The Film Daily (1935)

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Friday, Aug. 23, 1935 COURT DELAYS ORDER ON FOX MET. ASSETS (Continued from Page 1) the loan provided that the committee members shall refund any sums which Judge Mack later finds were not properly allowable and that if no such payment was made, the debt shall be a lien against the transferred assets. This proviso was inserted largely at the insistence of Archibald Palmer. Three Brooklyn Leases Surrendered by Fox Met. Fox Metropolitan Playhouses has surrendered its leases on the National, Tremont and Brooklyn Theaters to the owners of the theaters. The Lynbrook Theater, Lynbrook, has consented to a $5,000 annual reduction in rent on condition that the new Fox Met. company leases the theater and a rent reduction has been obtained from the Tuxedo Theater under a similar guarantee and the further (proviso that Fox Met. extend time for payment of notes it holds on the house. "Glory" Beauty Contest Arranged for St. Louis A "Page Miss Glory" beauty contest has been set in St. Louis by H. Y. Harman, of the Shubert Rialto Theater in that city. The contest is being sponsored by the "Red Bird Associates", an organization supported by the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team and other local amusement groups with the object of boosting business sales of its constituent members. Radio programs five times daily for one week and newspaper stories will help seek out the girl who most closely resembles Marion Davies, star of the picture. The 250 members of this association will sponsor their own "Page Miss Glory" contest in their organizations. The winner will be St. Louis' "Miss Glory" for one day and one night, with an apartment at a leading hotel, a Lincoln car and chauffeur at her disposal, a shopping 'tour of department stores. She will be guest of honor at the Orpheum Theater there when "Page Miss Glory" opens. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER Sign for your winter fuel supply before prices are raised. Youthful Executive Staff for Goldwyn West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— The recent accession of Henry Potter to the production organization of Samuel Goldwyn establishes this producer's executive staff as the youngest in Hollywood. None of Goldwyn's production associates is more than 32 years old. Potter is 30. Georgs Haight, partner of Potter in a number of recent Broadway stage successes, and now associated with Goldwyn in a production capacity, is also 30. Merritt Hulburd, head of the Goldwyn story department, is 32. as is Elliott Nugent, director of the forthcoming Rachel Crothers screenplay, "Splendor." Gregg Toland, chief cameraman of the Goldwyn studios and one of Hollywood's foremost cinematographers, is 30. Edward Chodorov, staff writer, is also 30. Detroit Doings Detroit — First opening of a new theater by a major circuit here in seven years took place yesterday when the 1,200-seat Alden was launched by the Paramount group with Joseph Busick as manager. The Wolverine theater has been acquired by M. J. Mantho and S. T. Congress from Eddie Pascoe. The Madison theater is being restored to de luxe status by Paramount. Opening of Bell's Opera House in Benton Harbor by a Tiffin, O., operator is reported planned, with a vaudefilm policy. Krim Bros, have closed the Harmony, just acquired from John O'Dell circuit, for reconstruction. Eddie Rosenbaum, Columbia publicist, has gone to the Buffalo exchange for ten days. "China Seas" gave the United Artists its biggest opening day in a year. Al Dezel is on an upstate trip, with Clifford Johnson, salesman, handling the office in his absence. Mrs. Willia'm Smith has sold the Our theater in Quincy to Homer Cox. Changes at the M-G-M exchange include the promotion of W. B. Potts to chief shipping clerk, replacing Austin Patrick, who left to enter the University of Michigan; appointment of Herman Spachner as assistant to Potts; Arthur Zuelch made a booker; Cliff Perry named chief of the poster division. Lew Metzger of Vitagraph, Lee Paris of Film Truck Service and Dorothy Zirbes of Excellent back from vacations William Passanen now vacationing. Chicago Chat Chicago— Dewey Monson of the Knickerbocker theater, Nashville, Tenn., is in Chicago on business. Ludwig Sussman, owner of the Adelphi theater, held a memorial for Will Rogers and Wiley Post and gave