat Shilkret, who is on vacation in Honolulu, Rosario Bourdon is pinch-hitting in the scoring and recording of three James A. FitzPatrick TravelTalks now being edited by FitzPatrick. The subjects are "Honolulu, Paradise of the Pacific," "Old Mexico" and "Lake Louise and Banff."