each patron who attended a photograph of Rogers. Henry Herbel, manager of the local Universal office, recently became the father of a girl, Janice. This is Mr. and Mrs. Herbel's fourth child. Eleanor Whitney, 17-year-old Cleveland girl who recently appeared at the Chicago theater with Rudy Vallee and was held over by B. & K. for a week at the Oriental, has left for Hollywood, having been signed by Paramount studios. Pittsburgh Briefs Pittsburgh — Both Loew's Penn and the Harris-Alvin return to stage shows next month. Leo Hagdorn, Herman Littlestone, Dave Milton and Wally Nordby, former exhibitors, around Film Row again planning to re-enter the motion picture business. H. DeBay named manager of the Palace Theater in Charleroi by Mrs. J. L. Keaser, owner. Sidney Pink promoted to the managerial post at the Elite Theater, succeeding Israel White who died. Making an unusual move, Warners acquired "China Seas" for a second week's showing at their Warner Theater, moving the film from Loew's Penn where it played to record breaking business. This is the first M-G-M picture ever to play a first-run KB house here. Filmack Expanding Chicago — Irving Mack, head of Filmack Trailer Co., announces a campaign of expansion due to a sharp increase in business. Additional office space is being taken and the personnel increased. Mack has just appointed Joe Abramson business manager of the company. Abramson for nine years was secretary of the Chicago Film Board of Trade and also was with the Coston Booking Circuit, Warner exchange and United Artists exchange. Spanish Color Featurette Previewed "Milagroso (Miraculous) Hollywood," the first featurette in Spanish in natural color, was previewed yesterday at the RKO projection room at the Music Hall. It features Tito Guizar and was produced by Raul Gurruchaga, who was present at the preview. RKO has distribution of the featurette only in foreign countries. Gurruchaga, connected with RKO's Hollywood studio, recently acted as technical advisor on "Hi, Gaucho!" 4 Radio Plugs Set for "Melody" Four radio music plugs are announced in connection with M-G-M's forthcoming September release, "Broadway Melody of 1936." They are: Aug. 23, Station WABC, Studebaker program, featuring "Broadway Rhythm"; Aug. 24, Station WJZ, Theater Premier program, complete score; Aug. 29, Station WEAF, Maxwell program, featuring "Lucky Star," "Broadway Rhythm" and "I've Got a Feelin' You're Foolin'," and Sept. 5, Station WEAF, Rudy Vallee program, complete score. SELZNIGK CONFERRING 1 ON NEW ORGANIZATION (Continued from Page 1) for about ten days holding conferences toward the final establishment of a complete and permanent producing organization. The producer has begun to establish his own roster of acting and directing talent. He also will sign up authors and other staff personnel. First picture on his new schedule will be "Little Lord Fauntleroy", with Freddie Bartholomew. Iowa Items Des Moines — Marion Parkinson, owner of the Iowa Theater, Jefferson, la., is taking a two-week iplane trip to Mexico and southern California, flying his own plane. He is accompanied by Mrs. Parkinson. Hale Cavanaugh, manager of the Orpheum here, has returned from vacation. Stanley Mayer, Fox manager in Des Moines, was called to Kansas City this week by the illness of his mother. "Call of the Wild" is being held over at the Des Moines Theater, the first picture to be held over at the house. "Doubting Thomas," Will Rogers picture, also holds over at the Roosevelt, second run. A. H. Blank, president of TriStates Theaters, back from a vacation at Breezy Point, Minn. Cast of "Broadway Hostess" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Frank Dawson will play the butler in "Broadway Hostess," which is now in production at the First National studios. Winifred Shaw and Phil Regan have the leading roles in this musical romance and sing several songs together. Bobby Connolly is directing two production numbers to music written by Allie Wrubel and Mort Dixon. Among the featured players in the cast are Genevieve Tobin, Lyle Talbot, Allen Jenkins, Donald Ross, Spring Byington and Harry Seymour. Frank McDonald is directing George Bricker's adaptation of an original story by Ben Kaye. i AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT Marlene Dietrich's personal wardrobe [includes 30 pairs of white slacks and J27 white blouses.— PARAMOUNT.